HB 7197

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to governmental operations; creating s.
3216.0236, F.S.; providing legislative intent that all
4costs of providing a regulatory service or regulating a
5profession or business be borne solely by those who
6receive the service or who are subject to regulation;
7requiring each state agency to annually examine the fees
8it charges for providing regulatory services and oversight
9to businesses or professions; providing criteria for the
10examination; requiring, under specified circumstances,
11that each agency, as part of its legislative budget
12request, provide to the Governor and the Legislature
13alternatives to make a regulatory service or program self-
14sufficient or provide justification for a partial subsidy
15from other state funds; requiring periodic review of
16regulatory fees by the Legislature; providing an effective
19Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21     Section 1.  Section 216.0236, Florida Statutes, is created
22to read:
23     216.0236  Agency fees for regulatory services or oversight;
25     (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that all costs of
26providing a regulatory service or regulating a profession or
27business be borne solely by those who receive the service or who
28are subject to regulation. It is also the intent of the
29Legislature that the fees charged for providing a regulatory
30service or regulating a profession or business be reasonable and
31take into account the differences between the types of
32professions or businesses being regulated. Moreover, it is the
33intent of the Legislature that state agencies operate as
34efficiently as possible and regularly report to the Legislature
35additional methods by which to streamline their operational
37     (2)  In accordance with the instructions for legislative
38budget requests, each state agency shall annually examine the
39fees it charges for providing regulatory services and oversight
40to businesses or professions. The annual examination shall
41determine whether operational efficiencies can be achieved in
42the regulatory program under examination, whether the regulatory
43activity is an appropriate function that the agency should
44continue at its current level, and whether the fees charged for
45each regulatory program are:
46     (a)  Based on revenue projections that are prepared using
47generally accepted governmental accounting procedures or
48official estimates by the Revenue Estimating Conference, if
50     (b)  Adequate to cover both the direct and indirect costs
51of providing the regulatory service or oversight.
52     (c)  Reasonable and take into account differences between
53the types of professions or businesses that are regulated.
54     (3)  If the agency determines that the fees charged for
55regulatory services or oversight to businesses or professions
56are not adequate to cover program costs and that an
57appropriation from other state funds is necessary to supplement
58the direct or indirect costs of providing a regulatory service
59or program, the agency shall present to the Governor and the
60Legislature as part of its legislative budget request
61information regarding alternatives for realigning revenues and
62costs to make the regulatory service or program totally self-
63sufficient or shall demonstrate that the service or program
64provides substantial benefits to the public that justify a
65partial subsidy from other state funds. The Legislature shall
66review the alternatives during the next regular session of the
68     (4)  The Legislature shall review the regulatory fee
69structure for all businesses and professions at least once every
705 years. The schedule for such review may be included in the
71legislative budget instructions developed pursuant to the
72requirements of s. 216.023.
73     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.