HR 9115

House Resolution
2A resolution honoring Jorge L. Arrizurieta.
4     WHEREAS, Jorge L. Arrizurieta, appointed by Governor Jeb
5Bush in June 2003 to lead efforts to have the Free Trade Area of
6the Americas Secretariat sited in Miami-Dade, raised substantial
7public and private funds and worked closely with leaders in the
8state, in Washington, and throughout the hemisphere urging
9ratification of trade agreements and hosting trade negotiation
10rounds between the United States and Panama in Tampa and the
11United States and Andean nations in Miami, and
12     WHEREAS, prior to his having assumed the presidency of the
13Florida Free Trade Area of the Americas, Mr. Arrizurieta was the
14nation's Alternate Executive Director of the Inter-American
15Development Bank and more recently was appointed by Governor
16Bush to the Board of Governors of the State University System
17and by Miami-Dade County to the Miami-Dade County Public Health
18Trust, a few examples from a list of credits dating back to 1988
19when he was a member of President George H. W. Bush's transition
20team, and
21     WHEREAS, Mr. Arrizurieta has been honored with an
22assortment of awards and recognitions, including the
23International Achievement Award given by the World Trade Center
24Miami and the International Business Achievement Award from the
25Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce and having been
26included in the April 2005 issue of "South Florida CEO" magazine
27as one of the area's most powerful leaders helping to shape the
28present and future of that community, and
29     WHEREAS, perhaps the trophies most treasured by Jorge L.
30Arrizurieta and Mari, his wife, both esteemed natives of Miami,
31are their children, twins Alexia Sophia and Alec J. and younger
32son Sebastian Andres, NOW, THEREFORE,
34Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
37     That the House of Representatives expresses sincere
38gratitude to Jorge L. Arrizurieta for his accomplishments as
39President of the Florida Free Trade Area of the Americas, for
40his contributions to the economic growth of the state, and for
41helping to promote Florida throughout the Americas.
42     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
43presented to Jorge L. Arrizurieta as a tangible token of the
44sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.