Florida Senate - 2006                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. HJR 631, 1st Eng.
                        Barcode 491192
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .         C/2R       
                                   .         05/04/2006 12:23:53
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: 1/AD/3R          .                    
       05/02/2006 11:10 AM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senators Klein, Campbell, and Miller moved the following
12  amendment:
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On lines 81 through 113, delete those lines
17  and insert:  
18         (g)  Each veteran who is age 65 or older who is
19  partially or totally permanently disabled shall receive a
20  discount from the amount of the ad valorem tax otherwise owed
21  on homestead property the veteran owns and resides in if the
22  disability was combat related, the veteran was a resident of
23  this state at the time of entering the military service of the
24  United States, and the veteran was honorably discharged upon
25  separation from military service. The discount shall be in a
26  percentage equal to the percentage of the veteran's permanent,
27  service-connected disability as determined by the United
28  States Department of Veterans Affairs. To qualify for the
29  discount granted by this subsection, an applicant must submit
30  to the county property appraiser, by March 1, proof of
31  residency at the time of entering military service, an
    2:59 PM   05/01/06                           h063103e1c-30-t01

Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HJR 631, 1st Eng. Barcode 491192 1 official letter from the United States Department of Veterans 2 Affairs stating the percentage of the veteran's 3 service-connected disability and such evidence that reasonably 4 identifies the disability as combat related, and a copy of the 5 veteran's honorable discharge. If the property appraiser 6 denies the request for a discount, the appraiser must notify 7 the applicant in writing of the reasons for the denial, and 8 the veteran may reapply. The Legislature may, by general law, 9 waive the annual application requirement in subsequent years. 10 This subsection shall take effect December 7, 2006, is 11 self-executing, and does not require implementing legislation. 12 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be 13 placed on the ballot: 14 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 15 ARTICLE VII, SECTION 6 16 PERMANENTLY DISABLED VETERANS' DISCOUNT ON HOMESTEAD AD 17 VALOREM TAX.--Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution 18 to provide a discount from the amount of ad valorem tax on the 19 homestead of a partially or totally permanently disabled 20 veteran who is age 65 or older who was a Florida resident at 21 22 23 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 24 And the title is amended as follows: 25 On page 1, line 6, delete that line 26 27 and insert: 28 on the homestead of a veteran who meets 29 30 31 2 2:59 PM 05/01/06 h063103e1c-30-t01