Florida Senate - 2006                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. HB 7079, 2nd Eng.
                        Barcode 280532
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: 1h/RS/3R         .                    
       05/04/2006 12:02 PM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Baker moved the following amendment to amendment
12  (220694):
14         Senate Amendment (with directory and title amendments) 
15         On page 29, before line 1,
17  insert:  
18         (3)(a)  Except as otherwise provided in this section,
19  $60 for all moving violations not requiring a mandatory
20  appearance.
21         (b)  For moving violations involving unlawful speed,
22  the fines are as follows:
24  For speed exceeding the limit by:                        Fine:
25  1-5 m.p.h..............................................Warning
26  6-9 m.p.h.................................................$ 25
27  10-14 m.p.h...............................................$100
28  15-19 m.p.h...............................................$125
29  20-29 m.p.h...............................................$150
30  30 m.p.h. and above.......................................$250
    4:08 PM   05/03/06                           h707903e2c-20-28c

Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 7079, 2nd Eng. Barcode 280532 1 (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), a person cited for 2 exceeding the speed limit by up to 5 m.p.h. in a legally 3 posted school zone will be fined $50. A person exceeding the 4 speed limit in a school zone shall pay a fine double the 5 amount listed in paragraph (b). 6 (d) A person cited for exceeding the speed limit in a 7 posted construction zone shall pay a fine double the amount 8 listed in paragraph (b). The fine shall be doubled for 9 construction zone violations only if construction personnel 10 are present or operating equipment on the road or immediately 11 adjacent to the road under construction. 12 (e) If a violation of s. 316.1301 or s. 316.1303 13 results in an injury to the pedestrian or damage to the 14 property of the pedestrian, an additional fine of up to $250 15 shall be paid. This amount must be distributed pursuant to s. 16 318.21. 17 (f) A person cited for exceeding the speed limit 18 within a zone posted for any electronic or manual toll 19 collection facility shall pay a fine double the amount listed 20 in paragraph (b). However, no person cited for exceeding the 21 speed limit in any toll collection zone shall be subject to a 22 doubled fine unless the governmental entity or authority 23 controlling the toll collection zone first installs a traffic 24 control device providing warning that speeding fines are 25 doubled. Any such traffic control device must meet the 26 requirements of the uniform system of traffic control devices. 27 (g) A person cited for a second or subsequent 28 conviction of speed exceeding the limit by 30 miles per hour 29 and above within a 12-month period shall pay a fine that is 30 double the amount listed in paragraph (b). For purposes of 31 this paragraph, the term "conviction" means a finding of 2 4:08 PM 05/03/06 h707903e2c-20-28c
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 7079, 2nd Eng. Barcode 280532 1 guilt, with or without adjudication of guilt, as a result of a 2 jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or 3 nolo contendere, notwithstanding s. 318.14(11). Moneys 4 received from the increased fine imposed by this paragraph 5 shall be remitted to the Department of Revenue and deposited 6 into the Department of Health Administrative Trust Fund to 7 provide financial support to certified trauma centers to 8 assure the availability and accessibility of trauma services 9 throughout the state. Funds deposited into the Administrative 10 Trust Fund under this section shall be allocated as follows: 11 1. Fifty percent shall be allocated equally among all 12 Level I, Level II, and pediatric trauma centers in recognition 13 of readiness costs for maintaining trauma services. 14 2. Fifty percent shall be allocated among Level I, 15 Level II, and pediatric trauma centers based on each center's 16 relative volume of trauma cases as reported in the Department 17 of Health Trauma Registry. 18 19 20 ==== D I R E C T O R Y C L A U S E A M E N D M E N T ==== 21 And the directory clause is amended as follows: 22 On page 28, line 27, delete that line 23 24 and insert: 25 Section 23. Subsections (3) and (12) of section 26 318.18, Florida 27 28 29 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 30 And the title is amended as follows: 31 On page 78, line 31, after the semicolon 3 4:08 PM 05/03/06 h707903e2c-20-28c
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 7079, 2nd Eng. Barcode 280532 1 insert: 2 providing increased penalties for certain 3 speed-limit violations; providing for 4 disposition of increased penalties; 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 4:08 PM 05/03/06 h707903e2c-20-28c