Florida Senate - 2006           CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for SB 844
                        Barcode 155694
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: AD               .                    
       05/05/2006 05:26 PM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Conference Committee on CS for SB 844 recommended the
12  following amendment:
14         Conference Committee Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         Delete everything after the enacting clause
17  and insert:  
18         Section 1.  Subsection (2) of section 39.8296, Florida
19  Statutes, is amended to read:
20         39.8296  Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office;
21  legislative findings and intent; creation; appointment of
22  executive director; duties of office.--
24  created a Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office within the
25  Justice Administrative Commission. The Justice Administrative
26  Commission shall provide administrative support and service to
27  the office to the extent requested by the executive director
28  within the available resources of the commission. The
29  Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office shall not be subject to
30  control, supervision, or direction by the Justice
31  Administrative Commission in the performance of its duties,
    8:55 PM   05/03/06                                 c0844c1d-01

Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 but the employees of the office shall be governed by the 2 classification plan and salary and benefits plan approved by 3 the Justice Administrative Commission. 4 (a) The head of the Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office 5 is the executive director, who shall be appointed by the 6 Governor from a list of a minimum of three eligible applicants 7 submitted by a Guardian Ad Litem Qualifications Committee. The 8 Guardian Ad Litem Qualifications Committee shall be composed 9 of five persons, two persons appointed by the Governor, two 10 persons appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 11 and one person appointed by the Statewide Guardian Ad Litem 12 Association. The committee shall provide for statewide 13 advertisement and the receiving of applications for the 14 position of executive director. The Governor shall appoint an 15 executive director from among the recommendations, or the 16 Governor may reject the nominations and request the submission 17 of new nominees. The executive director must have knowledge in 18 dependency law and knowledge of social service delivery 19 systems available to meet the needs of children who are 20 abused, neglected, or abandoned. The executive director shall 21 serve on a full-time basis and shall personally, or through 22 representatives of the office, carry out the purposes and 23 functions of the Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office in 24 accordance with state and federal law. The executive director 25 shall report to the Governor. The executive director shall 26 serve a 3-year term, subject to removal for cause by the 27 Governor. Any person appointed to serve as the executive 28 director may be permitted to serve more than one term. 29 (b) The Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office shall, 30 within available resources, have oversight responsibilities 31 for and provide technical assistance to all guardian ad litem 2 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 and attorney ad litem programs located within the judicial 2 circuits. 3 1. The office shall identify the resources required to 4 implement methods of collecting, reporting, and tracking 5 reliable and consistent case data. 6 2. The office shall review the current guardian ad 7 litem programs in Florida and other states. 8 3. The office, in consultation with local guardian ad 9 litem offices, shall develop statewide performance measures 10 and standards. 11 4. The office shall develop a guardian ad litem 12 training program. The office shall establish a curriculum 13 committee to develop the training program specified in this 14 subparagraph. The curriculum committee shall include, but not 15 be limited to, dependency judges, directors of circuit 16 guardian ad litem programs, active certified guardians ad 17 litem, a mental health professional who specializes in the 18 treatment of children, a member of a child advocacy group, a 19 representative of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic 20 Violence, and a social worker experienced in working with 21 victims and perpetrators of child abuse. 22 5. The office shall review the various methods of 23 funding guardian ad litem programs, shall maximize the use of 24 those funding sources to the extent possible, and shall review 25 the kinds of services being provided by circuit guardian ad 26 litem programs. 27 6. The office shall determine the feasibility or 28 desirability of new concepts of organization, administration, 29 financing, or service delivery designed to preserve the civil 30 and constitutional rights and fulfill other needs of dependent 31 children. 3 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 7. No later than October 1, 2004, the office shall 2 submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the 3 Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Chief Justice 4 of the Supreme Court an interim report describing the progress 5 of the office in meeting the goals as described in this 6 section. No later than October 1, 2004, the office shall 7 submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the 8 Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Chief Justice 9 of the Supreme Court a proposed plan including alternatives 10 for meeting the state's guardian ad litem and attorney ad 11 litem needs. This plan may include recommendations for less 12 than the entire state, may include a phase-in system, and 13 shall include estimates of the cost of each of the 14 alternatives. Each year thereafter, the office shall provide a 15 status report and provide further recommendations to address 16 the need for guardian ad litem services and related issues. 17 Section 2. Subsection (4) of section 43.16, Florida 18 Statutes, is amended to read: 19 43.16 Justice Administrative Commission; membership, 20 powers and duties.-- 21 (4)(a) The Justice Administrative Commission shall 22 employ an executive director and fix his or her salary. The 23 executive director shall employ any necessary personnel for 24 the efficient performance of the commission according to a 25 classification and pay plan annually approved by the 26 commission. 27 (b) All employees of or within the commission are 28 exempt from the Career Service System provided in chapter 110 29 and, notwithstanding s. 110.205(5), are not included in the 30 Senior Management Service or the Selected Exempt Service. The 31 commission shall annually approve a classification plan and 4 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 salary and benefits plan. 2 (c) Employees in permanent positions must be offered 3 benefits comparable to those offered under the Career Service 4 System. 5 (d) The commission may offer benefits in excess of 6 those offered under the Career Service System only to 7 employees who are appointed to positions designated as having 8 managerial or policymaking duties or positions requiring 9 membership in The Florida Bar. 10 (e) By January 15th of each year, the commission shall 11 submit to the Executive Office of the Governor, the President 12 of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives 13 a listing of all positions receiving benefits greater than 14 those benefits offered under the Career Service System. Any 15 change in the positions that are offered greater benefits or 16 any change in the level of benefits is subject to the notice 17 and objection procedures of s. 216.177. 18 Section 3. Subsection (12) of section 110.123, Florida 19 Statutes, is amended to read: 20 110.123 State group insurance program.-- 21 (12) HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.--The department is 22 authorized to establish health savings accounts for full-time 23 and part-time state employees in association with a health 24 insurance plan option authorized by the Legislature and 25 conforming to the requirements and limitations of federal 26 provisions relating to the Medicare Prescription Drug, 27 Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. 28 (a)1. A member participating in this health insurance 29 plan option shall be eligible to receive an employer 30 contribution into the employee's health savings account from 31 the State Employees Health Insurance Trust Fund in an amount 5 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 to be determined by the Legislature. A member is not eligible 2 for an employer contribution upon termination of employment. 3 For the 2006-2007 2005-2006 fiscal year, the state's monthly 4 contribution for employees having individual coverage shall be 5 $41.66 and the monthly contribution for employees having 6 family coverage shall be $83.33. 7 2. A member participating in this health insurance 8 plan option shall be eligible to deposit the member's own 9 funds into a health savings account. 10 (b) The monthly premiums paid by the employer for a 11 member participating in this health insurance plan option 12 shall include an amount equal to the monthly employer 13 contribution authorized by the Legislature for that fiscal 14 year. 15 (c) The health savings accounts shall be administered 16 in accordance with the requirements and limitations of federal 17 provisions relating to the Medicare Prescription Drug, 18 Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. 19 Section 4. Subsection (7) of section 110.12315, 20 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 21 110.12315 Prescription drug program.--The state 22 employees' prescription drug program is established. This 23 program shall be administered by the Department of Management 24 Services, according to the terms and conditions of the plan as 25 established by the relevant provisions of the annual General 26 Appropriations Act and implementing legislation, subject to 27 the following conditions: 28 (7) Under the state employees' prescription drug 29 program copayments must be made as follows: 30 (a) Effective January 1, 2004, through December 31, 31 2005: 6 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 1. For generic drug with card.....................$10. 2 2. For preferred brand name drug with card........$25. 3 3. For nonpreferred brand name drug with card.....$40. 4 4. For generic mail order drug....................$20. 5 5. For preferred brand name mail order drug.......$50. 6 6. For nonpreferred brand name mail order drug....$80. 7 (a)(b) Effective January 1, 2006, through December 31, 8 2006, for the State Group Health Insurance Standard Plan: 9 1. For generic drug with card.....................$10. 10 2. For preferred brand name drug with card........$25. 11 3. For nonpreferred brand name drug with card.....$40. 12 4. For generic mail order drug....................$20. 13 5. For preferred brand name mail order drug.......$50. 14 6. For nonpreferred brand name mail order drug....$80. 15 (b)(c) Effective January 1, 2006, through December 31, 16 2006, for the State Group Health Insurance High Deductible 17 Plan: 18 1. Retail coinsurance for generic drug with card..30%. 19 2. Retail coinsurance for preferred brand name drug 20 with card.................................................30%. 21 3. Retail coinsurance for nonpreferred brand name drug 22 with card.................................................50%. 23 4. Mail order coinsurance for generic drug........30%. 24 5. Mail order coinsurance for preferred brand name 25 drug......................................................30%. 26 6. Mail order coinsurance for nonpreferred brand name 27 drug......................................................50%. 28 (c)(d) The Department of Management Services shall 29 create a preferred brand name drug list to be used in the 30 administration of the state employees' prescription drug 31 program. 7 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 Section 5. Subsection (6) of section 110.2035, Florida 2 Statutes, is amended to read: 3 110.2035 Classification and compensation program.-- 4 (6) The department shall establish and maintain an 5 equitable pay plan applicable to all occupations and shall be 6 responsible for the overall review, coordination, and 7 administration of the pay plan. 8 (a) The department shall provide for broad, 9 market-based pay bands for occupations and shall establish 10 guidelines for the employing agencies to move employees 11 through these pay bands. The employing agencies may determine 12 the appropriate salary within the pay bands and guidelines 13 adopted by the department. Such pay bands, and the assignment 14 of broadband levels to positions, shall not constitute rules 15 within the meaning of s. 120.52. 16 (b) The department, in consultation with the Executive 17 Office of the Governor and the legislative appropriations 18 committees, shall conduct wage and salary surveys as necessary 19 for the purpose of achieving the goal of an equitable, 20 competitive, market-based pay policy. 21 (c) The department shall establish, by rule, 22 guidelines with respect to, and shall delegate to the 23 employing agencies, where appropriate, the authority to 24 administer the following: 25 1. Shift differentials. 26 2. On-call fees. 27 3. Hazardous-duty pay. 28 4. Salary increase and decrease corrections. 29 5. Lead-worker pay. 30 6. Temporary special duties pay. 31 7. Trainer-additive pay. 8 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 8. Competitive area differentials. 2 9. Critical market pay. 3 4 The employing agency must use such pay additives as are 5 appropriate within the guidelines established by the 6 department and consistent with the directions of the 7 Legislature contained in the General Appropriations Act. The 8 employing agency and shall advise the department, the 9 Executive Office of the Governor, and the Legislature in 10 writing of the plan for implementing such pay additives prior 11 to the implementation date. An agency may not implement any 12 pay additive to a cohort of positions sharing job 13 classifications or job occupations unless the Legislature has 14 specifically authorized such pay additives and such pay 15 additives do not conflict with any collective bargaining 16 agreement for that specific cohort of positions. Any action by 17 an employing agency to implement temporary special duties pay, 18 competitive area differentials, or critical market pay may be 19 implemented only after the department has reviewed and 20 recommended such action; however, an employing agency may use 21 temporary special duties pay for up to 3 months without prior 22 review by the department. The department shall annually 23 provide to the Executive Office of the Governor and the 24 Legislature a summary report of the pay additives implemented 25 pursuant to this section. 26 Section 6. Subsection (15) is added to section 27 112.061, Florida Statutes, to read: 28 112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public 29 officers, employees, and authorized persons.-- 30 (15) CLASS C TRAVEL.--Moneys appropriated from the 31 State Treasury may not be used to pay per diem or subsistence 9 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 related to Class C travel. 2 Section 7. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006. 3 4 5 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 6 And the title is amended as follows: 7 Delete everything before the enacting clause 8 9 and insert: 10 A bill to be entitled 11 An act relating to state employees; amending s. 12 39.8296, F.S.; requiring that the Justice 13 Administrative Commission approve the 14 classification plan and salary and benefits for 15 employees of the Statewide Guardian Ad Litem 16 Office; amending s. 43.16, F.S.; providing that 17 the employees of the Justice Administrative 18 Commission are exempt from the Career Service 19 System and not included in the Senior 20 Management Service or Selected Exempt Service; 21 requiring that such employees be offered 22 benefits comparable to those of the Career 23 Service System, with certain exceptions; 24 requiring that the commission annually submit 25 information concerning certain positions to the 26 Executive Office of the Governor and the 27 Legislature; providing that changes in such 28 positions or level of benefits are subject to 29 requirements for notice and objection; amending 30 s. 110.123, F.S.; specifying the amount of the 31 employer contribution to employee health 10 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01
Florida Senate - 2006 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 844 Barcode 155694 1 savings accounts for the 2006-2007 fiscal year; 2 amending s. 110.12315, F.S.; continuing the 3 current schedules of copayments for the 4 prescription drug program for state employees; 5 deleting obsolete provisions; amending s. 6 110.2035, F.S.; requiring that the Department 7 of Management Services conduct wage and salary 8 surveys in consultation with the Executive 9 Office of the Governor and legislative 10 appropriations committees; requiring that an 11 employing agency advise the Executive Office of 12 the Governor and the Legislature of pay 13 additives before the date of implementation; 14 prohibiting pay additives for a cohort of 15 positions unless specifically authorized by the 16 Legislature and not in conflict with any 17 collective bargaining agreement for that cohort 18 of positions; requiring that the Department of 19 Management Services annually report pay 20 additives to the Executive Office of the 21 Governor and the Legislature; amending s. 22 112.061, F.S.; prohibiting the use of moneys 23 from the State Treasury for per diem or 24 subsistence related to Class C travel; 25 providing an effective date. 26 27 28 29 30 31 11 8:55 PM 05/03/06 c0844c1d-01