HB 613

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to police pursuits of fleeing vehicles;
3requiring the Criminal Justice Standards and Training
4Commission to establish a model policy governing the
5pursuit of fleeing vehicles by law enforcement officers;
6establishing model policy guidelines; requiring state and
7local law enforcement agencies to adopt policies for
8vehicle pursuits; requiring officer training in vehicle-
9pursuit policies; providing a penalty; providing an
10effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  (1)  By July 1, 2007, the Criminal Justice
15Standards and Training Commission within the Department of Law
16Enforcement shall adopt a model policy governing the conduct of
17law enforcement officers who are pursuing a vehicle that is
18fleeing a law enforcement officer. The commission shall consider
19comments from the public when adopting the policy. The model
20policy shall, at a minimum, contain the following components:
21     (a)  A statement describing that the philosophy of the
22model policy is that the safety of persons affected by a vehicle
23pursuit is of primary importance. It must also balance the risks
24of a vehicle pursuit to the public and law enforcement officers
25with the consequences of the failure to pursue such vehicle.
26     (b)  The factors to consider before initiating or
27terminating a vehicle pursuit and the standards for determining
28whether to initiate or terminate a vehicle pursuit.
29     (c)  The procedures, tactics, and technologies used during
30vehicle pursuits.
31     (d)  The responsibilities of the pursuing officers, the
32officers supervising the pursuit, the dispatcher, and air
33support personnel.
34     (e)  The procedures governing interjurisdictional pursuits.
35     (f)  The procedures governing the care of any person
36injured during the pursuit.
37     (g)  The contents of pursuit reports.
38     (h)  The procedures used to evaluate each pursuit.
39     (2)  Each state and local law enforcement agency must:
40     (a)  Establish a written policy governing the conduct of
41the agency's law enforcement officers who pursue a fleeing
42vehicle. The policy must, at a minimum, comply with the
43requirements of the model pursuit policy adopted by the
44commission and must consider the public comments and any
45technology for pursuit vehicles which is available.
46     (b)  Certify annually to the commission that it has adopted
47a written policy in compliance with the model pursuit policy.
48     (3)  The board shall assist each state and local law
49enforcement agency in developing and implementing pursuit
51     (4)(a)  By July 1, 2007, the commission shall prepare
52learning objectives for instructing law enforcement officers in
53emergency vehicle operations and in the conduct of vehicle
54pursuits. The course shall consist of at least 7 hours of
55classroom and skills-based training.
56     (b)  A person who has not received the training required by
57this section may not take any examination for licensure as a law
58enforcement officer on or after July 1, 2007.
59     (5)  Each state and local law enforcement agency shall
60provide in-service training in emergency vehicle operations and
61in the conduct of vehicle pursuits to all law enforcement
62officers employed by the agency who may be involved in a vehicle
63pursuit, based on the officers' responsibilities. The training
64must comply with learning objectives approved by the commission
65and shall consist of at least 8 hours of classroom and skills-
66based training every 3 years.
67     (6)  The commission may impose licensing sanctions and seek
68injunctive relief for the failure of an agency to comply with
69the requirements of this act.
70     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.