1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to student financial assistance; creating |
3 | s. 1009.701, F.S.; creating the First Generation Matching |
4 | Grant Program to provide financial aid to undergraduate |
5 | students with financial need whose parents have not earned |
6 | a baccalaureate degree; providing for appropriation, |
7 | allocation, and distribution of funds; providing student |
8 | eligibility requirements; providing the basis for the |
9 | amount of awards; providing duties of institutions |
10 | participating in the program; creating s. 1009.255, F.S.; |
11 | providing an out-of-state fee exemption; providing |
12 | eligibility criteria; providing for distribution of the |
13 | exemption; limiting participation in the program; |
14 | requiring the Department of Education to administer the |
15 | exemption program; prohibiting use of the exemption for |
16 | certain purposes; providing an effective date. |
17 |
18 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
19 |
20 | Section 1. Section 1009.701, Florida Statutes, is created |
21 | to read: |
22 | 1009.701 First Generation Matching Grant Program.-- |
23 | (1) The First Generation Matching Grant Program is created |
24 | to enable each state university and community college to provide |
25 | donors with a matching grant incentive for contributions that |
26 | will create grant-based student financial aid for undergraduate |
27 | students who demonstrate financial need and whose parents, as |
28 | defined in s. 1009.21(1), have not earned a baccalaureate |
29 | degree. |
30 | (2) Funds appropriated by the Legislature for the program |
31 | shall be allocated by the Office of Student Financial Assistance |
32 | to match private contributions on a dollar-for-dollar basis. |
33 | Contributions made to a state university or community college |
34 | and pledged for the purposes of this section are eligible for |
35 | state matching funds appropriated for this program and are not |
36 | eligible for any other state matching grant program. Pledged |
37 | contributions are not eligible for matching prior to the actual |
38 | collection of the total funds. The Office of Student Financial |
39 | Assistance shall reserve 50 percent of the total appropriated |
40 | funds for state universities and the remaining 50 percent for |
41 | community colleges. Within each 50-percent portion, the Office |
42 | of Student Financial Assistance shall reserve a proportionate |
43 | allocation for each state university and community college on |
44 | the basis of full-time equivalent enrollments. Funds that remain |
45 | unmatched as of December 1 shall be reallocated to state |
46 | universities and community colleges that have remaining |
47 | unmatched private contributions for the program on the basis of |
48 | full-time equivalent enrollments. |
49 | (3) Payment of the state matching grant shall be |
50 | transmitted to the president of each participating institution |
51 | or his or her representative in advance of the student |
52 | registration period. |
53 | (4) Each participating state university and community |
54 | college shall establish an application process, determine |
55 | student eligibility for initial and renewal awards in |
56 | conformance with subsection (5), identify the amount awarded to |
57 | each recipient, and notify recipients of the amount of their |
58 | awards. |
59 | (5) In order to be eligible to receive a grant pursuant to |
60 | this section, an applicant shall: |
61 | (a) Be a resident for tuition purposes pursuant to s. |
62 | 1009.21. |
63 | (b) Be a first generation college student. For the |
64 | purposes of this section, a student is considered "first |
65 | generation" if neither of the student's parents, as defined in |
66 | s. 1009.21(1), earned a college degree at the baccalaureate |
67 | level or higher. |
68 | (c) Be accepted at a state university or community |
69 | college. |
70 | (d) Be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours per term |
71 | as a degree-seeking undergraduate student. |
72 | (e) Have demonstrated financial need by completing the |
73 | Free Application for Federal Student Aid. |
74 | (6) The award amount shall be based on the student's need |
75 | assessment after any scholarship or grant aid, including, but |
76 | not limited to, a Pell Grant or a Florida Bright Futures |
77 | Scholarship Program award, has been applied. No award may exceed |
78 | the institution's estimated annual cost of attendance for |
79 | comparable undergraduate students attending the institution. |
80 | (7) Each participating institution shall report to the |
81 | Office of Student Financial Assistance, by the date established |
82 | by the office, the eligible students to whom grant moneys are |
83 | disbursed each academic term. Institutions shall certify to the |
84 | Office of Student Financial Assistance the amount of funds |
85 | disbursed to each student and shall remit to the office any |
86 | undisbursed advances by June 1 of each year. |
87 | (8) No later than July 1 of each year, each participating |
88 | institution shall report to the Executive Office of the |
89 | Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the |
90 | President of the Senate, each community college shall report to |
91 | the State Board of Education, and each state university shall |
92 | report to the Board of Governors regarding eligibility |
93 | requirements for recipients, the aggregate demographics of |
94 | recipients, retention and graduation rates of recipients, and a |
95 | delineation of funds awarded to recipients. |
96 | (9) This section shall be implemented only as specifically |
97 | funded. |
98 | Section 2. Section 1009.255, Florida Statutes, is created |
99 | to read: |
100 | 1009.255 Out-of-state fee exemption.-- |
101 | (1) A student who meets all of the following requirements |
102 | may be eligible for an exemption from paying out-of-state fees |
103 | assessed pursuant to s. 1009.22, s. 1009.23, or s. 1009.24: |
104 | (a) The student resided in Florida with a parent for at |
105 | least 3 consecutive years immediately preceding the date the |
106 | student received a high school diploma, or its equivalent, and |
107 | attended a Florida public high school for at least 3 consecutive |
108 | school years during such time. |
109 | (b) The student is accepted by and enrolls in a community |
110 | college or state university within 12 months after receiving a |
111 | high school diploma or its equivalent. |
112 | (c) The student submits an application for the exemption |
113 | to the Department of Education in the manner prescribed by the |
114 | department and by the deadline established by the department. |
115 | (2)(a) For the 2006-2007 academic year, the Department of |
116 | Education shall distribute the exemptions in the following |
117 | manner: |
118 | 1. To the first 1,500 students currently enrolled in a |
119 | community college or state university who have a cumulative |
120 | grade point average of at least 2.0 and who submit an |
121 | application to the department and meet the criteria in |
122 | subsection (1). |
123 | 2. To the top 500 students in academic performance in |
124 | Florida public high schools who submit an application to the |
125 | department and meet the criteria in subsection (1). |
126 | (b) Beginning with the 2007-2008 academic year, the |
127 | Department of Education shall issue no more than 500 new |
128 | exemptions per year to the top 500 students in academic |
129 | performance in Florida public high schools who submit an |
130 | application to the department and meet the criteria in |
131 | subsection (1). |
132 | (c) In order to retain the exemption, a student must have |
133 | completed at least 12 semester credit hours or the equivalent in |
134 | the previous academic year and maintain at least a 2.0 |
135 | cumulative grade point average. |
136 | (3)(a) The Department of Education shall administer the |
137 | exemption program, develop an application form, and establish |
138 | deadlines and guidelines for student participation. |
139 | (b) The department shall issue the exemptions by August 31 |
140 | of each year and shall notify the student and the community |
141 | college or state university in which the student is enrolled. |
142 | (4) The exemption may not be used for remedial courses, |
143 | graduate-level courses, or professional-level courses. |
144 | Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006. |