HB 0775CS


1The Governmental Operations Committee recommends the following:
2     Council/Committee Substitute
3     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
5An act relating to psychology specialties; creating s.
6490.0149, F.S.; providing a definition; specifying the
7circumstances under which a psychologist may hold himself
8or herself out as a certified psychology specialist,
9board-certified psychology specialist, or psychology
10diplomate; requiring the Board of Psychology to approve
11certifying bodies; providing a condition for approval of
12the certifying bodies; requiring the Board of Psychology
13to establish an application and approval process by rule;
14specifying that a person licensed under ch. 490, F.S., may
15specify the types of services he or she provides;
16providing an effective date.
18Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
20     Section 1.  Section 490.0149, Florida Statutes, is created
21to read:
22     490.0149  Specialties.--
23     (1)  As used in this section, the term "certified
24psychology specialist," "board-certified psychology specialist,"
25or "psychology diplomate" means a psychologist with special
26competency that is acquired through an organized sequence of
27formal education, training, experience, and professional
28standing and is recognized by a certifying body approved under
29subsection (3).
30     (2)  A person licensed as a psychologist may not hold
31himself or herself out as a certified psychology specialist,
32board-certified psychology specialist, or psychology diplomate
33unless the person has received formal recognition as a certified
34psychology specialist, board-certified psychology specialist, or
35psychology diplomate from a certifying body approved under
36subsection (3).
37     (3)(a)  The board shall be responsible for approving the
38certifying bodies that recognize certified psychology
39specialists, board-certified psychology specialists, or
40psychology diplomates. The certifying body shall require, as a
41condition of recognition, the following criteria in order to be
42approved by the board:
43     1.  A minimum of 3 years of experience as a psychologist.
44     2.  Peer review of applicants.
45     3.  Additional education which may include self-study.
46     4.  Adherence to standards established by the certifying
48     (b)  The board shall adopt, by rule under ss. 120.536(1)
49and 120.54, an application and a process for the approval of
50certifying bodies.
51     (4)  A person licensed under this chapter may indicate the
52services he or she offers and may indicate that his or her
53practice is limited to one or more types of services when this
54accurately reflects his or her scope of practice.
55     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.