Senate Bill sb0856c3

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    Florida Senate - 2006              CS for CS for CS for SB 856

    By the Committees on General Government Appropriations;
    Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Domestic Security;
    and Senator Diaz de la Portilla


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to domestic security; amending

  3         s. 282.318, F.S.; requiring the Department of

  4         Management Services to recommend minimum

  5         operating procedures for the security of data

  6         and information technology resources; requiring

  7         each agency to conduct certain procedures to

  8         assure the security of data, information, and

  9         information technology resources; requiring

10         that the results of certain internal audits and

11         evaluations be available to the Auditor

12         General; requiring the department to establish

13         an Office of Information Security and to

14         designate a Chief Information Security Officer;

15         requiring the office to develop a strategic

16         plan; providing that the office is responsible

17         for certain procedures and standards; providing

18         legislative findings with respect to the

19         provision of additional funds for enhancements

20         and improvements to the radio system used by

21         state law enforcement agencies; providing for

22         the implementation of certain recommendations

23         contingent upon appropriation; providing an

24         appropriation and authorizing positions;

25         prescribing requirements for fire hydrants to

26         prevent backflow contamination of the domestic

27         water supply; providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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    Florida Senate - 2006              CS for CS for CS for SB 856

 1         Section 1.  Section 282.318, Florida Statutes, is

 2  amended to read:

 3         282.318  Security of data and information technology

 4  resources.--

 5         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Security of Data

 6  and Information Technology Resources Act."

 7         (2)(a)  The Department of Management Services,

 8  hereafter referred to as the department The State Technology

 9  Office, in consultation with each agency head, is responsible

10  for coordinating, assessing, and recommending minimum

11  operating procedures for and accountable for assuring an

12  adequate level of security for all data and information

13  technology resources. To assist the department in carrying of

14  each agency and, to carry out this responsibility, each agency

15  shall, at a minimum:

16         (a)1.  Designate an information security manager who

17  shall administer the security program of each agency for its

18  data and information technology resources.

19         (b)2.  Conduct, and periodically update every 3 years,

20  a comprehensive risk analysis to determine the security

21  threats to the data, information, and information technology

22  resources of each agency.  The risk analysis information is

23  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1),

24  except that such information shall be available to the Auditor

25  General in performing his or her postauditing duties.

26         (c)3.  Develop, and periodically update, written

27  internal policies and procedures that are consistent with the

28  standard operating procedures recommended by the department to

29  assure the security of the data and information technology

30  resources of each agency.  The internal policies and

31  procedures which, if disclosed, could facilitate the


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    Florida Senate - 2006              CS for CS for CS for SB 856

 1  unauthorized modification, disclosure, or destruction of data

 2  or information technology resources are confidential

 3  information and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1),

 4  except that such information shall be available to the Auditor

 5  General in performing his or her postauditing duties.

 6         (d)4.  Implement appropriate cost-effective safeguards

 7  to reduce, eliminate, or recover from the identified risks to

 8  the data and information technology resources of each agency.

 9         (e)5.  Ensure that periodic internal audits and

10  evaluations of each security program for the data,

11  information, and information technology resources of the

12  agency are conducted. The results of such internal audits and

13  evaluations are confidential information and exempt from the

14  provisions of s. 119.07(1), except that such information shall

15  be available to the Auditor General in performing his or her

16  postauditing duties.

17         (f)6.  Include appropriate security requirements, as

18  determined by the State Technology Office, in consultation

19  with each agency head, in the written specifications for the

20  solicitation of information technology resources which are

21  consistent with the standard security operating procedures as

22  recommended by the department.

23         (b)  In those instances in which the department State

24  Technology Office develops state contracts for use by state

25  agencies, the department office shall include appropriate

26  security requirements in the specifications for the

27  solicitation for state contracts for procuring information

28  technology resources.

29         (3)  In order to ensure the security of data,

30  information, and information technology resources, the

31  department shall establish the Office of Information Security


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    Florida Senate - 2006              CS for CS for CS for SB 856

 1  and shall designate a Chief Information Security Officer as

 2  the head of the office. The office shall coordinate its

 3  activities with the Agency Chief Information Officers Council

 4  as established in s. 282.315. The office is responsible for

 5  developing a strategic plan for information technology

 6  security which shall be submitted by December 1, 2006, to the

 7  Executive Office of the Governor, the President of the Senate,

 8  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives; developing

 9  standards and templates for conducting comprehensive risk

10  analyses and information security audits by state agencies;

11  assisting agencies in their compliance with the provisions of

12  this section; establishing minimum standards for the recovery

13  of information technology following a disaster; and conducting

14  training for agency information security managers. This

15  subsection shall expire on June 30, 2007.

16         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that infrastructure

17  enhancements and improvements to the radio system used by

18  state law enforcement agencies will provide increased

19  protection to the residents of this state and should be

20  considered for additional funding. In order to ensure

21  continued, improved communication and protection by state and

22  local law enforcement personnel, the recommendations of the

23  Joint Task Force on State Agency Law Enforcement

24  Communications, dated February 2005, or any subsequent

25  recommendations of the joint task force, should be implemented

26  contingent upon the appropriation of funds.

27         Section 3.  For the 2006-2007 fiscal year, the sums of

28  $529,387 in recurring funds and $25,863 in nonrecurring funds

29  are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the

30  Department of Management Services for the Office of



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    Florida Senate - 2006              CS for CS for CS for SB 856

 1  Information Security, and five full-time equivalent positions

 2  and an associated salary rate of 339,405 are authorized.

 3         Section 4.  All new and replacement fire hydrants in

 4  this state shall have an internal hydrant valve device

 5  installed which will prevent intentional or accidental

 6  backflow contamination of the domestic water supply. Such

 7  device may in no way delay access to the water supply for fire

 8  protection.

 9         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

10  law.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
13                       CS for CS for SB 856


15  Appropriates $555,250 in general revenue and provides five
    positions and associated salary rate of 339,405 to the
16  Department of Management Services for the Office of
    Information Security.
    Requires that all new and replacement fire hydrants have an
18  internal hydrant valve device installed to prevent backflow
    contamination of the domestic water supply.














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