Senate Bill sb0700c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2006                            CS for SB 700

    By the Committees on Governmental Oversight and Productivity;
    and Domestic Security


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to a review under the Open

  3         Government Sunset Review Act; amending s.

  4         395.1056, F.S., relating to exemptions from

  5         public-records requirements provided for

  6         portions of comprehensive emergency management

  7         plans which address a hospital's response to

  8         terrorism and an exemption from public-meetings

  9         requirements provided for portions of public

10         meetings which would reveal an emergency

11         management plan that is exempt from disclosure;

12         saving the exemptions from repeal under the

13         Open Government Sunset Review Act; deleting

14         provisions providing for the repeal of the

15         exemptions; providing for retroactive

16         application of the exemptions; providing an

17         effective date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Section 395.1056, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         395.1056  Plan components addressing a hospital's

24  response to terrorism; public records exemption; public

25  meetings exemption.--

26         (1)(a)  Those portions of a comprehensive emergency

27  management plan which address the response of a public or

28  private hospital to an act of terrorism as defined by s.

29  775.30 and which are held by filed with or are in the

30  possession of the agency, a state or local law enforcement

31  agency, a county or municipal emergency management agency, the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2006                            CS for SB 700

 1  Executive Office of the Governor, the Department of Health, or

 2  the Department of Community Affairs are confidential and

 3  exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art.

 4  I of the State Constitution. This exemption is remedial in

 5  nature, and it is the intent of the Legislature that this

 6  exemption be applied to plans filed with the agency before,

 7  on, or after the effective date of this section.

 8         (b)  Information made confidential and exempt by this

 9  subsection may be disclosed by a custodial agency to another

10  state or federal agency to prevent, detect, guard against,

11  respond to, investigate, or manage the consequences of any

12  attempted or actual act of terrorism, or to prosecute those

13  persons who are responsible for such attempts or acts, and the

14  confidential and exempt status of such information shall be

15  retained while in the possession of the receiving agency.

16         (c)  Portions of a comprehensive emergency management

17  plan which address the response of a public or private

18  hospital to an act of terrorism include those portions

19  addressing:

20         1.  Security systems or plans;

21         2.  Vulnerability analyses;

22         3.  Emergency evacuation transportation;

23         4.  Sheltering arrangements;

24         5.  Postdisaster activities, including provisions for

25  emergency power, communications, food, and water;

26         6.  Postdisaster transportation;

27         7.  Supplies, including drug caches;

28         8.  Staffing;

29         9.  Emergency equipment; and

30         10.  Individual identification of residents, transfer

31  of records, and methods of responding to family inquiries.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2006                            CS for SB 700

 1  This subsection is subject to the Open Government Sunset

 2  Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall

 3  stand repealed October 2, 2006, unless reviewed and saved from

 4  repeal through reenactment by the Legislature.

 5         (2)  Those portions of a comprehensive emergency

 6  management plan which address the response of a public

 7  hospital to an act of terrorism as defined by s. 775.30 and

 8  which are held by in the custody of that public hospital are

 9  exempt from the requirements of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a),

10  Art. I of the State Constitution. Portions of a comprehensive

11  emergency management plan which address the response of a

12  public hospital to an act of terrorism include those portions

13  addressing:

14         (a)  Security systems or plans;

15         (b)  Vulnerability analyses;

16         (c)  Emergency evacuation transportation;

17         (d)  Sheltering arrangements;

18         (e)  Postdisaster activities, including provisions for

19  emergency power, communications, food, and water;

20         (f)  Postdisaster transportation;

21         (g)  Supplies, including drug caches;

22         (h)  Staffing;

23         (i)  Emergency equipment; and

24         (j)  Individual identification of residents, transfer

25  of records, and methods of responding to family inquiries.

26  This subsection is subject to the Open Government Sunset

27  Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall

28  stand repealed October 2, 2006, unless reviewed and saved from

29  repeal through reenactment by the Legislature.

30         (3)  The public-records exemptions provided by this

31  section are remedial in nature, and it is the intent of the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2006                            CS for SB 700

 1  Legislature that the exemptions apply to plans held by a

 2  custodial agency before, on, or after October 1, 2006.

 3         (4)(3)  Any portion of a public meeting which would

 4  reveal information contained in a comprehensive emergency

 5  management plan which addresses the response of a hospital to

 6  an act of terrorism is exempt from the provisions of s.

 7  286.011 and s. 24(b), Art. I of the State Constitution. This

 8  subsection is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act

 9  of 1995 in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed

10  October 2, 2006, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through

11  reenactment by the Legislature.

12         (5)(4)  The certification by the Governor, in

13  coordination with the Department of Health, of the sufficiency

14  of a comprehensive emergency management plan that addresses

15  the response of a hospital to an act of terrorism is not

16  exempt.

17         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2006.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
20                              SB 700


22  Reorganizes the exemption.

23  Removes unnecessary language regarding custodial requirements.










CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.