Florida Senate - 2006                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. SB 926
                        Barcode 755694
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1           Comm: RCS             .                    
       04/04/2006 11:38 PM         .                    
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 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on Health Care (Peaden) recommended the
12  following amendment:
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         Delete everything after the enacting clause
17  and insert:  
18         Section 1.  Paragraphs (d) and (f) of subsection (6) of
19  section 499.0121, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
20         499.0121  Storage and handling of prescription drugs;
21  recordkeeping.--The department shall adopt rules to implement
22  this section as necessary to protect the public health,
23  safety, and welfare. Such rules shall include, but not be
24  limited to, requirements for the storage and handling of
25  prescription drugs and for the establishment and maintenance
26  of prescription drug distribution records.
27         (6)  RECORDKEEPING.--The department shall adopt rules
28  that require keeping such records of prescription drugs as are
29  necessary for the protection of the public health.
30         (d)1.  Each person who is engaged in the wholesale
31  distribution of a prescription drug, and who is not an
    8:15 AM   03/27/06                             s0926c-he02-kon

Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 926 Barcode 755694 1 authorized distributor of record for the drug manufacturer's 2 products, must provide to each wholesale distributor of such 3 drug, before the sale is made to such wholesale distributor, a 4 written statement under oath identifying each previous sale of 5 the drug back to the last authorized distributor of record, 6 the lot number of the drug, and the sales invoice number of 7 the invoice evidencing the sale of the drug. The written 8 statement must accompany the drug to the next wholesale 9 distributor. The department shall adopt rules relating to the 10 requirements of this written statement. This paragraph does 11 not apply to a manufacturer unless the manufacturer is 12 performing the manufacturing operation of repackaging 13 prescription drugs. 14 2. Each wholesale distributor of prescription drugs 15 must maintain separate and distinct from other required 16 records all statements that are required under subparagraph 1. 17 and paragraph (e). 18 3. Each manufacturer of a prescription drug sold in 19 this state must maintain at its corporate offices a current 20 list of authorized distributors and must make such list 21 available to the department upon request. 22 4. Each manufacturer shall file a written list of all 23 of the manufacturer's authorized distributors of record with 24 the department. A manufacturer shall notify the department not 25 later than 10 days after any change to the list. The 26 department shall publish a list of all authorized distributors 27 of record on its website. 28 5. For the purposes of this subsection, the term 29 "authorized distributors of record" means a wholesale 30 distributor with whom a manufacturer has established an 31 ongoing relationship to distribute the manufacturer's 2 8:15 AM 03/27/06 s0926c-he02-kon
Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 926 Barcode 755694 1 products. Effective March 1, 2004, an ongoing relationship is 2 deemed to exist when a wholesale distributor, including any 3 affiliated group, as defined in s. 1504 of the Internal 4 Revenue Code, of which the wholesale distributor is a member: 5 a. Is listed on the manufacturer's current list of 6 authorized distributors of record. 7 b. Annually purchases not less than 90 percent of all 8 of its purchases of a manufacturer's prescription drug 9 products, based on dollar volume, directly from that 10 manufacturer and has total annual prescription drug sales of 11 $100 million or more. 12 c. Has reported to the department pursuant to s. 13 499.012(3)(g)2. that the wholesale distributor has total 14 annual prescription drug sales of $100 million or more, and 15 has a verifiable account number issued by the manufacturer 16 authorizing the wholesale distributor to purchase the 17 manufacturer's drug products directly from that manufacturer 18 and that wholesale distributor makes not fewer than 12 19 purchases of that manufacturer's drug products directly from 20 the manufacturer using said verifiable account number in 12 21 months. The provisions of this sub-subparagraph apply with 22 respect to a manufacturer that fails to file a copy of the 23 manufacturer's list of authorized distributors of record with 24 the department by July 1, 2003; that files a list of 25 authorized distributors of record which contains fewer than 10 26 wholesale distributors permitted in this state, excluding the 27 wholesale distributors described in sub-subparagraph b.; or 28 that, as a result of changes to the list of authorized 29 distributors of record filed with the department, has fewer 30 than 10 wholesale distributors permitted in this state as 31 authorized distributors of record, excluding the wholesale 3 8:15 AM 03/27/06 s0926c-he02-kon
Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 926 Barcode 755694 1 distributors described in sub-subparagraph b. 2 3 A wholesale distributor that satisfies the requirements of 4 sub-subparagraph b. or sub-subparagraph c. shall submit to the 5 department documentation substantiating its qualification 6 pursuant to sub-subparagraph b. or sub-subparagraph c. The 7 department shall add those wholesale distributors that the 8 department has determined have met the requirements of 9 sub-subparagraph b. or sub-subparagraph c. to the list of 10 authorized distributors of record on the department's website. 11 6. This paragraph expires July 1, 2006. 12 (f)1. Effective July 1, 2006, each person who is 13 engaged in the wholesale distribution of a prescription drug 14 and who is not the manufacturer of that drug must, before each 15 wholesale distribution of such drug, provide to the person who 16 receives the drug either: 17 a. A pedigree paper as defined in s. 499.003(31); or 18 b. Until December 31, 2008, if the prescription drug 19 was purchased directly from the manufacturer, a statement in 20 written or electronic form stating that the wholesale 21 distributor or member of its affiliated group has purchased 22 the specific unit of the prescription drug directly from the 23 manufacturer, as defined in s. 499.012(1)(e), and is an 24 authorized distributor of record as specified in subparagraph 25 (d)5. In accordance with subparagraph (d)5., each manufacturer 26 shall file a written list of all of the manufacturer's 27 authorized distributors of record with the department by July 28 1, 2006. A manufacturer shall notify the department not later 29 than 10 days after any change to the list. The department 30 shall publish a list of all authorized distributors of record 31 on its website. 4 8:15 AM 03/27/06 s0926c-he02-kon
Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 926 Barcode 755694 1 2. A repackager must comply with this paragraph. 2 3. The pedigree paper requirements in this paragraph 3 do not apply to compressed medical gases or veterinary legend 4 drugs. 5 4. Each wholesale distributor of prescription drugs 6 must maintain separate and distinct from other required 7 records all statements that are required under subparagraph 1. 8 5. In order to verify compliance with subparagraph 9 (d)1., each manufacturer of a prescription drug sold in this 10 state must make available upon request distribution 11 documentation related to its sales of prescription drugs, 12 regardless of whether the prescription drug was sold directly 13 by the manufacturer to a person in Florida. 14 Section 2. This act shall take effect on July 1, 2006. 15 16 17 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 18 And the title is amended as follows: 19 Delete everything before the enacting clause 20 21 and insert: 22 A bill to be entitled 23 An act relating to drug distribution; amending 24 s. 499.0121, F.S.; removing an expiration date 25 on a provision relating to prescription drug 26 recordkeeping; requiring that certain 27 information be provided by certain prescription 28 drug wholesalers to drug recipients; requiring 29 drug manufacturers to file a list of authorized 30 distributors with the department; requiring the 31 department to publish certain information; 5 8:15 AM 03/27/06 s0926c-he02-kon
Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 926 Barcode 755694 1 providing an effective date. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 8:15 AM 03/27/06 s0926c-he02-kon