HCR 7005

House Concurrent Resolution
2A concurrent resolution proposing the adoption of Joint
3Rule 10, Joint Rules of the Florida Legislature, relating
4to the Joint Legislative Claims Committee.
6     WHEREAS, section 13, Article X, of the State Constitution
7gives the Legislature the exclusive authority to make provision
8"by general law for bringing suit against the state as to all
9liabilities now existing or hereafter originating," and
10     WHEREAS, the Legislature provided for bringing suit against
11the state and its agencies and subdivisions by the enactment of
12section 768.28, Florida Statutes, and
13     WHEREAS, section 768.28, Florida Statutes, is a limited
14waiver of sovereign immunity and provides caps on the amount of
15a claim that may be paid thereunder, and
16     WHEREAS, judgments or settlements against uninsured state
17agencies or subdivisions that exceed the statutory caps may only
18be paid by further act of the Legislature, and
19     WHEREAS, Joint Rule 10 establishes an internal process of
20the Legislature and does not create any new rights or remedy,
22     WHEREAS, Joint Rule 10 is not intended and shall not be
23construed to create any right to legislative hearing or
24consideration of a claim bill, and
25     WHEREAS, Joint Rule 10 shall not be construed to waive any
26defense of sovereign immunity or to increase the limits of
27liability on behalf of the state or any person or entity subject
28to the provisions of section 768.28, Florida Statutes, NOW,
31Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
32Florida, the Senate Concurring:
34     That Joint Rule 10, Joint Rules of the Florida Legislature,
35is hereby created to read:
Joint Rule Ten
Joint Legislative Claims Committee
38     10.1-Filing Claim Bills
39     (1)  All claim bills filed in the Florida Legislature shall
40be considered through the procedure set out in this joint rule.
41     (2)  Claim bills shall be filed with the Secretary of the
42Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, as
43required by the rules of each chamber.
44     (3)  Local claim bills must be filed by a member of the
45legislative delegation where any claimant resides or where any
46claimant resided when the cause of action occurred. If the
47claimant resides outside of the state, a local claim bill may be
48filed by any member. General claim bills may be filed by any
50     (4)  Upon filing, each claim bill shall be immediately
51referred to the Joint Legislative Claims Committee. The bill may
52also be referred to one appropriations committee in each
53chamber, at the discretion of the presiding officer of each
54chamber. No additional referrals shall be made.
55     (5)  After a claim bill has been voted favorably by the
56Joint Legislative Claims Committee, the bill shall be reported
57to the chamber in which it originated for referral to an
58appropriations committee or to be placed directly on the
59calendar of each chamber in accordance with the rules of that
61     (6)  The joint committee is authorized to request that
62claim bills be placed on a consent calendar in both chambers.
63     (7)  Notwithstanding any other rule of the House of
64Representatives or rule of the Senate to the contrary, a member
65shall not be restricted in the number of claim bills that he or
66she may file for a regular session.
67     10.2-Appointment of Members of the Joint Legislative Claims
68Committee; Powers and Duties
69     (1)  There shall be a Joint Legislative Claims Committee,
70the membership of which shall consist of five members of the
71House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House
72of Representatives and five members of the Senate appointed by
73the President of the Senate.
74     (2)  The Joint Legislative Claims Committee shall meet at
75times and places necessary to perform the functions assigned to
77     (3)  Action by a majority vote of the membership of the
78joint committee shall control and be conclusive on any matter
79considered by the Joint Legislative Claims Committee.
80     (4)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
81appoint the chair in odd years and the vice chair in even years,
82and the President of the Senate shall appoint the chair in even
83years and the vice chair in odd years, from among the committee
85     (5)  The salaries and expenses of the staff of the Joint
86Legislative Claims Committee shall be paid from the
87Legislature's approved operating budget.
88     (6)  The chair of the joint committee shall have the
89authority to set the committee's agenda and set priorities for
90special master consideration.
91     (7)  The joint committee is authorized to publish
92biannually a manual detailing the policies and procedures of the
93joint committee, subject to the approval by the presiding
95     10.3-Hearings
96     (1)  A special master shall have the authority to control
97all proceedings before the special master, including the
98authority to:
99     (a)  Conduct hearings, prehearing conferences, and
100management conferences pursuant to reasonable notice;
101     (b)  Allow discovery if deemed beneficial to the
102consideration of the claim bill;
103     (c)  Administer oaths to witnesses;
104     (d)  Admit or reject evidence;
105     (e)  Make arrangements for preparing a record of the
107     (f)  Accept tangible and documentary evidence;
108     (g)  Issue subpoenas as provided by law; and
109     (h)  Take such other steps as are reasonably necessary to
110conduct a thorough and orderly investigation of the basis for
111the claim bill.
112     (2)  In all proceedings before the special master, the
113provisions of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and the
114Florida Evidence Code shall be instructive; however, at the
115discretion of the special master, the proceedings may be as
116informal as necessary to achieve an equitable disposition of the
117claim bill.
118     (3)  Upon completion of the hearing and other proceedings
119incidental thereto, the special master shall prepare and submit
120a report to the Joint Legislative Claims Committee, which report
121shall contain findings of fact, conclusions of law, collateral
122sources of recovery, and recommendations regarding the
123disposition of the claim bill.
124     (4)  Stipulations as to the amount of awards entered into
125by the parties are not binding upon the special master or upon
126the House of Representatives, the Senate, or any member of any
127committee thereof.
128     (5)  The hearing and consideration of a claim bill shall be
129held in abeyance until all available administrative and judicial
130remedies have been exhausted, except that the hearing and
131consideration of a claim that is still within the judicial or
132administrative system may proceed when the parties have executed
133a written settlement agreement.
134     (6)  The special master and the joint committee are
135authorized to examine lobbying fees regarding any filed claim
136bill. Lobbying fees shall be presumed excessive if they are more
138     (a)  Three percent of the total amount awarded in the bill
139for a claim that is settled when filed; or
140     (b)  Five percent of the total amount awarded in the bill
141for a claim that is not settled when filed.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.