Bill No. 7141
Amendment No. 846491
Senate House

1Representative(s) Benson offered the following:
3     Amendment
4     Remove line(s) 290-302 and insert:
5     (3)  An inspection fee must be paid as required in
6authorizing statutes.
7     (4)  Fees are nonrefundable.
8     (5)  When a change is reported that requires issuance of a
9license, a fee may be assessed. The fee must be based on the
10actual cost of processing and issuing the license.
11     (6)  A fee may be charged to a licensee requesting a
12duplicate license. The fee may not exceed the actual cost of
13duplication and postage.
14     (7)  Total fees collected may not exceed the cost of

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.