Florida Senate - 2006                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. HB 687, 1st Eng.
                        Barcode 534124
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: WD/2R            .                    
       05/03/2006 01:36 PM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Rich moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Between lines 34 and 35,
16  insert:  
17         (d)  To a commercial data aggregator that contracts
18  with law enforcement agencies or national homeland security
19  agencies if such information will be used only to support the
20  performance of the lawful duties of such agencies.
21         1.  The commercial data aggregator may not publicly
22  display in any manner any information concerning the concealed
23  weapon license of an individual. As used in this paragraph,
24  the term "publicly display" means to intentionally communicate
25  or otherwise make available to the public or any customer
26  other than law enforcement agencies or national homeland
27  security agencies.
28         2.  A person who falsely certifies to a commercial data
29  aggregator that he or she is acting on behalf of an authorized
30  law enforcement agency and thereby accesses information
31  concerning the concealed weapon license of an individual
    10:43 AM   05/03/06                          h068703e1c-34-s02

Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 687, 1st Eng. Barcode 534124 1 commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided 2 in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 3 3. An individual holding a concealed weapons license 4 has a private right of action against a person or entity that 5 falsely certifies to a commercial data aggregator that it is 6 acting on behalf of an authorized law enforcement agency and 7 thereby accesses information concerning such license. 8 4. If a court finds that a commercial data aggregator 9 or its employees acted with negligence or willful misconduct 10 in failing to implement a commercially reasonable computer 11 security firewall to protect the security and privacy of the 12 information concerning the concealed weapon license of an 13 individual or in failing to act with due diligence when a 14 customer applies for access to such information, which action 15 results in the information being publicly displayed, such data 16 aggregator is subject to a penalty of $5,000 for each 17 individual whose personal identifying information was publicly 18 displayed and for each application resulting in such public 19 display. The Attorney General may bring a civil cause of 20 action to enforce the fines assessed under this subparagraph. 21 22 23 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 24 And the title is amended as follows: 25 On line 8, after the semicolon, 26 27 insert: 28 authorizing the disclosure of such information 29 by a commercial data aggregator to certain law 30 enforcement agencies under certain conditions; 31 prohibiting a commercial data aggregator from 2 10:43 AM 05/03/06 h068703e1c-34-s02
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 687, 1st Eng. Barcode 534124 1 publicly displaying such information; providing 2 that disclosure of such information to 3 unauthorized persons by a commercial data 4 aggregator is a third-degree felony; providing 5 for criminal penalties; providing a private 6 right of action against a person accessing such 7 information by making false representations to 8 a commercial data aggregator; authorizing civil 9 fines for a commercial data aggregator that 10 fails to undertake certain activities to 11 protect the security and privacy of such 12 information; providing for enforcement of the 13 fines by the Attorney General; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 10:43 AM 05/03/06 h068703e1c-34-s02