HR 9127

House Resolution
2A resolution honoring the life and death of Sergeant
3Michael D. Rowe.
5     WHEREAS, Sergeant Michael D. Rowe, of New Port Richey,
6Florida, died in Rutbah, Iraq, on March 28, 2006, one day before
7his 24th birthday, and
8     WHEREAS, Sgt. Rowe, the only fatality of a roadside
9explosion near his Humvee as he was leading a convoy during
10combat operations, was assigned to the 46th Engineer Battalion,
11Warrior Brigade, out of Fort Polk, Louisiana, and
12     WHEREAS, after graduating Gulf High School in 2001, Michael
13enlisted in the National Guard, joined the United States Army
14after the September 11 terrorist attacks, and only recently
15reenlisted for another four years with plans to make the Army
16his career, plans that ended abruptly when the sergeant became
17the 116th soldier from Florida to give his life in Iraq, and
18     WHEREAS, it was not until shortly after Sgt. Rowe deployed
19to Iraq in October 2005 to begin his second tour in support of
20Operation Iraqi Freedom that his wife, Rebecca, learned she was
21carrying their first child, news that grew increasingly exciting
22as time revealed that a little girl, lovingly known to the young
23couple as Nevaeh Elizabeth Rowe, "Heaven" spelled backward, is
24expected to arrive on July 12, and
25     WHEREAS, on April 7, 2006, after his family was presented
26with a purple heart and bronze star, Sergeant Michael D. Rowe
27was laid to rest with full military honors in the Florida
28National Cemetery near Bushnell, his grave marker bearing the
29inscription that succinctly sums up the brief life of this
30fallen hero: "He lived with Honor," NOW, THEREFORE,
32Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
35     That, in a spirit of genuine gratitude mixed with sadness,
36the House of Representatives proudly honors the life and death
37of Sgt. Michael D. Rowe and extends its heartfelt condolences to
38his wife, Rebecca, his parents, Dave and Marcy, his sisters,
39Megan, Kellie Hess, and Danielle Rowe-Sumner, his extended
40family, and the many, many friends and comrades who mourn his
42     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
43presented to Rebecca, wife of Sergeant Michael D. Rowe, as a
44tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.