(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 7263
Amendment No. 208689
Senate House

1Representative(s) Ross offered the following:
3     Amendment to Amendment (194097) (with title amendment)
4Between lines 1363 and 1364 and insert:
5     Section 9 Section 627.7441, Florida Statutes, is created to
7     627.7441 Motorcycles; medical payments coverage.--
8     (1)(a)  Beginning January 1, 2007, every owner or
9registrant of a motorcycle as defined in s. 316.003, required to
10be registered and licensed in this state, who is at least age 16
11but younger than age 21, shall maintain security by:
12     1.  Maintaining a policy of insurance from an authorized
13insurer providing:
14     a.  Property damage coverage as required by s. 324.022; and
15     b.  Medical payments coverage providing a medical payments
16benefit of $10,000 as set forth in this section; or
17     2.  Furnishing proof of financial responsibility pursuant
18to s. 324.031(2), (3), or (4) and approved by the Department of
19Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles as affording security
20equivalent to that afforded by a policy of insurance as provided
21in subparagraph 1.
22     (b)  With respect to a policy of insurance, the named
23insured may elect a deductible to apply to the named insured
24alone or to the named insured and dependent relatives residing
25in the same household but may not elect a deductible or modified
26coverage to apply to any other person covered under the policy.
27     (2)  An owner of a motorcycle with respect to which
28security is required by this section who fails to have such
29security in effect at the time of an accident is personally
30liable for the payment of benefits under this section. With
31respect to such benefits, such an owner has all of the rights
32and obligations of an insurer.
33     (3)  Each insurer authorized to write motor vehicle
34insurance in this state shall make motorcycle coverage that
35meets the security requirements of this section available
36through normal marketing channels. Insurers may not require that
37additional or collateral coverage be purchased in addition to
38the required security. An insurer writing motor vehicle
39liability coverage in this state that fails to comply with this
40availability requirement as a general business practice is
41deemed to have violated part IX of chapter 626, and such
42violation shall constitute an unfair method of competition or an
43unfair or deceptive act or practice involving the business of
44insurance. Any insurer committing such violation is subject to
45the penalties provided in that part and other penalties provided
46elsewhere in the insurance code.
47     (4)  Any policy of insurance represented or sold as
48providing the security required under this section is deemed to
49provide insurance for the payment of the required benefits.
50     (5)  Upon the issuance of a new policy of insurance or the
51renewal of an existing policy of insurance, an insurer shall
52offer to each applicant or policyholder deductibles meeting the
53requirements of this section in amounts of $250, $500, and
54$1,000. The deductible amount must be applied to 100 percent of
55the expenses and losses described in this section. After the
56deductible is met, each insured is eligible to receive up to
57$10,000 in total benefits as provided by the policy. Each
58election made by the named insured under this subsection shall
59result in an appropriate reduction of premium associated with
60that election.
61     (6)(a)  For the purposes of this section, the term "medical
62payments coverage" means coverage of the usual and customary
63charge for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred within 3
64years after the date of an accident involving the covered
65motorcycle for medical and funeral services because of bodily
66injury sustained by an injured person or death caused by an
67accident arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of
68the motorcycle or a trailer, sidecar, or other device attached
69to the motorcycle.
70     (b)  Subject to paragraph (c), covered persons include the
71operator or any other person occupying the motorcycle or a
72sidecar or trailer attached to the motorcycle.
73     (c)  Covered persons also include any person at least age
7416 but younger than age 21 and, if coverage is available from
75the insurer and if purchased by the owner or registrant of the
76motorcycle, may include all persons over age 20.
77     (7)  The Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association
78shall make the coverage required under this section available to
79any motorcycle owner or registrant who is in good faith entitled
80to, but unable to, procure the security from an authorized
82     (8)  The commission may adopt rules pursuant to ss.
83120.536(1) and 120.54 necessary to implement this section.
86======= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =======
87     Remove line 1475 and insert:
88interpleader creating s. 627.7441, F.S.; requiring certain
89motorcycle owners and registrants to maintain specified
90security; requiring medical payments and property damage
91coverage; authorizing alternative types of security;
92authorizing deductibles and applicability of the
93deductibles; making an owner or registrant personally
94responsible for failure to maintain the required security;
95amending s. 316.068, F.S.; specifying

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.