HB 935

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to temporary buildings; amending s.
3553.37, F.S.; considering certain buildings as temporary;
4extending the certificate of occupancy for a temporary
5building for a limited time; providing foundation
6requirements for such buildings; exempting such buildings
7from soil and foundation requirements of the Florida
8Building Code; providing exceptions; requiring the Florida
9Building Commission to define certain terms and provide
10certain standards and criteria within the Florida Building
11Code for temporary structures or buildings; requiring the
12commission to adopt such standards and criteria by a
13specified time; providing an effective date.
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  Subsection (12) is added to section 553.37,
18Florida Statutes, to read:
19     553.37  Rules; inspections; and insignia.--
20     (12)  Any modular building, manufactured building, or
21factory-built building, regardless of the occupancy type, that
22meets the requirements of this part and does not exceed a
23maximum of 24 months' occupancy from the date of the certificate
24of occupancy is considered temporary. The certificate of
25occupancy for a temporary building may be extended for an
26additional 24 months. Such temporary building shall use a
27temporary foundation design that meets or exceeds the wind load
28capacity of the building and the soil bearing capacity of the
29building location and shall be exempt from the soil and
30foundation requirements of the Florida Building Code. If the
31occupancy length of such building is greater than 48 months, or
32if the building is located in a flood zone, the building is
33considered a permanent structure and shall comply with all
34requirements of the Florida Building Code, unless otherwise
36     Section 2.  The Florida Building Commission shall define
37within the Florida Building Code the terms "temporary
38manufactured structures" and "temporary manufactured buildings"
39as structures and buildings that are used for a period of 2
40years or less. The commission shall also provide within the
41Florida Building Code standards and criteria for installation of
42temporary buildings and structures that account for their
43temporary use and that ensure the safety of occupants, the cost
44of the foundation designs, and the integrity of the building's
45installation. The standards and criteria shall not discriminate
46against materials, products, methods, and systems of
47construction of demonstrated capabilities. The commission shall
48also develop criteria for a 2-year extension of the period of
49time that a temporary structure or building can be used upon
50application of the possessor of the structure or building and
51inspection by the authority having jurisdiction. The commission
52shall adopt these standards and criteria into the Florida
53Building Code, and the standards shall take effect not later
54than July 1, 2008.
55     Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.