HR 9085

House Resolution
2A resolution designating the week of April 23-30, 2006, as
3"Holocaust Remembrance Week" in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day, also known
6as Yom Hashoah, has been set aside as a time to remember the
7victims of the Holocaust and to remind Americans of what can
8happen among even the most civilized of peoples when bigotry,
9hatred, and indifference are allowed to run rampant, and
10     WHEREAS, the Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic
11persecution and annihilation of six million Jews and millions of
12other victims between the years of 1933 and 1945, and
13     WHEREAS, in 1980, Congress created the United States
14Holocaust Memorial Council with the charge to build the United
15States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., and to
16encourage annual observances of the Days of Remembrance
17nationwide in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, and
18     WHEREAS, the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center,
19Inc., the first Holocaust museum in South Florida, was
20established in 1979 as a nonsectarian, nonprofit organization
21proposed to serve as "A Living Memorial Through Education," and
22     WHEREAS, during the observance of Holocaust Remembrance
23Week, on Thursday, April 27, 2006, the Holocaust Documentation
24and Education Center, Inc., and the City of Hollywood will
25dedicate the new home of the Center, a recently acquired 14,000-
26square-foot building that will be used to display artifacts and
27provide educational opportunities designed to reduce prejudice
28and promote a resolve that such atrocities must never again be
29carried out against humankind, NOW, THEREFORE,
31Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
34     That the House of Representatives designates the week of
35April 23-30, 2006, as "Holocaust Remembrance Week" in Florida.
36     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives
37congratulates the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center,
38Inc., upon the dedication of its new building and encourages all
39Floridians to avail themselves of opportunities to gain a better
40understanding of the attitudes and events that led to the
41horrors of the Holocaust.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.