HR 9091

House Resolution
2A resolution designating October 2006 as "Italian-American
3Month" in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, since the European discovery of the Americas by
6Christopher Columbus in 1492, Italians and individuals of
7Italian heritage have played prominent roles in the growth of
8the United States and in shaping its culture, and
9     WHEREAS, rare indeed is the school child who has not
10studied the exploits and explorations of Giovanni Caboto, better
11known as John Cabot, Giovanni da Verrazzano, and Amerigo
12Vespucci or been awed at the inventiveness of Guglielmo Marconi,
13but perhaps less familiar are names such as Enrico di Tonti,
14"the Father of Illinois" and the first European to sail the
15Great Lakes, and Francesco Vigo, believed to be the first
16Italian to become a United States citizen, who served as a spy
17in the American Revolution, and
18     WHEREAS, among Italian Americans in politics, William Paca
19became the first to serve as governor upon his election to that
20office in Maryland; John Phinizy was the first to be mayor of an
21American city, Augusta, Georgia; Francis B. Spinola was first to
22serve in Congress; and Fiorello LaGuardia is well-known as a
23three-term mayor of New York City, and
24     WHEREAS, the arts, professions, education, and
25entertainment are represented by Italian Americans that include
26Gaetano Lanza, founder of the Massachusetts Institute of
27Technology; Joseph Barbera, the famous producer of the
28"Flintstones," "Tom and Jerry," and other cartoons; and
29Cincinnati Reds outfielder Buttercup Dickerson, born Lewis
30Pessano, the first to play in the Major Leagues, and
31     WHEREAS, pasta, long a staple in the American diet, made
32its way to the nation's dinner tables from Italy; pizza came to
33the inner cities of the United States courtesy of Italian
34immigrants; Domenico Ghirardelli perfected a method for making
35ground chocolate and produced chocolate by that name; and any
36possessor of a "sweet tooth" will forever be indebted to Italo
37Marcioni, who is popularly credited with the invention of the
38ice cream cone, and
39     WHEREAS, on October 12, 1866, out of pride for their native
40son, the Italian population of New York organized the first
41celebration of the discovery of America, NOW, THEREFORE,
43Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
46     That the House of Representatives recognizes the rich
47history and valuable contributions of those of Italian heritage
48and designates October 2006 as "Italian-American Month" in

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.