HB 0687CS


1The Governmental Operations Committee recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to public records; creating s. 790.0601,
8F.S.; creating an exemption from public records
9requirements for certain personal identifying information
10held by the Division of Licensing of the Department of
11Agriculture and Consumer Services; providing for
12retroactive application of the exemption; providing for
13disclosure of such information under specified conditions;
14providing for review and repeal; providing a statement of
15public necessity; providing an effective date.
17Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
19     Section 1.  Section 790.0601, Florida Statutes, is created
20to read:
21     790.0601  Public records exemption for concealed weapons.--
22     (1)  Personal identifying information of an individual who
23has applied for or received a license to carry a concealed
24weapon or firearm pursuant to s. 790.06 held by the Division of
25Licensing of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
26is confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art.
27I of the State Constitution. This exemption applies to such
28information held by the division before, on, or after the
29effective date of this section.
30     (2)  Information made confidential and exempt by this
31section shall be disclosed:
32     (a)  With the express written consent of the applicant or
33licensee or his or her legally authorized representative.
34     (b)  By court order upon a showing of good cause.
35     (c)  Upon written request by law enforcement in connection
36with an active criminal investigation.
37     (3)  This section is subject to the Open Government Sunset
38Review Act in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed
39on October 2, 2011, unless reviewed and saved from repeal
40through reenactment by the Legislature.
41     Section 2.  The Legislature finds that it is a public
42necessity that the personal identifying information of an
43individual who has applied for or received a license to carry a
44concealed weapon or firearm held by the Division of Licensing of
45the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services be made
46confidential and exempt from public records requirements, with
47certain exceptions. The carrying of a concealed weapon in the
48state by members of the general public requires an individual to
49obtain a license from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
50Services. The applicant for a license to carry a concealed
51weapon or firearm must state that he or she seeks a concealed
52weapon or firearms license as a means of lawful self-defense.
53The knowledge that someone has applied for or received a license
54to carry a concealed weapon or firearm can very easily lead to
55the conclusion that the applicant or licensee has in fact armed
56himself or herself. This knowledge defeats the purpose behind
57the authorization to carry a concealed weapon or firearm. If the
58applicant or licensee had intended for the general public to
59know he or she was carrying a weapon or firearm, he or she would
60have applied for a regular weapon or firearms permit rather than
61a license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm. The
62Legislature has found in prior legislative sessions and has
63expressed in s. 790.335(1)(a)3., Florida Statutes, that a record
64of legally owned firearms or law-abiding firearm owners is "an
65instrument that can be used as a means to profile innocent
66citizens and to harass and abuse American citizens based solely
67on their choice to own firearms and exercise their Second
68Amendment right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under the
69United States Constitution." Release of personal identifying
70information of an individual who has applied for or received a
71license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm could be used to
72harass an innocent person based solely on that person's
73exercised right to carry a concealed weapon or firearm. Further,
74such information could be used and has been used to identify
75individuals who have obtained a license to carry a concealed
76weapon or firearm for the purpose of making the identity of the
77applicant or licensee publicly available via traditional media
78and the Internet. Once again, such public disclosure contradicts
79the purpose of carrying a concealed weapon or firearm.
80Therefore, the Legislature finds that the personal identifying
81information of an individual who has applied for or received a
82license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm pursuant to
83chapter 790, Florida Statutes, must be held confidential and
84exempt from public records requirements.
85     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.