HR 9021

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing the Division of Recreation and
3Parks for its management of the state park system.
5     WHEREAS, the Division of Recreation and Parks of the
6Department of Environmental Protection manages an expansive and
7diverse state park system that comprises over 720,000 acres and
8159 park properties, and
9     WHEREAS, Florida park rangers, managers, and support staff,
10as dedicated interpreters and stewards of the most treasured
11natural and cultural resources of "the Real Florida," are joined
12by countless public and private partners that have helped
13provide expanded resource-based recreational opportunities for
14more than 17 million annual visitors to Florida's state parks,
16     WHEREAS, last year, the Friends of Florida State Parks and
1778 citizen-support organizations assisted the Florida Park
18Service, and more than 6,000 volunteers donated a record-
19breaking 1 million hours of service, the equivalent of 505 full-
20time employees, with a value of more than $18 million, and
21     WHEREAS, in addition to preserving 720,000 acres of
22Florida's finest, most pristine natural areas for enjoyment by
23this and future generations, the Division of Recreation and
24Parks provides an annual direct economic impact of $665 million
25and has created more than 13,000 jobs for the state's
26communities, and
27     WHEREAS, at the recent National Recreation and Park
28Association Annual Congress in San Antonio, Texas, the Division
29of Recreation and Parks was awarded the prestigious 2005
30National Gold Medal Award for excellence as manager of the
31nation's best state park system, the first state park system to
32receive this award twice, NOW, THEREFORE,
34Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
37     That the House of Representatives proudly recognizes the
38Division of Recreation and Parks for its outstanding
39accomplishments and urges the Department of Environmental
40Protection to publicize those accomplishments and Florida's
41celebrated state parks throughout 2006.
42     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
43presented to Collen M. Castille, Secretary of the Department of
44Environmental Protection; Bob Ballard, Deputy Secretary of
45Environmental Protection; and Mike Bullock, Director of the
46Division of Recreation and Parks, as a tangible token of the
47sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.