HB 7125

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to medical records; amending s. 456.057,
3F.S.; providing definitions; requiring a health care
4practitioner's employer who is a records owner and a
5records custodian to comply with specified requirements
6for confidentiality and disclosure; amending s. 456.42,
7F.S.; providing requirements for prescriptions of
8medicinal drugs by health care practitioners that are
9electronically generated and transmitted; creating s.
10456.43, F.S.; regulating electronic prescribing for
11medicinal drugs; providing restrictions for electronic
12prescribing software; providing definitions; authorizing
13electronic prescribing software to show information
14regarding a payor's formulary under certain circumstances;
15amending s. 465.025, F.S.; specifying requirements for a
16prescriber to prevent generic substitution for brand name
17drugs when a prescription is electronically transmitted
18and generated; amending s. 381.028, F.S.; correcting a
19cross-reference; providing an effective date.
21Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
23     Section 1.  Present subsections (3) through (19) of section
24456.057, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (5)
25through (21), respectively, and new subsections (3) and (4) are
26added to that section to read:
27     456.057  Ownership and control of patient records; report
28or copies of records to be furnished.--
29     (3)  As used in this section, the term "records custodian"
30means any person or entity that:
31     (a)  Maintains documents that are authorized in subsection
32(2); or
33     (b)  Obtains medical records from a records owner.
34     (4)  Any health care practitioner's employer who is a
35records owner and any records custodian shall maintain records
36or documents as provided under the confidentiality and
37disclosure requirements of this section.
38     Section 2.  Section 456.42, Florida Statutes, is amended to
40     456.42  Written prescriptions for medicinal drugs.--A
41written prescription for a medicinal drug issued by a health
42care practitioner licensed by law to prescribe such drug must be
43legibly printed or typed so as to be capable of being understood
44by the pharmacist filling the prescription; must contain the
45name of the prescribing practitioner, the name and strength of
46the drug prescribed, the quantity of the drug prescribed in both
47textual and numerical formats, and the directions for use of the
48drug; must be dated with the month written out in textual
49letters; and must be signed by the prescribing practitioner on
50the day when issued. However, a prescription that is
51electronically generated and transmitted must contain the name
52of the prescribing practitioner, the name and strength of the
53drug prescribed, the quantity of the drug prescribed in
54numerical format, and the directions for use of the drug and
55must be dated and signed by the prescribing practitioner only on
56the day issued, which signature may be in an electronic format
57as defined by s. 668.003(4).
58     Section 3.  Section 456.43, Florida Statutes, is created to
60     456.43  Electronic prescribing for medicinal drugs.--
61     (1)  Electronic prescribing shall not interfere with a
62patient's freedom to choose a pharmacy.
63     (2)  Electronic prescribing software shall not use any
64means or permit any other person to use any means, including,
65but not limited to, advertising, instant messaging, and pop-up
66ads, to influence or attempt to influence, through economic
67incentives or otherwise, the prescribing decision of a physician
68at the point of care. Such means shall not be triggered or in
69specific response to the input, selection, or act of a physician
70or his or her agent in prescribing a certain pharmaceutical or
71directing a patient to a certain pharmacy.
72     (a)  The term "prescribing decision" means a physician's
73decision to prescribe a certain pharmaceutical or direct a
74patient to a certain pharmacy.
75     (b)  The term "point of care" means the time that a
76physician or his or her agent is in the act of prescribing a
77certain pharmaceutical or directing a patient to a certain
79     (3)  Electronic prescribing software may show information
80regarding a payor's formulary as long as nothing is designed to
81preclude or make more difficult the act of a physician or
82patient selecting any particular pharmacy or pharmaceutical.
83     Section 4.  Subsection (2) of section 465.025, Florida
84Statutes, is amended to read:
85     465.025  Substitution of drugs.--
86     (2)  A pharmacist who receives a prescription for a brand
87name drug shall, unless requested otherwise by the purchaser,
88substitute a less expensive, generically equivalent drug product
89that is:
90     (a)  Distributed by a business entity doing business, and
91subject to suit and service of legal process, in the United
92States; and
93     (b)  Listed in the formulary of generic and brand name drug
94products as provided in subsection (5) for the brand name drug
97unless the prescriber writes the words "MEDICALLY NECESSARY," in
98her or his own handwriting, on the face of a written
99prescription; or unless, in the case of an oral prescription,
100the prescriber expressly indicates to the pharmacist that the
101brand name drug prescribed is medically necessary; or unless, in
102the case of a prescription that is electronically generated and
103transmitted, the prescriber makes an overt act when transmitting
104the prescription to indicate that the brand name drug prescribed
105is medically necessary. When done in conjunction with the
106electronic transmission of the prescription, the prescriber's
107overt act indicates to the pharmacist that the brand name drug
108prescribed is medically necessary.
109     Section 5.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (7) of section
110381.028, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
111     381.028  Adverse medical incidents.--
113     (c)1.  Fees charged by a health care facility for copies of
114records requested by a patient under s. 25, Art. X of the State
115Constitution may not exceed the reasonable and actual cost of
116complying with the request, including a reasonable charge for
117the staff time necessary to search for records and prevent the
118disclosure of the identity of any patient involved in the
119adverse medical incident through redaction or other means as
120required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
121Act of 1996 or its implementing regulations. The health care
122facility may require payment, in full or in part, before acting
123on the records request.
124     2.  Fees charged by a health care provider for copies of
125records requested by a patient under s. 25, Art. X of the State
126Constitution may not exceed the amount established under s.
127456.057(18)(16), which may include a reasonable charge for the
128staff time necessary to prevent the disclosure of the identity
129of any patient involved in the adverse medical incident through
130redaction or other means as required by the Health Insurance
131Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or its implementing
132regulations. The health care provider may require payment, in
133full or in part, before acting on the records request.
134     Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.