HB 7099

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to land trusts; amending s. 689.071, F.S.;
3providing a short title; providing definitions; revising
4provisions relating to land trust transfers of real
5property and vesting of ownership in a trustee; deleting a
6requirement that a trustee be qualified to act as a
7fiduciary; deleting obsolete references to "dower" and
8"curtesy"; specifying rights, liabilities, and duties of
9land trust beneficiaries; providing that the principal
10residence of a beneficiary which is held in a land trust
11may be entitled to the homestead tax exemption; providing
12for the appointment of successor trustees; providing
13requirements for declarations of appointment; providing
14that a trustee of a land trust may be a creditor of the
15trust or of a trust beneficiary; amending s. 201.02, F.S.;
16conforming a cross-reference; providing application;
17providing an effective date.
19Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21     Section 1.  Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, is amended
22to read:
23     689.071  Florida Land Trust Act trusts transferring
24interests in real estate; ownership vests in trustee.--
25     (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the
26"Florida Land Trust Act."
27     (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
28     (a)  "Beneficial interest" means any interest, vested or
29contingent and regardless of how small or minimal such interest
30may be, in a land trust which is held by a beneficiary.
31     (b)  "Beneficiary" means any person or entity having a
32beneficial interest in a land trust. A trustee may be a
33beneficiary of the land trust for which such trustee serves as
35     (c)  "Holder of the power of direction" means any person or
36entity having the authority to direct the trustee to convey
37property or interests, execute a mortgage, distribute proceeds
38of a sale or financing, and execute documents incidental to the
39administration of a land trust.
40     (d)  "Land trust" is not the creation of an entity, but
41means any express written agreement or arrangement by which a
42use, confidence, or trust is declared of any land, or of any
43charge upon land, for the use or benefit of any beneficiary,
44under which the title to real property, both legal and
45equitable, is held by a trustee, subject only to the execution
46of the trust, which may be enforced by the beneficiaries.
47     (e)  "Trustee" means the person or entity designated in a
48trust instrument to hold legal and equitable title to property
49of a land trust.
50     (3)(1)  OWNERSHIP VESTS IN TRUSTEE.--Every conveyance,
51deed, mortgage, lease assignment, or other instrument heretofore
52or hereafter made, hereinafter referred to as "the recorded
53instrument," transferring any interest in real property in this
54state, including, but not limited to, a leasehold or mortgagee
55interest, to any person or any, corporation, bank, trust
56company, or other entity duly formed under the laws of its state
57of qualification qualified to act as a fiduciary in this state,
58in which recorded instrument the person, corporation, bank,
59trust company, or other entity is designated "trustee," or "as
60trustee," without therein naming the beneficiaries of such
61trust, whether or not reference is made in the recorded
62instrument to any separate collateral unrecorded declarations or
63agreements, is effective to vest, and is hereby declared to have
64vested, in such trustee full rights of ownership over the real
65property or interest therein, with full power and authority as
66granted and provided in the recorded instrument to deal in and
67with the property or interest therein or any part thereof;
68provided, the recorded instrument confers on the trustee the
69power and authority either to protect, conserve and to sell, or
70to lease, or to encumber, or otherwise to manage and dispose of
71the real property described in the recorded instrument.
72     (4)(2)  NO DUTY TO INQUIRE.--Any grantee, mortgagee,
73lessee, transferee, assignee, or person obtaining satisfactions
74or releases or otherwise in any way dealing with the trustee
75with respect to the real property or any interest in such
76property properties held in trust under the recorded instrument,
77as hereinabove provided for, is not obligated to inquire into
78the identification or status of any named or unnamed
79beneficiaries, or their heirs or assigns to whom a trustee may
80be accountable under the terms of the recorded instrument, or
81under any unrecorded separate declarations or agreements
82collateral to the recorded instrument, whether or not such
83declarations or agreements are referred to therein; or to
84inquire into or ascertain the authority of such trustee to act
85within and exercise the powers granted under the recorded
86instrument; or to inquire into the adequacy or disposition of
87any consideration, if any is paid or delivered to such trustee
88in connection with any interest so acquired from such trustee;
89or to inquire into any of the provisions of any such unrecorded
90declarations or agreements.
91     (5)(3)  BENEFICIARY CLAIMS.--All persons dealing with the
92trustee under the recorded instrument as hereinabove provided
93take any interest transferred by the trustee thereunder, within
94the power and authority as granted and provided therein, free
95and clear of the claims of all the named or unnamed
96beneficiaries of such trust, and of any unrecorded declarations
97or agreements collateral thereto whether referred to in the
98recorded instrument or not, and of anyone claiming by, through,
99or under such beneficiaries. However, this section does not
100prevent including, and without limiting the foregoing to, any
101claim arising out of any dower or curtesy interest of the spouse
102of any beneficiary thereof; provided, nothing herein contained
103prevents a beneficiary of any such unrecorded collateral
104declarations or agreements from enforcing the terms thereof
105against the trustee.
106     (6)(4)  PERSONAL PROPERTY.--In all cases in which the
107recorded instrument, as hereinabove provided, contains a
108provision defining and declaring the interests of beneficiaries
109thereunder to be personal property only, such provision shall be
110controlling for all purposes when such determination becomes an
111issue under the laws or in the courts of this state.
112     (7)(5)  TRUSTEE LIABILITY.--In addition to any other
113limitation on personal liability existing pursuant to statute or
114otherwise, the provisions of s. 737.306 apply to the trustee of
115a land trust created pursuant to this section.
117     (a)  Except as provided in this section, the beneficiaries
118of a land trust are not liable, solely by being a beneficiary,
119under a judgment, decree, or order of court or in any other
120manner for a debt, obligation, or liability of the land trust.
121     (b)  Any beneficiary acting under the trust agreement of a
122land trust is not liable to the land trust's trustee or to any
123other beneficiary for the beneficiary's good faith reliance on
124the provisions of the trust agreement.
125     (c)  Chapter 679 applies to the perfection of any security
126interest in a beneficial interest in a land trust. The
127perfection of a security interest in a beneficial interest in a
128land trust does not impair or diminish the authority of the
129trustee under the recorded instrument, and parties dealing with
130the trustee are not required to inquire into the terms of the
131unrecorded trust agreement.
132     (d)  A beneficiary's duties and liabilities may be expanded
133or restricted in a trust agreement or beneficiary agreement.
134     (e)  Any subsequent document appearing of record in which a
135beneficiary of a trust transfers or encumbers the beneficial
136interest in the trust does not diminish or impair the authority
137of the trustee under the terms of the recorded instrument.
138Parties dealing with the trustee are not required to inquire
139into the terms of the unrecorded trust agreement.
140     (f)  An unrecorded trust agreement giving rise to a
141recorded instrument for a land trust may provide that one or
142more persons or entities have the power to direct the trustee to
143convey property or interests, execute a mortgage, distribute
144proceeds of a sale or financing, and execute documents
145incidental to administration of the land trust. The power of
146direction, unless provided otherwise in the land trust
147agreement, is conferred upon the holders of the power for the
148use and benefit of all holders of any beneficial interest in the
149land trust. In the absence of a provision in the land trust
150agreement to the contrary, the power of direction shall be in
151accordance with the percentage of individual ownership. In
152exercising the power of direction, the holders of the power of
153direction are presumed to act in a fiduciary capacity for the
154benefit of all holders of any beneficial interest in the trust,
155unless otherwise provided in the land trust agreement. A
156beneficial interest is indefeasible, and the power of direction
157may not be exercised so as to alter, amend, revoke, terminate,
158defeat, or otherwise affect or change the enjoyment of any
159beneficial interest.
160     (g)  A trust relating to real estate does not fail, and any
161use relating to real estate may not be defeated, because
162beneficiaries are not specified by name in the recorded deed of
163conveyance to the trustee or because duties are not imposed upon
164the trustee. The power conferred by any recorded deed of
165conveyance on a trustee to sell, lease, encumber, or otherwise
166dispose of property described in the deed is effective, and a
167person dealing with the trustee is not required to inquire any
168further into the right of the trustee to act or the disposition
169of any proceeds.
170     (h)  The principal residence of a beneficiary may be
171entitled to the homestead tax exemption even if the homestead is
172held by a trustee in a land trust.
173     (9)  SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.--
174     (a)  The provisions of s. 737.309 relating to the
175resignation of a trustee do not apply to the appointment of a
176successor trustee under this section.
177     (b)  If the recorded instrument and the unrecorded land
178trust agreement are silent as to the appointment of a successor
179trustee in the event of the death, incapacity, resignation, or
180termination due to dissolution of a land trustee or if a land
181trustee is unable to serve as trustee, one or more persons or
182entities having the power of direction of the land trust
183agreement may appoint a successor trustee or trustees of the
184land trust by filing a declaration of appointment of a successor
185trustee or trustees in the office of the recorder of deeds in
186the county in which the trust property is located. The
187declaration must be signed by a beneficiary or beneficiaries of
188the trust and by each successor trustee, must be acknowledged in
189the manner provided for acknowledgment of deeds, and must
191     1.  The legal description of the trust property.
192     2.  The name and address of the former trustee.
193     3.  The name and address of each successor trustee.
194     4.  A statement that each successor trustee has been
195appointed by one or more persons or entities having the power of
196direction of the land trust, together with an acceptance of
197appointment by each successor trustee.
198     (c)  If the recorded instrument is silent as to the
199appointment of a successor trustee or trustees but an unrecorded
200land trust agreement provides for the appointment of a successor
201trustee or trustees in the event of the death, incapacity,
202resignation, or termination due to dissolution of the land
203trustee, upon the appointment of any successor trustee pursuant
204to the terms of the unrecorded land trust agreement, each
205successor trustee shall file a declaration of appointment of a
206successor trustee in the office of the recorder of deeds in the
207county in which the trust property is located. The declaration
208must be signed by both the former trustee and each successor
209trustee, must be acknowledged in the manner provided for
210acknowledgment of deeds, and must contain:
211     1.  The legal description of the trust property.
212     2.  The name and address of the former trustee.
213     3.  The name and address of the successor trustee.
214     4.  A statement of resignation by the former trustee and a
215statement of acceptance of appointment by each successor
217     5.  A statement that each successor trustee was duly
218appointed under the terms of the unrecorded land trust
221If the appointment of any successor trustee is due to the death
222or incapacity of the former trustee, the declaration need not be
223signed by the former trustee and a copy of the death certificate
224or a statement that the former trustee is incapacitated or
225unable to serve must be attached to or included in the
226declaration, as applicable.
227     (d)  If the recorded instrument provides for the
228appointment of any successor trustee and any successor trustee
229is appointed in accordance with the recorded instrument, no
230additional declarations of appointment of any successor trustee
231are required under this section.
232     (e)  Each successor land trustee appointed is fully vested
233with all the estate, properties, rights, powers, trusts, duties,
234and obligations of the predecessor land trustee, except that any
235successor land trustee is not under any duty to inquire into the
236acts or omissions of a predecessor trustee and is not liable for
237any act or failure to act of a predecessor trustee. A person
238dealing with any successor trustee pursuant to a declaration
239filed under this section is not obligated to inquire into or
240ascertain the authority of the successor trustee to act within
241or exercise the powers granted under the recorded instruments or
242any unrecorded declarations or agreements.
243     (f)  A land trust agreement may provide that the trustee,
244when directed to do so by the beneficiaries of the land trust or
245legal representatives of the beneficiaries, may convey the trust
246property directly to another trustee on behalf of the
247beneficiaries or others named by the beneficiaries.
248     (10)  TRUSTEE AS CREDITOR.--
249     (a)  If a debt is secured by a security interest in a
250beneficial interest in a land trust or by a mortgage on land
251trust property, the validity or enforceability of the debt,
252security interest, or mortgage and the rights, remedies, powers,
253and duties of the creditor with respect to the debt or the
254security are not affected by the fact that the creditor and the
255trustee are the same person or entity, and the creditor may
256extend credit, obtain any necessary security interest or
257mortgage, and acquire and deal with the property comprising the
258security as though the creditor were not the trustee.
259     (b)  A trustee of a land trust does not breach a fiduciary
260duty to the beneficiaries, and it is not evidence of a breach of
261any fiduciary duty owed by the trustee to the beneficiaries for
262a trustee to be or become a secured or unsecured creditor of the
263land trust, the beneficiary of the land trust, or a third party
264whose debt to such creditor is guaranteed by a beneficiary of
265the land trust.
266     (11)(6)  REMEDIAL ACT.--This act is remedial in nature and
267shall be given a liberal interpretation to effectuate the intent
268and purposes hereinabove expressed.
269     (12)(7)  EXCLUSION.--This act does not apply to any deed,
270mortgage, or other instrument to which s. 689.07 applies.
271     Section 2.  Subsection (4) of section 201.02, Florida
272Statutes, is amended to read:
273     201.02  Tax on deeds and other instruments relating to real
274property or interests in real property.--
275     (4)  The tax imposed by subsection (1) shall also be
276payable upon documents which convey or transfer, pursuant to s.
277689.071, any beneficial interest in lands, tenements, or other
278real property, or any interest therein, even though such
279interest may be designated as personal property, notwithstanding
280the provisions of s. 689.071(6)(4). The tax shall be paid upon
281execution of any such document.
282     Section 3.  This act is intended to clarify existing law
283and applies to all land trusts whether created before, on, or
284after October 1, 2006.
285     Section 4.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.