HB 7051

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to certificates of need; transferring,
3renumbering, and amending s. 651.1185, F.S.; extending the
4moratorium on certificates of need for additional
5community nursing home beds until July 1, 2011; specifying
6nonapplication of a moratorium for the addition of nursing
7home beds in certain specified facilities; providing
8requirements and limitations; providing for repeal upon
9expiration of the moratorium; amending s. 408.040, F.S.;
10authorizing nursing homes in certain counties to request a
11reduction in their annual Medicaid patient days; requiring
12the Agency for Health Care Administration to automatically
13grant such a request if the nursing home meets certain
14conditions; providing for future repeal; providing an
15effective date.
17Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
19     Section 1.  Section 651.1185, Florida Statutes, is
20transferred, renumbered as section 408.0435, Florida Statutes,
21and amended to read:
22     408.0435 651.1185  Moratorium on nursing home certificates
23of need.--
24     (1)  Notwithstanding the establishment of need as provided
25for in this chapter 408, a no certificate of need for additional
26community nursing home beds may not shall be approved by the
27agency until July 1, 2011 2006.
28     (2)  The Legislature finds that the continued growth in the
29Medicaid budget for nursing home care has constrained the
30ability of the state to meet the needs of its elderly residents
31through the use of less restrictive and less institutional
32methods of long-term care. It is therefore the intent of the
33Legislature to limit the increase in Medicaid nursing home
34expenditures in order to provide funds to invest in long-term
35care that is community-based and provides supportive services in
36a manner that is both more cost-effective and more in keeping
37with the wishes of the elderly residents of this state.
38     (3)  This moratorium on certificates of need shall not
39apply to sheltered nursing home beds in a continuing care
40retirement community certified by the former Department of
41Insurance or by the Office of Insurance Regulation pursuant to
42chapter 651.
43     (4)(a)  The moratorium on certificates of need does not
44apply and a certificate of need for additional community nursing
45home beds may be approved for a county that meets the following
47     1.  The county has no community nursing home beds; and
48     2.  The lack of community nursing home beds occurs because
49all nursing home beds in the county that were licensed on July
501, 2001, have subsequently closed.
51     (b)  The certificate-of-need review for such circumstances
52shall be subject to the comparative review process consistent
53with the provisions of s. 408.039, and the number of beds may
54not exceed the number of beds lost by the county after July 1,
57This subsection shall be repealed upon the expiration of the
58moratorium established in subsection (1).
59     (5)  The moratorium on certificates of need does not apply
60for the addition of nursing home beds licensed under chapter 400
61to a nursing home located in a county having up to 50,000
62residents, in a number not exceeding 10 total beds or 10 percent
63of the number of beds licensed in the facility being expanded,
64whichever is greater. In addition to any other documentation
65required by the agency, a request submitted under this
66subsection must:
67     (a)  Certify that the facility has not had any class I or
68class II deficiencies within the 30 months preceding the request
69for addition.
70     (b)  Certify that the prior 12-month average occupancy rate
71for the nursing home beds at the facility meets or exceeds 94
72percent and the facility had not had any class I or class II
73deficiencies since its initial licensure.
74     (c)  For a facility that has been licensed for less than 24
75months, certify that the prior 6-month average occupancy rate
76for the nursing home beds at the facility meets or exceeds 94
77percent and that the facility has not had any class I or class
78II deficiencies since its initial licensure.
80This subsection shall be repealed upon the expiration of the
81moratorium established in subsection (1).
82     (6)  The moratorium on certificates of need does not apply
83for the addition of nursing home beds licensed under chapter 400
84in a number not exceeding 10 total beds or 10 percent of the
85number of beds licensed in the facility being expanded,
86whichever is greater, if the facility meets the requirements of
87paragraph (a).
88     (a)  In addition to any other documentation required by the
89agency, a request for the addition of beds under this subsection
90must certify that:
91     1.  The facility has not had any class I or class II
92deficiencies within the 30 months preceding the request for
94     2.  The prior 12-month average occupancy rate for the
95nursing home beds at the facility meets or exceeds 96 percent;
96     3.  The occupancy rate for nursing home beds in the
97subdistrict is 94 percent or greater; and
98     4.  Any beds authorized for the facility under this
99subsection before the date of the current request for additional
100beds have been licensed and operational for at least 12 months.
101     (b)  A nursing home may request additional beds under this
102subsection as an exemption from the provisions of s. 408.036(1).
103The timeframes and monitoring process specified in s.
104408.040(2)(a)-(c) apply to any exemption issued under this
106     (c)  The agency shall count beds authorized under this
107subsection as approved beds in the published inventory of
108nursing home beds until the beds are licensed.
110This subsection shall be repealed upon the expiration of the
111moratorium established in subsection (1).
112     Section 2.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section
113408.040, Florida Statutes, is redesignated as paragraph (e), and
114a new paragraph (d) is added to that subsection to read:
115     408.040  Conditions and monitoring.--
116     (1)
117     (d)  If a nursing home is located in a county in which a
118long-term care community diversion pilot project has been
119implemented under s. 430.705 or in a county in which an
120integrated, fixed-payment delivery system for Medicaid
121recipients who are 60 years of age or older has been implemented
122under s. 409.912(5), the nursing home may request a reduction in
123the percentage of annual patient days used by residents who are
124eligible for care under Title XIX of the Social Security Act,
125which is a condition of the nursing home's certificate of need.
126The agency shall automatically grant the nursing home's request
127if the reduction is not more than 15 percent of the nursing
128home's annual Medicaid-patient-days condition. A nursing home
129may submit only one request every 2 years for an automatic
130reduction. A requesting nursing home must notify the agency in
131writing at least 60 days in advance of its intent to reduce its
132annual Medicaid-patient-days condition by not more than 15
133percent. The agency must acknowledge the request in writing and
134must change its records to reflect the revised certificate-of-
135need condition. This paragraph expires June 30, 2011.
136     Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.