Florida Senate - 2006                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. SB 710
                        Barcode 255956
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  The Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity
12  (Lawson) recommended the following amendment:
14         Senate Amendment 
15         On page 2, line 31, through page 4, line 22, delete
16  those lines
18  and insert:  necessity to expand the public records exemption
19  for certain information contained in a report to a sheriff or
20  state attorney made by a person who takes a minor in order to
21  escape domestic violence, avoid domestic violence, or preserve
22  the welfare of the minor. If the alleged perpetrator of
23  domestic violence were able to obtain the address and
24  telephone information contained in a report to the sheriff or
25  state attorney, he or she could locate or contact the person
26  who takes a minor and the minor, thus exposing them to
27  potential additional harm. Keeping the address and telephone
28  number of that person and the minor confidential and exempt
29  protects their safety. For the same reasons, the Legislature
30  finds that it is a public necessity to expand this public
31  records exemption to include the taking of an incompetent
    12:15 PM   03/14/06                             s0710.go06.0bb

Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 710 Barcode 255956 1 person within the coverage of the exemption. The underlying 2 offense of interference with custody applies to the taking of 3 an incompetent person as well as to the taking of a person 4 younger than 18 years of age. In addition, the safety of an 5 incompetent person and the person seeking shelter with an 6 incompetent person is as vital as the safety of a minor and a 7 person seeking shelter with a minor. The underlying offense of 8 interference with custody envisions that an incompetent person 9 is as vulnerable as a minor. Therefore, the Legislature finds 10 that the public records exemption should apply to the address 11 and telephone number of the person who takes an incompetent 12 person and the incompetent person which are contained in a 13 report submitted to a sheriff or state attorney as prescribed 14 in the interference with custody statute. If persons seeking 15 shelter with minors or incompetent persons knew that their 16 addresses or telephone numbers could be obtained through the 17 reports to the sheriff or state attorney, they would fear for 18 their safety and would unlikely make the required reports, 19 thereby thwarting the public policy of encouraging the 20 resolution of allegations of interference with custody while 21 also protecting individuals from harm. The public records 22 exemption, therefore, principally protects the safety of 23 individuals, but also promotes the effective and efficient 24 administration of the interference with custody statute. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 12:15 PM 03/14/06 s0710.go06.0bb