HR 9017

House Resolution
2A resolution designating March 15, 2006, as "Emergency
3Medicine Day" in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, Florida's emergency physicians and emergency
6medical staff provide necessary, life-saving care to the state's
7residents and visitors at any time of the day or night, often
8under the most stressful conditions and in extremely difficult
9situations, and
10     WHEREAS, in addition, emergency physicians and supporting
11emergency medical personnel have been instrumental in educating
12the general public, government officials, and other
13professionals in the areas of safety, injury prevention, first-
14aid procedures, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, organ donation,
15the ravages of substance abuse, and other health-related
16matters, and
17     WHEREAS, rapid strides in emergency medical care have been
18made in recent years, and Florida emergency physicians and
19personnel themselves receive extensive training and continuing
20education in order to provide the public with the highest-
21quality emergency medical care, and
22     WHEREAS, emergency physicians and personnel contribute to
23the planning and provision of emergency preparedness and
24disaster response--in particular, preparedness for and response
25to incidents dealing with weapons of mass destruction, and
26     WHEREAS, the dedicated men and women in Florida who devote
27themselves to rendering prompt, skilled emergency medical care
28to all who need it are worthy of the state's heartfelt respect
29and honor, NOW, THEREFORE,
31Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
34     That the House of Representatives, on its behalf and on
35behalf of all the residents of Florida, extends heartfelt
36gratitude to the state's emergency medical care providers and in
37their honor proudly designates March 15, 2006, as "Emergency
38Medicine Day" in Florida.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.