HB 7037CS


1The Finance & Tax Committee recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
House Joint Resolution
6A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Section 7 of
7Article XI of the State Constitution, relating to state
8tax or fee limitations, to specify application to
9imposition of new state taxes or fees or increases in
10existing state taxes or fees that would produce revenues
11to state government and to include a limitation on any
12amendment or revision to the State Constitution that would
13result in significant additional spending by state
16Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     That the following amendment to Section 7 of Article XI of
19the State Constitution is agreed to and shall be submitted to
20the electors of this state for approval or rejection at the next
21general election or at an earlier special election specifically
22authorized by law for that purpose:
25     SECTION 7.  Tax, or fee, or significant financial impact
26limitation.--Notwithstanding Article X, Section 12(d) of this
28     (a)  No amendment or revision to this constitution that
29imposes a new state tax or fee shall become effective be imposed
30on or after November 8, 1994 by any amendment to this
31constitution unless the proposed amendment or revision is
32approved by not fewer than two-thirds of the voters voting in
33the election in which such proposed amendment or revision is
34considered. For purposes of this subsection section, the phrase
35"new state tax or fee" shall mean any tax or fee that which
36would produce revenue to state government. subject to lump sum
37or other appropriation by the Legislature, either for the state
38general revenue fund or any trust fund, which tax or fee is not
39in effect on November 7, 1994 including without limitation such
40taxes and fees as are the subject of proposed constitutional
41amendments appearing on the ballot on November 8, 1994. This
42section shall apply to proposed constitutional amendments
43relating to State taxes or fees which appear on the November 8,
441994 ballot, or later ballots, and Any such proposed amendment
45or revision that which fails to gain the two-thirds vote
46required by this subsection hereby shall be null, void, and
47without effect.
48     (b)  No amendment or revision to this constitution that
49increases an existing state tax or fee shall become effective
50unless the proposed amendment or revision is approved by not
51fewer than two-thirds of the voters voting in the election in
52which such proposed amendment or revision is considered. For
53purposes of this subsection, the phrase "existing state tax or
54fee" means any tax or fee that produces revenue to state
55government. Any such proposed amendment or revision that fails
56to gain the two-thirds vote required by this subsection shall be
57null, void, and without effect.
58     (c)  No amendment or revision to this constitution that
59would result in significant additional spending by state
60government shall become effective unless the proposed amendment
61or revision is approved by not fewer than two-thirds of the
62voters voting in the election in which such proposed amendment
63or revision is considered. For purposes of this subsection, the
64phrase "significant additional spending" means additional
65spending by the state in any state fiscal year prior to and
66including the first state fiscal year of full implementation of
67the amendment or revision, in an amount greater than one-tenth
68of one percent of the total state budget, as established in the
69general appropriations act approved by the governor, for the
70state fiscal year ending in the calendar year prior to the year
71of the election in which such proposed amendment or revision is
72considered. The determination of whether a proposed amendment or
73revision would result in significant additional spending by
74state government shall be made and certified in accordance with
75general law. Any such proposed amendment or revision that fails
76to gain the two-thirds vote required by this subsection shall be
77null, void, and without effect.
78     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be
79placed on the ballot:
84measure proposing to amend the State Constitution, a proposed
85amendment or revision to the State Constitution that increases
86an existing state tax or fee would have to be approved by at
87least two-thirds of those voters voting in the election in which
88the amendment or revision is considered. For the purposes of
89this measure, "existing state tax or fee" means any tax or fee
90that produces revenue to state government. This measure would
91also require that a proposed amendment or revision to the State
92Constitution that would result in significant additional
93spending by state government must be approved by at least two-
94thirds of those voters voting in the election in which the
95amendment or revision is considered. For the purposes of this
96measure, "significant additional spending" means additional
97spending in any state fiscal year prior to and including the
98first state fiscal year of full implementation, in an amount
99greater than one-tenth of one percent of the total state budget,
100as established in the General Appropriations Act approved by the
101Governor, for the state fiscal year ending in the year prior to
102the election in which such proposed amendment or revision is
103considered. The determination of whether a proposed amendment or
104revision would result in significant additional spending by
105state government would be made and certified in accordance with
106general law. This measure adds to an existing provision of the
107Florida Constitution, passed by Florida voters in 1996, that
108currently applies the same two-thirds vote requirement only to a
109proposed amendment that imposes a new state tax or fee. All
110other proposed amendments or revisions presently must be
111approved by only a simple majority of those voting on the
112proposal. The measure also makes conforming changes in this
113section of the State Constitution and repeals obsolete
114provisions relating to items on the November 8, 1994, ballot.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.