HB 0951CS


1The Local Government Council recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to Palm Beach County; creating the Town of
7Loxahatchee Groves; providing a charter; providing
8legislative intent; providing a council-manager form of
9government; providing boundaries; providing municipal
10powers; providing for a town council; providing for
11membership, qualifications, terms, powers, and duties of
12its members, including the mayor; providing for a vice
13mayor; providing general powers and duties; providing
14circumstances resulting in vacancy in office; providing
15grounds for forfeiture and suspension; providing for
16filling of vacancies; providing for compensation and
17expenses; providing for appointment of charter officers,
18including a town manager and town attorney; providing for
19removal, compensation, and filling of vacancies; providing
20qualifications, powers, and duties; providing for
21meetings; providing for adoption, distribution, and
22recording of technical codes; providing for recordkeeping;
23providing a limitation upon employment of council members;
24prohibiting certain interference with town employees;
25establishing the fiscal year; providing for adoption of
26annual budget and appropriations; providing for
27supplemental, reduction, and transfer of appropriations;
28providing for limitations; providing for referendum
29requirements for revenue bonds and other multiyear
30contracts; providing for financial audit; providing for
31nonpartisan elections and matters relative thereto;
32providing for recall; providing for initiative and
33referenda; providing for future amendments of the charter;
34providing for standards of conduct in office; providing
35for severability; providing for a personnel system;
36providing for charitable contributions; providing for land
37use changes; providing the town a transitional schedule
38and procedures for first election; providing for first-
39year expenses; providing for adoption of transitional
40ordinances, resolutions, comprehensive plan, and local
41development regulations; providing for sharing of
42communications services tax; providing for accelerated
43entitlement to state-shared revenues; providing for gas
44tax revenue; providing for continuation of the Palm Beach
45County Fire Rescue Municipal Service Taxing Unit;
46providing for law enforcement; providing for continuation
47of the Palm Beach County Library District; providing for
48dissolution of the Palm Beach County Municipal Service
49Taxing Unit B and dissolution of the Palm Beach County
50Municipal Service Taxing Unit F; providing for
51continuation of the Loxahatchee Groves Water Control
52District; providing for continuation of Loxahatchee Groves
53Park; repealing s. 6 of s. 2 of chapter 99-425, Laws of
54Florida, relating to a restriction on annexation of the
55Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District; providing for
56waivers; requiring a referendum; providing effective
59Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
61     Section 1.  Charter; creation; form of government;
62boundaries and powers.--
63     (1)  CHARTER; CREATION.--
64     (a)  This act, together with any future amendments thereto,
65may be known as the "Charter of the Town of Loxahatchee Groves"
66(the "charter"), and the Town of Loxahatchee Groves (the "town")
67is hereby created.
68     (b)  The Loxahatchee Groves area in Palm Beach County
69includes a compact and contiguous rural community of
70approximately 3,120 persons who are experiencing certain
71impacts, such as the destruction of rural habitats and the
72threat to equestrian, farming, and nursery businesses, resulting
73from urbanization in the surrounding areas. The residents within
74the town would like to control the effects of those impacts
75through the incorporation of the town and its continued
76existence as a historic, rural community with the benefits of
78     (c)  It is in the best interests of the public health,
79safety, and welfare of the residents of the Loxahatchee Groves
80area to form a separate municipality for the Loxahatchee Groves
81area with all the powers and authority necessary to provide
82adequate and efficient municipal services to its residents.
83     (d)  It is intended that this charter and the incorporation
84of the Loxahatchee Groves area will serve to preserve and
85protect the distinctive rural characteristics of the community,
86such as low density, minimal lot coverage, substantial open
87spaces, agricultural and nursery interests, and rural habitats,
88and to acknowledge its close ties to the agriculture and
89equestrian industries within the boundaries of the town.
90     (e)  It is the intent of this charter and the incorporation
91of the town to secure the benefits of self-determination and
92affirm the values of representative democracy, citizen
93participation, strong community leadership, professional
94management, and regional cooperation.
95     (2)  FORM OF GOVERNMENT.--The town shall have a council-
96council-manager form of government.
97     (3)(a)  CORPORATE BOUNDARIES.--The corporate boundaries of
98the Town of Loxahatchee Groves shall be as described as follows:
100That portion of Loxahatchee Sub-Drainage District,
101Township 43 South, Range 41 East and Range 40 East,
102Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly
103described as follows:
104Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section Eighteen
105(18) in Township Forty-three (43) South, Range Forty-
106one (41) East, Palm Beach County, Florida, and run
107thence along the North line of Section Eighteen (18)
108and Seventeen (17) of said Township to the Northeast
109corner of Section Seventeen (17) in said Township and
110Range; thence run South along the Eastern boundary of
111Section Seventeen (17) to the Southeast corner of said
113Thence run East along the Northern boundary of Section
114Twenty-one (21) and of Section Twenty-two (22) to the
115Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the said
116Section Twenty-two (22); Thence run South along the
117East line of the Northwest quarter of said Section
118Twenty-two (22) to the Southeast corner of said
119Northwest quarter of said Section; Thence run West
120along the South line of the Southeast quarter of
121Northwest quarter of said Section Twenty-two (22) to
122the Southwest corner of said Southeast quarter of
123Northwest quarter of said Section; Thence run South
124along the East line of the West half of the Southwest
125quarter of Section Twenty-two (22) and of the West
126half of West half of Section Twenty-seven (27) and of
127the West half of West half of Section Thirty-four (34)
128to the North Right of Way line of State Road 80, in
129Section Thirty-four (34); Thence West along the
130Northern edge of the North Right of Way line of State
131Road 80, across the West half of West half of Section
132Thirty-four (34) and across Section Thirty-three (33),
133Thirty-two (32), and Thirty-one (31) in said Township
134to the point where the range line dividing ranges
135Forty (40) and Forty-one (41) East intersects said
136North Right of Way line of State Road 80;
137Thence North along the West line of Sections Thirty-
138one (31), Thirty (30), Nineteen (19) and Eighteen (18)
139to the Point of Beginning, embracing approximately Six
140Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty five and 56/100
141(6,935.56) acres.
142Said lands lying within the above described boundary
143lines are described more particularly as follow, to
145All of Section Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen
146(19), Twenty (20), and Twenty-one (21) and the
147Northwest quarter and West half of Southwest quarter
148of Section Twenty-two (22); and West half of West half
149of Section Twenty-seven (27); and all Section Twenty-
150eight (28), Twenty-nine (29) and Thirty (30) and all
151of Section Thirty-one (31) North of North Right of Way
152line of State Road 80; and all of Section Thirty-three
153(32) North of North Right of Way line of State Road
15480; and all of Section Thirty-three (33) North of
155North Right of Way line of State Road 80; and all of
156the West half of West half of Section Thirty-four (34)
157North of North Right of Way line of State Road 80; all
158in Township Forty-three (43) South Range Forty-one
159(41) East, all of said lands being situate in Palm
160Beach County, State of Florida, according to the
161United States official surveys of said lands.
163The South 1/2 of Sections 7 and 8, T43S, R41E.
164The South 1/2 of the East 1/4 of Section 12, The East
1651/4 of Sections 13, 24, 25, T43S, R40E, and that part
166of the East 1/4 of Section 36, T43S, R40E, lying North
167of the North Right of Way of S.R. 80, all in Palm
168Beach County, Florida, containing 1320 acres, more or
170LESS AND EXCEPT The All or Nothing Legislation Parcel
171as described in Senate Bill No. 2616, Laws of Florida,
172Chapter 99-425, formerly known as The Palms West
173Hospital property
174A parcel bounded by Southern Boulevard (S.R. 80) on
175the South, the Southern boundary of the drainage/road
176Right of Way known as collecting canal on the North,
177Folsom/Crestwood of the East, and the Western boundary
178of The All or Nothing Legislation Parcel as described
179in Senate Bill No. 2616, Laws of Florida, Chapter 99-
180425 on the west, said parcel being more particularly
181described as follows:
182A parcel of land located in the County of Palm Beach,
183State of Florida, to wit:
184The point of beginning being the intersection of the
185Easterly line of Lot 4, Block K, Loxahatchee District,
186according to the plat thereof on file in the Office of
187the Clerk of the Circuit Court recorded in Plat Book
1887, Page 81, of the Public Records of Palm Beach
189County, Florida, and the Southerly boundary of the
190"Collecting Canal" as shown on the Replat of
191Loxahatchee Groves Subdivision according to the Plat
192thereof, recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 29, of the
193Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; Thence
194Easterly along said Southerly boundary of the
195"Collecting Canal" to the Easterly boundary of said
196Replat of Loxahatchee Groves; Thence South along said
197Easterly boundary line of the Replat of Loxahatchee
198Groves to the North Right of Way line of State Road
19980; Thence Westerly along said Northerly Right of Way
200line of State Road 80 to the Easterly line of Lot 4,
201Block K, Loxahatchee District;
202Thence Northerly along said Easterly line of Lot 4 to
203the Point of Beginning, and
204A portion of Lot 4, Block "K," Loxahatchee District
205subdivision, according to the map or plat thereof as
206recorded in Plat Book 7, page 81, public records, Palm
207Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as
209Commencing at the northeast corner of said lot 4; thence,
210south 02°16'42" west, along the east line of said lot 4, a
211distance of 834.00 feet for a point of beginning.
212Thence, continue south 02°16'42" west along said east line,
213a distance of 1221.92 feet, more or less, to the
214intersection thereof with the north right-of-way line of
215State Road No. 80 as recorded in official records book
21612372, page 468, said public records; thence, north
21788°08'61" west, departing said east line and along said
218north right-of-way line, a distance of 260.20 feet; thence,
219north 02°16'46" east, departing said right-of-way line, a
220distance of 80.00 feet; thence, north 88°08'51" west, a
221distance of 248.59 feet; thence, north 02°16'46" east, a
222distance of 321.11; thence, north 88°08'51" west, a
223distance of 275.01 feet, more or less, to the intersection
224thereof with the west line of said lot 4; thence, north
22502°16'46" east, along said west line, a distance of 806.33
226feet; thence, south 89°12'21" east, departing said west
227line and along the south line of the north 834.00 feet of
228said lot 4, as measured along the east and west lines of
229said lot 4, a distance of 784.02 feet to the point of
231Containing: 18.867 acres, more or less.
232     (b)  The town shall not annex that area now known as
233Callery-Judge Groves, generally described as that area of land
234bounded on the north by M canal, on the south by the northern
235border of the town, on the east by 140th, and on the west by M
237     (4)  MUNICIPAL POWERS.--The town shall be a body corporate
238and politic and shall have all available governmental,
239corporate, and proprietary powers of a municipality under the
240State Constitution and laws of the state, as fully and
241completely as though such powers were specifically enumerated in
242this charter, and may exercise them, except when prohibited by
243law. Through the adoption of this charter, it is the intent of
244the electors of the town that the municipal government
245established herein have the broadest exercise of home rule
246powers permitted under the State Constitution and laws of the
247state. This charter and the powers of the town shall be
248construed liberally in favor of the town. It is recognized that
249certain services within the municipal boundaries are provided by
250independent special districts created by special acts of the
251Legislature and by Palm Beach County.
252     Section 2.  Council; mayor and vice mayor.--
253     (1)  TOWN COUNCIL.--There shall be a five-member town
254council ("council") vested with all legislative powers of the
255town, consisting of five members ("council members"), each
256elected from and representing the town at large. Unless
257otherwise stated within this charter, all charter powers shall
258be exercised by the council.
260     (a)  The council, at its first regular meeting after the
261fourth Tuesday of each March, shall elect from its members a
262mayor who shall serve for a period of 1 year and who shall have
263the same legislative powers and duties as any other council
264member, except as provided herein.
265     (b)  In addition to carrying out the regular duties of a
266council member, the mayor shall preside at the meetings of the
267council and shall be recognized as the head of town government
268for service of process, ceremonial matters, and the signature or
269execution of ordinances, contracts, deeds, bonds, and other
270instruments and documents and for purposes of military law. The
271mayor shall also serve as the ceremonial head of the town and
272the town official designated to represent the town when dealing
273with other entities. The mayor shall have no administrative
274duties other than those necessary to accomplish these actions,
275or such other actions as may be authorized by the town council,
276consistent with general or special law.
277     (3)  THE VICE MAYOR.--
278     (a)  The council, at its first regular meeting after the
279fourth Tuesday of each March, shall elect from its members a
280vice mayor who shall serve for a period of 1 year and who shall
281have the same legislative powers and duties while serving as any
282other council member.
283     (b)  The vice mayor shall serve as acting mayor during the
284absence or disability of the mayor. In the absence of the mayor
285and the vice mayor, the remaining council members shall select a
286council member to serve as acting mayor.
287     Section 3.  Election and terms of office.--
288     (1)  TERM OF OFFICE.--Each council member shall be elected
289at large for a 3-year term by the electors of the town in the
290manner provided herein. Council members shall be sworn into
291office at the first regularly scheduled meeting following their
292election. Each council member shall remain in office until his
293or her successor is elected and assumes the duties of the
295     (2)  SEATS.--The town council shall be divided into five
296separate council seats to be designated as seats 1, 2, 3, 4, and
2975, to be voted on townwide, with each qualified elector entitled
298to vote for one candidate for each seat.
299     (3)  QUALIFICATION.--Candidates for each council seat must
300qualify for council elections by seat in accordance with
301applicable general law, and the council members elected to those
302seats shall hold the seats 1 through 5, respectively. To qualify
303for office:
304     (a)  Filing.--Each candidate for council member shall file
305a written notice of candidacy with the town clerk at such time
306and in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance and shall
307make payment to the town of any fees required by general law as
308a qualifying fee.
309     (b)  Registered elector.--Each candidate for council member
310shall be a registered elector in the state.
311     (c)  Residency.--Each candidate for council member shall
312have maintained his or her domicile within the boundaries of the
313town for a period of 1 year prior to qualifying for election
314and, if elected, shall maintain such residency throughout his or
315her term of office.
316     (d)  Deadline.--Any resident of the town who wishes to
317become a candidate for a council member seat shall qualify with
318the town clerk no sooner than noon on the last Tuesday in
319January, nor later than noon on the first Tuesday in February,
320of the year in which the election is to be held.
323     (a)  Vacancies.--A vacancy in the office of mayor, vice
324mayor, or any council member shall occur upon the death of the
325incumbent, removal from office as authorized by law,
326resignation, appointment to other public office which creates
327dual office holding, judicially determined incompetence, or
328forfeiture of office as described in paragraph (b).
329     (b)  Forfeiture of office.--Any council member shall
330forfeit his or her office upon determination by the council,
331acting as a body, at a duly noticed public meeting that he or
333     1.  Lacks at any time, or fails to maintain during his or
334her term of office, any qualification for the office prescribed
335by this charter or otherwise required by law;
336     2.  Is convicted of a felony or enters a plea of guilty or
337nolo contendere to a crime punishable as a felony, even if
338adjudication is withheld;
339     3.  Is convicted of a first degree misdemeanor arising
340directly out of his or her official conduct or duties, or enters
341a plea of guilty or nolo contendere thereto, even if
342adjudication of guilt has been withheld;
343     4.  Is found to have violated any standard of conduct or
344code of ethics established by law for public officials and has
345been suspended from office by the Governor, unless subsequently
346reinstated as provided by law; or
347     5.  Is absent from three consecutive regular council
348meetings without good cause, or for any other reason established
349in this charter.
351The council shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of its
352members and shall hear all questions relating to forfeiture of a
353council member's office, including whether good cause for
354absence has been or may be established. The burden of
355establishing good cause shall be on the council member in
356question; however, any council member may at any time during any
357duly held meeting move to establish good cause for his or her
358absence or the absence of any other commission member from any
359past, present, or future meeting or meetings, which motion, if
360carried, shall be conclusive. A council member whose
361qualifications are in question or who is otherwise subject to
362forfeiture of his or her office shall not vote on any such
363matters. The council member in question shall be entitled to a
364public hearing on request regarding an alleged forfeiture of
365office. If a public hearing is requested, notice thereof shall
366be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in
367the town at least 1 week in advance of the hearing. Any final
368determination by the council that a council member has forfeited
369his or her office shall be made by resolution. All votes and
370other acts of the council member in question prior to the
371effective date of such resolution shall be valid regardless of
372the grounds of forfeiture.
373     (c)  Suspension from office.--Any council member shall be
374suspended from office upon return of an indictment or issuance
375of any information charging the council member with any crime
376which is punishable as a felony or with any crime arising out of
377his or her official duties which is punishable as a first degree
378misdemeanor. Pursuant thereto:
379     1.  During a period of suspension, a council member shall
380not perform any official act, duty, or function or receive any
381pay, allowance, emolument, or privilege of office.
382     2.  If the council member is subsequently found not guilty
383of the charge, or if the charge is otherwise dismissed, reduced,
384or altered in such a manner that suspension would no longer be
385required as provided herein, the suspension shall be lifted and
386the council member shall be entitled to receive full back pay
387and such other emoluments or allowances as he or she would have
388been entitled to had the suspension not occurred.
389     (d)  Filling of vacancies.--
390     1.  If any vacancy occurs in the office of any council
391member and the remainder of the council member's unexpired term
392is less than 1 year and 81 days, the remaining council members
393shall, within 30 days following the occurrence of such vacancy,
394by majority vote, appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the
395remainder of the unexpired term.
396     2.  If any vacancy occurs in the office of any council
397member and the remainder of the unexpired term is equal to or
398exceeds 1 year and 81 days, the remaining council members shall,
399within 30 days following the occurrence of such vacancy, by
400majority vote, appoint a person to fill the vacancy until the
401next regularly scheduled town election, at which time an
402election shall be held to fill the vacancy.
403     3.  If a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor and fewer
404than 120 days remain in the term of the council member who was
405elected mayor, the vice mayor shall serve as mayor until a new
406mayor is elected by the council and assumes the duties of his or
407her office. If a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor and 120
408days or more remain in the term of the mayor, the vice mayor
409shall serve as mayor until a new council member is elected and
410the council elects a new mayor and vice mayor as provided by
411this charter.
412     4.  Any person appointed to fill a vacancy on the council
413shall be required to meet the qualifications of the seat to
414which he or she is appointed.
415     5.  Notwithstanding any quorum requirements established
416herein, if at any time the full membership of the council is
417reduced to less than a quorum, the remaining members may, by
418majority vote, appoint additional members to the extent
419otherwise permitted or required under this subsection.
420     6.  In the event that all the members of the council are
421removed by death, disability, recall, forfeiture of office, or
422resignation, or any combination thereof, the Governor shall
423appoint interim council members who shall call a special
424election within not fewer than 30 days or more than 60 days
425after such appointment. Such election shall be held in the same
426manner as the initial elections under this charter. However, if
427there are fewer than 6 months remaining in any unexpired terms,
428the interim council appointed by the Governor shall serve out
429the unexpired terms. Appointees must meet all requirements for
430candidates as provided in this charter.
431     (e)  Compensation and expenses.--
432     1.  Town council members shall be entitled to receive
433reimbursement in accordance with general law for authorized
434travel and per diem expenses incurred in the performance of
435their official duties.
436     2.  The town council, by not fewer than four affirmative
437votes, may elect to provide for compensation and any increase in
438such compensation by ordinance. However, no such ordinance
439establishing or increasing compensation shall take effect until
440the date of commencement of the terms of council members elected
441at the next regular election which follows the adoption of such
443     Section 4.  Administrative.--
444     (1)  DESIGNATION OF CHARTER OFFICERS.--The town manager and
445the town attorney are designated as charter officers, except
446that the office of town attorney may be contracted to an
447attorney or law firm.
450     (a)  The charter officers shall be appointed by a majority
451vote of the full council and shall serve at the pleasure of the
453     (b)  The charter officers shall be removed from office only
454by a super majority vote of the full council. Upon demand by a
455charter officer, a public hearing shall be held prior to such
457     (c)  The compensation of the charter officers shall be
458fixed by the town council through the approval of an acceptable
459employment contract.
460     (d)  The town council shall begin the process to fill a
461vacancy in a charter office within 90 days after the vacancy. An
462acting town manager or an acting town attorney may be appointed
463by the council during a vacancy in such charter office.
464     (e)  A charter officer shall not be a member of the town
465council or a candidate for town council while holding a charter
466officer position.
467     (3)  TOWN MANAGER.--The town manager shall be the chief
468administrative officer of the town.
469     (a)  The town council shall appoint a town manager who
470shall be the administrative head of the municipal government
471under the direction and supervision of the town council. The
472town manager shall hold office at the pleasure of the town
473council. The town manager shall be appointed by resolution
474approving an employment contract between the town and the town
475manager. The town manager shall receive such compensation as
476determined by the town council through the adoption of an
477appropriate resolution.
478     (b)  The town manager shall have the minimum qualifications
479of a combination of a bachelor's degree in public
480administration, business administration, or other related fields
481from an accredited college or university and 3 years' public
482administration experience or 6 years' experience in a city
483manager or assistant city manager position, preferably in an
484International City/County Management Association-recognized
485local government.
486     (c)  It is preferred that the town manager be an
487International City/County Management Association-credentialed
488manager or obtain such credential within 2 years after being
490     (d)  During the absence or disability of the town manager,
491the town council may by resolution designate some properly
492qualified person to temporarily execute the functions of the
493town manager. The person thus designated shall have the same
494powers and duties as the town manager and shall be known while
495serving as acting town manager. The town manager or acting town
496manager may be removed by the town council at any time.
497     (e)  As the chief administrative officer, the town manager
499     1.  Direct and supervise the administration of all
500departments, offices, and agencies of the town, except the
501office of town attorney, and except as otherwise provided by
502this charter or by law.
503     2.  Appoint, suspend, or remove any employee of the town or
504appointive administrative officer provided for, by, or under
505this charter, except the office of town attorney, and except as
506may otherwise be provided by law, this charter, or personnel
507rules adopted pursuant to the charter. The town manager may
508authorize any administrative officer who is subject to his or
509her direction and supervision to exercise these powers with
510respect to subordinates in that officer's department, office, or
512     3.  Ensure that all laws, provisions of this charter, and
513acts of the council are faithfully executed.
514     4.  Prepare and submit the annual budget and capital
515program to the council in the form prescribed by ordinance.
516     5.  Attend meetings of the town council.
517     6.  Draw and sign vouchers upon depositories as provided by
518ordinance and keep, or cause to be kept, a true and accurate
519account of same.
520     7.  Sign all licenses issued by the town, issue receipts
521for all moneys paid to the town, and deposit such moneys in the
522proper depositories on the first banking day after receipt. The
523town manager may delegate the responsibilities of this
524subparagraph to an appropriate town employee who shall be
526     8.  Provide administrative services in support of the
527official duties of the mayor and the council.
528     9.  Keep the council advised as to the financial condition
529and future needs of the town and make recommendations to the
530council concerning the affairs of the town.
531     10.  Submit to the council, and make available to the
532public, a complete report on finances and administrative
533activities of the town as of the end of each fiscal year.
534     11.  Sign contracts on behalf of the town to the extent
535authorized by ordinance.
536     12.  Perform such other duties as are specified in this
537charter or as may be required by the council.
538     (4)  TOWN ATTORNEY.--
539     (a)  The town attorney shall be employed under terms and
540conditions deemed advisable by the town council, which may
541include the appointment of a law firm.
542     (b)  The town attorney shall be a member in good standing
543with The Florida Bar, have been admitted to practice in the
544state for at least 5 years, and have not less than 2 years'
545experience in the practice of local government law.
546     (c)  The town attorney has sole discretion to appoint,
547promote, suspend, demote, remove, or terminate deputy and
548assistant town attorneys, subject to the town's annual budget.
549     (d)  The town attorney shall perform the following
550functions in addition to other functions as designated by the
551town council:
552     1.  Serve as chief legal advisor to the town council, the
553charter officers, and all town departments, offices, and
555     2.  Attend all regular and special town council meetings,
556unless excused by the town council, and perform such
557professional duties as may be required by law or by the council
558in furtherance of the law.
559     3.  Approve all contracts, bonds, and other instruments in
560which the town is concerned and shall endorse on each his or her
561approval of the form and correctness thereof. No contract with
562the town shall take effect until his or her approval is so
563endorsed thereon.
564     4.  When requested to do so by the council, prosecute and
565defend on behalf of the town all complaints, suits, and
566controversies in which the town is a party.
567     5.  Perform such other professional duties as required of
568him or her by resolution of the council or as prescribed for
569municipal attorneys in the general laws of the state which are
570not inconsistent with this charter.
571     6.  Prepare an annual budget for the operation of the
572office of the town attorney and submit this budget to the town
573manager for inclusion in the annual town budget, in accordance
574with uniform town procedures.
575     (5)  TOWN CLERK.--The town manager shall appoint a town
576clerk or management firm to serve as town clerk (the "clerk").
577The clerk shall give notice of council meetings to its members
578and the public, keep minutes of its proceedings, and perform
579such other duties as the council or town manager may prescribe
580from time to time. The clerk shall report to the town manager.
581     (6)  EXPENDITURE OF TOWN FUNDS.--No funds of the town shall
582be expended except pursuant to duly approved appropriations or
583for the payment of bonds, notes, or other indebtedness duly
584authorized by the council and only from such funds so
586     (7)  TOWN BOARDS AND AGENCIES.--Except as otherwise
587provided by law, the council may establish or terminate such
588boards and agencies as it may deem advisable from time to time.
589The boards and agencies shall report to the council. Members of
590boards and agencies shall be appointed by the council by
592     Section 5.  Legislative.--
593     (1)  REGULAR MEETINGS.--The council shall conduct regular
594meetings at such times and places as the council shall prescribe
595by resolution. Such meetings shall be public meetings within the
596meaning of state law and shall be subject to notice and other
597requirements of law applicable to public meetings.
598     (2)  SPECIAL MEETINGS.--Special meetings may be held at the
599call of the mayor or, in his or her absence, at the call of the
600vice mayor. Special meetings may also be called upon the request
601of a majority of the council members. Unless the meeting is of
602an emergency nature, the person or persons calling such a
603meeting shall provide not less than 72 hours' prior notice of
604the meeting to the public.
605     (3)  COMMENCEMENT.--All meetings shall be scheduled to
606commence no earlier than 7 a.m. nor later than 10 p.m.
607     (4)  RULES; ORDER OF BUSINESS.--The council shall determine
608its own rules and order of business.
609     (5)  QUORUM.--A majority of the full council shall
610constitute a quorum.
611     (6)  VALIDITY OF ACTION.--No action of the council shall be
612valid unless adopted by an affirmative vote of the majority of
613the full council, unless otherwise provided by law.
614     (7)  LEGISLATIVE POWERS.--Except as otherwise prescribed
615herein or as provided by law, the legislative powers of the town
616shall be vested in the council. The council shall provide for
617the exercise of its powers and for the performance of all duties
618and obligations imposed on the town by law.
619     (8)  DEPARTMENTS.--The council may establish such other
620departments as it determines necessary for the efficient
621administration and operation of the town. Such departments,
622offices, or agencies shall be established by ordinance.
623     (9)  CODE.--The council may adopt any standard code of
624technical regulations by reference thereto in an adopting
625ordinance and may amend the code in the adopting ordinance or
626later amendatory ordinance. The procedures and requirements
627governing such an adopting ordinance shall be as prescribed for
628ordinances generally, except that:
629     (a)  Requirements regarding distribution and filing of
630copies of the ordinance shall not be construed to require
631distribution and filing of copies of the adopted code of
632technical regulations.
633     (b)  A copy of each adopted code of technical regulations,
634as well as of the adopting ordinance, shall be authenticated and
635recorded by the town clerk.
637     (a)  To meet a public emergency affecting life, health,
638property, or the public peace, the council may adopt, in the
639manner provided by general law, one or more emergency
640ordinances, but such ordinances may not enact or amend a land
641use plan or rezone private property; levy taxes; grant, renew,
642or extend any municipal franchise; set service or user charges
643for any municipal services; or authorize the borrowing of money,
644except as provided under the emergency appropriations provisions
645of this charter, if applicable. An emergency ordinance shall be
646introduced in the form and manner prescribed for ordinances
647generally, except that it shall be plainly designated in a
648preamble as an emergency ordinance and shall contain, after the
649enacting clause, a declaration stating that an emergency exists
650and describing it in clear and specific terms.
651     (b)  Upon the affirmative vote of four council members, an
652emergency ordinance may be adopted with or without amendment or
653rejected at the meeting at which it is introduced. After its
654adoption, the ordinance shall be advertised and printed as
655prescribed for other ordinances.
656     (c)  Emergency ordinances shall become effective upon
657adoption or at such other date as may be specified in the
659     (d)  Every emergency ordinance, except emergency
660appropriation ordinances, shall automatically be repealed as of
661the 61st day following its effective date, but this shall not
662prevent reenactment of the ordinance under regular procedures
663or, if the emergency still exists, in the manner specified in
664this section. An emergency ordinance may also be repealed by
665adoption of a repealing ordinance in the same manner specified
666in this section for adoption of emergency ordinances.
667     (11)  EMERGENCY APPROPRIATIONS.--To meet a public emergency
668affecting life, health, property, or the public peace, the
669council, by resolution, may make emergency appropriations. To
670the extent that there are no unappropriated revenues to meet
671such appropriation, the council may by such emergency resolution
672authorize the issuance of emergency notes, which may be renewed
673from time to time, but the emergency notes and renewals in any
674fiscal year shall be paid not later than the last day of the
675fiscal year succeeding that in which the emergency
676appropriations were made.
677     (12)  RECORDKEEPING.--The council shall, in a properly
678indexed book kept for the purpose, provide for the
679authentication and recording in full of all minutes of meetings
680and all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the council, and
681the same shall at all times be a public record. The council
682shall further maintain a current codification of all ordinances.
683Such codification shall be printed and shall be made available
684for distribution to the public on a continuing basis. All
685ordinances or resolutions of the council shall be signed by all
686council members and attested to by the town clerk.
687     (13)  DUAL OFFICE HOLDING.--No present elected town
688official shall hold any compensated appointive office or
689employment of the town while in office, nor shall any former
690council member be employed by the town until after the
691expiration of 1 year from the time of leaving office.
692     (14)  NONINTERFERENCE BY TOWN COUNCIL.--Except for the
693purposes of inquiry and information, council members are
694expressly prohibited from interfering with the performance of
695the duties of any employee of the town government who is under
696the direct or indirect supervision of the town manager or town
697attorney. Such action shall be malfeasance within the meaning of
698section 112.51, Florida Statutes. Recommendations for
699improvements in the town government operations shall come
700through the town manager, but each member of the council shall
701be free to discuss or recommend improvements to the town
702manager, and the council is free to direct the town manager to
703implement specific recommendations for improvement in town
704government operations.
705     Section 6.  Budget and appropriations.--
706     (1)  FISCAL YEAR.--The town shall have a fiscal year which
707shall begin on the first day of October and shall end on the
708last day of September of the following calendar year, unless
709otherwise defined by general law. Such fiscal year shall also
710constitute the annual budget and accounting year.
711     (2)  BUDGET ADOPTION.--The council shall adopt a budget in
712accordance with applicable general law, following a minimum of
713two public hearings on the proposed budget. A resolution
714adopting the annual budget shall constitute appropriation of the
715amounts specified therein as expenditures from funds indicated.
716     (3)  EXPENDITURES.--The budget shall not provide for
717expenditures in an amount greater than the revenues budgeted.
718     (4)  APPROPRIATIONS.--
719     (a)  If, during the fiscal year, revenues in excess of
720those estimated in the budget are available for appropriation,
721the council by resolution may make supplemental appropriations
722for the year in an amount not to exceed such excess.
723     (b)  If, at any time during the fiscal year, it appears
724probable to the town manager that the revenues available will be
725insufficient to meet the amount appropriated, the town manager
726shall report to the council without delay, indicating the
727estimated amount of the deficit, any remedial action taken, and
728recommendations as to any other steps that should be taken. The
729council shall then take such further action as it deems
730necessary to prevent or minimize any deficit and, for that
731purpose, the council may by resolution reduce one or more
732appropriations accordingly.
733     (c)  No appropriation for debt service may be reduced or
734transferred, and no appropriation may be reduced below any
735amount required by law to be appropriated, or by more than the
736unencumbered balance thereof. Other provisions of law to the
737contrary notwithstanding, the supplemental and emergency
738appropriations and reduction or transfer of appropriations
739authorized by this section may be made effective immediately
740upon adoption.
741     (5)  BONDS; INDEBTEDNESS.--
742     (a)  Subject to the referendum requirements of the State
743Constitution, if applicable, the town may from time to time
744borrow money and issue bonds or other obligations or evidence of
745indebtedness (collectively, "bonds") of any type or character
746for any of the purposes for which the town is now or hereafter
747authorized by law to borrow money, including to finance the cost
748of any capital or other project and to refund any and all
749previous issues of bonds at or prior to maturity. Such bonds may
750be issued pursuant to one or more resolutions adopted by a
751majority of the council.
752     (b)  The town may assume all outstanding indebtedness
753related to facilities it acquires from other units of local
754government and be liable for payment thereon in accordance with
755its terms.
757authorized by the electors of the town at a duly held referendum
758election, the council shall not authorize or allow to be
759authorized the issuance of revenue bonds or enter into lease-
760purchase contracts or any other unfunded multiyear contracts for
761the purchase of real property or the construction of any capital
762improvement, the repayment of which extends in excess of 36
763months, unless mandated by state or federal governing agencies.
764     (7)  ANNUAL AUDIT.--The council shall provide for an
765independent annual financial audit of all town accounts and may
766provide for more frequent audits as it deems necessary. Such
767audits shall be made by a certified public accountant or a firm
768of such accountants who have no personal interest, direct or
769indirect, in the fiscal affairs of the town government or in any
770of its officers. Residency in the town shall not be construed as
771a prohibited interest.
772     Section 7.  Elections.--
773     (1)  ELECTORS.--Any person who is a resident of the town,
774who has qualified as an elector of this state, and who registers
775in the manner prescribed by law shall be an elector of the town.
776     (2)  NONPARTISAN ELECTIONS.--All elections for the town
777council members shall be conducted on a nonpartisan basis
778without any designation of political party affiliation.
779     (3)  ELECTION DATES.--A special election shall be held on
780the second Tuesday in March 2007, and regular elections shall be
781held on the second Tuesday in March of each election year,
782provided as follows:
783     (a)  For the two council member seats that received the
784highest number of votes in the March 2007 election, the next
785election to fill the council member seats shall be held on the
786second Tuesday in March after the first Monday in March in 2010,
787and every 3 years thereafter.
788     (b)  For the two council member seats that received the
789next highest number of votes in the March 2007 election, the
790next election to fill the council member seats shall be held on
791the second Tuesday in March after the first Monday in March in
7922009, and every 3 years thereafter.
793     (c)  For the remaining council member seat, the next
794election to fill the council member seat shall be held on the
795second Tuesday in March after the first Monday in March in 2008,
796and every 3 years thereafter.
797     (d)  Such town elections shall be general town elections.
798     (4)  RUNOFF ELECTIONS.--In the event no candidate for an
799office receives a majority of the votes cast for such office,
800the person receiving the largest number of votes cast will be
801elected. In the event two candidates receive an equal number of
802votes, a runoff election shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in
804     (5)  TOWN CANVASSING BOARD.--The town canvassing board
805shall be composed of those members of the town council who are
806not candidates for reelection and the town clerk, who shall act
807as chair. At the close of the polls of any town election, or as
808soon thereafter as practicable, the canvassing board shall meet
809at a time and place designated by the chair and shall proceed to
810publicly canvass the vote as shown by the returns then on file
811in the office of the town clerk, and then shall publicly canvass
812the absentee elector ballots. The canvassing board shall prepare
813and sign a certificate containing the total number of votes cast
814for each candidate or other measure voted upon. The certificate
815shall be placed on file with the town clerk.
816     (6)  SPECIAL ELECTIONS.--Special municipal elections, when
817required, shall be held in the same manner as regular elections,
818except that the town council, by ordinance, shall fix the time
819for holding such elections consistent with this charter and
820state law.
821     (7)  GENERAL ELECTION.--
822     (a)  The ballot for the general election shall contain the
823names of all qualified candidates for each respective council
824member seat and shall instruct electors to cast one vote for
825each council member seat, with a maximum of one vote per
826candidate. The candidate for each council member seat receiving
827the most votes shall be the duly elected council member for that
828designated council member seat.
829     (b)  No election for any council member seat shall be
830required in any election if there is only one duly qualified
831candidate for the council member seat.
832     (c)  If more than one candidate for a designated council
833member seat receive an equal and highest number of votes, the
834candidates for the office receiving the highest vote in the
835general election shall run again in the runoff election.
836     (d)  The candidate receiving the highest number of votes
837cast for the designated council member seat in the runoff
838election shall be elected to the designated council member seat.
839If the vote at the runoff election results in a tie, the outcome
840shall be determined by lot.
841     (e)  The term of office of any elected official shall
842commence immediately after the election.
843     (f)  All elected officers, before entering upon their
844duties, shall take and subscribe to the following oath of
846"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect,
847and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States
848and of the state, and the charter of the Town of Loxahatchee
849Groves; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the
850Constitution of the State and the charter of the Town of
851Loxahatchee Groves; and that I will well and faithfully perform
852the duties of council member upon which I am now about to
854     (g)  The election laws of the state shall apply to all
856     (h)  Any member of the town council may be removed from
857office by the electors of the town following the procedures for
858recall established by general law.
859     Section 8.  Initiative and referendum.--
861     (a)  The electors of the town shall have the power to
862propose ordinances to the town council and, if the town council
863fails to adopt an ordinance so proposed without any change in
864substance, to adopt or reject it at a town election, provided
865that such power shall not extend to the annual budget or capital
866program or any ordinance appropriating money, levying taxes, or
867setting salaries of town officers or employees.
868     (b)1.  The town council shall have the power, by
869resolution, to call for a referendum vote by the electors of the
870town at any time, provided that the purpose of such referendum
871is presented to the town at a public hearing at least 60 days
872prior to the adoption of such resolution. Any resolution calling
873for a referendum vote of the electors of the town must be passed
874by the affirmative vote of not less than four members of the
876     2.  The electors of the town shall have the power to
877require reconsideration by the town council of any adopted
878ordinance and, if the town council fails to repeal an ordinance
879so reconsidered, to approve or reject it at a town election,
880provided that such power shall not extend to the annual budget
881or capital program or any ordinance appropriating money, levying
882taxes, or setting salaries of town officers or employees.
883     (2)  COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS.--Any 10 electors may
884commence initiative or referendum proceedings by filing with the
885town clerk an affidavit stating that they shall constitute the
886petitioner's committee and be responsible for circulating the
887petition and filing it in proper form stating their names and
888addresses and specifying the address to which all notices to the
889committee are to be sent, and setting out in full the proposed
890initiative ordinance or citing the ordinance sought to be
891reconsidered. Promptly after the affidavit of the petitioner's
892committee is filed, the town clerk may, at the committee's
893request, issue the appropriate petition blanks to the
894petitioner's committee at the committee's expense.
895     (3)  PETITIONS.--
896     (a)  Initiative and referendum petitions must be signed by
897electors of the town equal in number to at least 10 percent of
898the total number of electors registered to vote in the last
899regular town election.
900     (b)  All papers of a petition shall be assembled as one
901instrument of filing. Each signature shall be executed in ink
902and shall be followed by the printed name and address of the
903person signing. Petitions shall contain or have attached thereto
904throughout their circulation the full text of the ordinance
905proposed or sought to be reconsidered.
906     (c)  Each paper of a petition shall have attached to it
907when filed an affidavit executed by the circulator thereof
908stating that he or she personally circulated the paper, the
909number of signatures thereon, that all signatures were affixed
910in his or her presence, that he or she believes them to be the
911genuine signatures of the persons whose names they purport to
912be, and that each signer had an opportunity before signing to
913read the full text of the ordinance proposed or sought to be
915     (d)  Except as otherwise provided herein, all initiative
916and referendum petitions must be filed within 60 days of the
917date on which proceedings with respect to such initiative or
918referendum are commenced, and all requirements of the process,
919including, but not limited to, the submission of the signatures
920required, must be completed no later than 90 days following the
921date of filing such initiative or referendum petition.
922     (4)  PROCEDURE FOR FILING.--
923     (a)  Within 20 days after an initiative petition or a
924referendum petition is filed, the town clerk shall complete a
925certificate as to its sufficiency, specifying, if it is
926insufficient, the particulars wherein it is defective, and shall
927promptly send a copy of the certificate to the petitioner's
928committee by registered mail. Grounds for insufficiency are only
929those specified herein that are not met. A petition certified
930insufficient for lack of the required number of valid signatures
931may be amended once if the petitioner's committee files a notice
932of intent to amend it with the designated official within 2
933business days after receiving the copy of the certificate and
934files a supplementary petition upon additional papers within 10
935days after receiving the copy of such certificate. Such
936supplementary petition shall comply with original petition
937requirements, and within 5 days after it is filed the town clerk
938shall complete a certificate as to the sufficiency of the
939petition as amended and promptly send a copy of such certificate
940to the petitioner's committee by registered mail. If a petition
941or an amended petition is certified sufficient, or if a petition
942or amended petition is certified insufficient and the
943petitioner's committee does not elect to amend or request the
944town council review within the time required, the town clerk
945shall promptly present a certificate to the town council and
946such certificate shall then be a final determination as to the
947sufficiency of the petition.
948     (b)  If a petition has been certified insufficient and the
949petitioner's committee does not file notice of intent to amend
950it or if an amended petition has been certified insufficient,
951the committee may, within 2 business days after receiving the
952copy of such certificate, file a request that it be reviewed by
953the town council. The town council shall review the certificate
954at its next meeting following the town council's filing of such
955request and approve or disapprove it, and determination shall
956then be final as to the sufficiency of the petition.
957     (5)  ACTION ON PETITIONS.--
958     (a)  When an initiative or referendum petition has been
959determined sufficient, the town council shall promptly consider
960the proposed initiative ordinance or reconsider the referendum
961ordinance by voting its repeal. If the town council fails to
962adopt a proposed initiative ordinance without any change in
963substance within 45 days or fails to repeal the referendum
964ordinance within 30 days after the date on which the petition is
965determined to be sufficient, it shall submit the proposed
966initiative or referendum ordinance to the electors of the town.
967If the town council fails to act on a proposed initiative
968ordinance or a referendum ordinance within the time period
969specified, the town council shall be deemed to have failed to
970adopt the proposed initiative ordinance or failed to repeal the
971referendum ordinance on the last day that the town council was
972authorized to act on such matter.
973     (b)  The vote of the town on a proposed initiative or
974referendum ordinance shall be held not fewer than 30 days or
975more than 60 days from the date the town council acted or was
976deemed to have acted pursuant to this charter. If no regular
977election is to be held within the period described in this
978paragraph, the town council shall provide for a special
979election, except that the town council may, in its discretion,
980provide for a special election at an earlier date within the
981described period. Copies of the proposed initiative or
982referendum ordinance shall be made available at the polls.
983     (c)  An initiative or referendum petition may be withdrawn
984at any time prior to the 15th day preceding the day scheduled
985for a vote of the town by filing with the town clerk a request
986for withdrawal signed by at least eight members of the
987petitioner's committee. Upon the filing of such request, the
988petition shall have no further force or effect and all
989proceedings thereon shall be terminated.
990     (6)  RESULTS OF ELECTION.--
991     (a)  If a majority of the qualified electors voting on a
992proposed initiative ordinance vote in its favor, it shall be
993considered adopted upon certification of the election results.
994If conflicting ordinances are approved at the same election, the
995one receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes shall
996prevail to the extent of such conflict.
997     (b)  If a majority of the qualified electors voting on a
998referendum ordinance vote against it, it shall be considered
999repealed upon certification of the election results.
1000     Section 9.  General provisions.--
1001     (1)  SEVERABILITY.--If any section or part of any section
1002of this charter shall be held invalid by a court of competent
1003jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the remainder of
1004this charter or the context in which such section or part of a
1005section so held invalid may appear, except to the extent that an
1006entire section or part of a section may be inseparably connected
1007in meaning and effect with the section or part of a section to
1008which such holding shall directly apply.
1009     (2)  TOWN PERSONNEL SYSTEM.--All new employments,
1010appointments, and promotions of town officers and employees
1011shall be made pursuant to personnel procedures to be established
1012by the town manager from time to time.
1013     (3)  CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS.--The town shall not make any
1014charitable contribution to any person or entity unless
1015authorized by the council.
1016     (4)  VARIATION OF PRONOUNS.--All pronouns and any
1017variations thereof used in this charter shall be deemed to refer
1018to masculine, feminine, neutral, singular, or plural as the
1019identity of the person or persons shall require and are not
1020intended to describe, interpret, define, or limit the scope,
1021extent, or intent of this charter.
1022     (5)  CALENDAR DAY.--For the purpose of this charter, a day
1023shall mean a calendar day.
1025     (a)  At its first regular meeting in March 2012, and every
102610th year thereafter, the town council may appoint a charter
1027review committee consisting of 15 individuals who are not
1028members of the town council to serve in an advisory capacity to
1029the town council.
1030     (b)  Each council member shall recommend and nominate three
1031individuals to serve on the committee as regular members, which
1032appointments shall be approved by a majority vote of the town
1033council. Individuals appointed to the charter review committee
1034shall be citizens of the town.
1035     (c)  The charter review committee shall appoint its own
1036chair and vice chair and adopt its own rules and procedures.
1037     (d)  The town clerk and the town attorney shall advise the
1038town council in advance of the date when such appointments may
1039be made.
1040     (e)  If appointed, the charter review committee shall
1041commence its proceedings within 30 days after the committee is
1042appointed by the town council. The committee shall review the
1043charter and provide input to the town council to modernize and
1044improve the charter. The public shall be given an opportunity to
1045speak and participate at charter review committee meetings in
1046accordance with the rules of the charter review committee.
1047     (f)  All recommendations by the charter review committee
1048shall be forwarded to the town council in ordinance form for
1049consideration no later than the 1st day of March of the year
1050following the appointment of the charter review committee, and
1051in sufficient time for any recommendations to be considered by
1052the town council as provided herein.
1053     (g)  The town council shall consider the recommendations of
1054the charter review committee at the regular meeting in November
1055and the regular meeting in December of the year following
1056appointment of the charter review committee.
1057     (7)  CHARTER AMENDMENTS.--This charter may be amended in
1058accordance with the provisions for charter amendments as
1059specified in general law or as may otherwise be provided by
1060general law. The form, content, and certification of any
1061petition to amend shall be established by ordinance.
1062     (8)  INITIATION BY PETITION.--The electors of the town may
1063propose amendments to this charter by petition to be submitted
1064to the council to be placed before the electors, as provided by
1065general law.
1066     (9)  STANDARDS OF CONDUCT.--All elected officials and
1067employees of the town shall be subject to the standards of
1068conduct for public officers and employees set by general law. In
1069addition, the town council shall, no later than 6 months from
1070the effective date of incorporation, establish by ordinance a
1071code of ethics for officials and employees of the town which may
1072be supplemental to general law, but in no case may such an
1073ordinance diminish the provisions of general law. The intent of
1074this subsection is to require more stringent standards than
1075those provided under general law.
1076     (10)  LAND USE, REZONING.--Any change to the town's future
1077land use map, or any change to the zoning designation for any
1078parcel within the town shall require the affirmative vote of no
1079fewer than four members of the town council.
1080     Section 10.  Transition schedule.--
1081     (1)  REFERENDUM.--The Palm Beach County Commission shall
1082hold the referendum election called for by this act on October
108310, 2006, at which time the following question shall be placed
1084upon the ballot:
1086"Shall the creation of the Town of Loxahatchee Groves and its
1087charter be approved?"
1094     (a)  Following the adoption of this charter, the Palm Beach
1095County Commission shall call a special election for the election
1096of the five town council members to be held on March 13, 2007.
1097Candidates for the election shall qualify for seat 1, seat 2,
1098seat 3, seat 4, and seat 5. The candidate receiving the highest
1099number of votes for that seat shall be elected. If more than one
1100candidate for a designated council member seat receives an equal
1101and highest number of votes, then the candidates receiving the
1102highest votes in the general election shall run again in the
1103runoff election which shall be held on March 27, 2007.
1104     (b)  Any individual who wishes to run for one of the five
1105initial seats on the council shall qualify as a candidate with
1106the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections in accordance with
1107the provisions of this charter and general law.
1108     (c)  The Palm Beach County Commission shall appoint a
1109canvassing board which shall certify the results of the
1111     (d)  Those candidates who are elected on March 13, 2007,
1112and March 27, 2007, shall take office at the initial town
1113council meeting, which shall be held at 7 p.m. on March 29,
1116purpose of compliance with section 200.066, Florida Statutes,
1117relating to assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes, the
1118town is hereby created and established effective November 1,
11192006; notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,
1120the town, although created and established as of November 1,
11212006, shall not be operational until March 30, 2007.
1122     (4)  FIRST YEAR EXPENSES.--The town council, in order to
1123provide moneys for the expenses and support of the town, shall
1124have the power to borrow money necessary for the operation of
1125town government until such time as a budget is adopted and
1126revenues are raised in accordance with the provisions of this
1129applicable county ordinances currently in place at the time of
1130passage of the referendum, unless specifically referenced
1131herein, shall remain in place until and unless rescinded by
1132action of the town council, except that a county ordinance,
1133rule, or regulation which is in conflict with an ordinance,
1134rule, or regulation of the town shall not be effective to the
1135extent of such conflict, except as otherwise provided by the
1136Palm Beach County Charter, as may be amended from time to time.
1137Any existing Palm Beach County ordinances, rules, and
1138regulations as of October 12, 2006, shall not be altered,
1139changed, rescinded, or added to, nor shall any variance be
1140granted thereto insofar as such action would affect the town
1141without the approval of the town council.
1142     (6)  TEMPORARY EMERGENCY ORDINANCES.--The town council
1143shall adopt ordinances and resolutions required to effect the
1144transition. Ordinances adopted within 60 days after the first
1145council meeting may be passed as emergency ordinances. These
1146transitional ordinances, passed as emergency ordinances, shall
1147be effective for no longer than 90 days after adoption and
1148thereafter may be readopted, renewed, or otherwise continued
1149only in the manner normally prescribed for ordinances.
1152     (a)  Until such time as the town adopts a comprehensive
1153plan, the Palm Beach County Future Land Use Map, the Palm Beach
1154County Zoning Map, and all other applicable provisions
1155applicable to the town, of the Comprehensive Plan and Land
1156Development Regulations of Palm Beach County, as the same exist
1157on the day the town commences corporate existence, shall remain
1158in effect as the town's transitional comprehensive plan and land
1159development regulations. However, all planning functions,
1160duties, and authority shall thereafter be vested in the Town
1161Council of Loxahatchee Groves which shall also be deemed the
1162local planning agency until the council establishes a separate
1163local planning agency.
1164     (b)  Upon this act becoming a law, no changes in the future
1165land use map or the zoning districts within the boundaries of
1166the town shall be considered for alteration, amendment, or other
1167modification in any way until such time as the town adopts
1168appropriate procedures as referenced in this act.
1169     (c)  All powers and duties of the planning commission,
1170zoning authority, any boards of adjustment, and the County
1171Commission of Palm Beach County, as set forth in these
1172transitional zoning and land use regulations, shall be vested in
1173the Town Council of Loxahatchee Groves until such time as the
1174town council delegates all or a portion thereof to another
1176     (d)  Subsequent to the passage of this act, no amendment of
1177the comprehensive plan or land development regulations enacted
1178by the Palm Beach County Commission shall be deemed as an
1179amendment of the town's transitional comprehensive plan or land
1180development regulations or otherwise take effect within the
1181town's corporate limits except in accordance with the
1182requirements, and upon adoption of the procedures specified in
1183this act.
1184     (e)1.  The owner or assigns of the 97+/- acre property
1185located at the northwest corner of B-Road and Southern
1186Boulevard, commonly known as the "Simon property," have applied
1187for a land use change through the Palm Beach County
1188comprehensive plan amendment process (LGA 2004-00037). This
1189parcel and it owners and assigns will remain subject to the Palm
1190Beach County comprehensive plan and approval process until such
1191time as the town adopts its own comprehensive plan.
1192     2.  In the event that the town initiates a review and
1193approval process in a timeframe that is faster than presently
1194expected, the owner or assigns of the Simon property may elect,
1195at their own option, to go through the town's zoning approval
1197     (8)  COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TAX.--The communications
1198services tax imposed under s. 202.19, F.S., by Palm Beach County
1199will continue within the town boundaries during the period
1200commencing with the date of incorporation through December 31,
12012007. Revenues from the tax shall be shared by Palm Beach County
1202with the town in proportion to the projected town population
1203estimate of the Palm Beach County Planning Division compared
1204with the unincorporated population of Palm Beach County before
1205the incorporation of Loxahatchee Groves.
1206     (9)  STATE SHARED REVENUES.--The Town of Loxahatchee Groves
1207shall be entitled to participate in all shared revenue programs
1208of the state available to municipalities effective April 1,
12092007. The provisions of section 218.23(1), Florida Statutes,
1210shall be waived for the purpose of eligibility to receive
1211revenue sharing funds from the date of incorporation through the
1212state fiscal year 2009-2010. Initial population estimates for
1213calculating eligibility for shared revenues shall be determined
1214by the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business
1215Research. Should the bureau be unable to provide an appropriate
1216population estimate, the Palm Beach County Planning Division
1217estimate should be utilized. For the purposes of qualifying for
1218revenue sharing, the following revenue sources shall be
1219considered: municipal service taxing units, fire municipal
1220service taxing units, water control district revenues,
1221occupational license taxes, ad valorem taxes, public utility
1222service taxes, communication services tax, and franchise fees.
1223     (10)  GAS TAX REVENUES.--The town shall be entitled to
1224receive local option gas tax revenues beginning October 1, 2007.
1225This specifically includes the relevant statutorily referenced
1226interlocal agreements.
1227     (11)  WAIVER.--The provisions of section 218.23(1), Florida
1228Statutes, shall be waived for the purpose of conducting audits
1229and financial reporting through fiscal year 2007-2008.
1230     Section 11.  Continuation, merger, and dissolution of
1231existing districts and service providers.--
1233UNIT; CONTINUATION.--Notwithstanding the incorporation of the
1234Town of Loxahatchee Groves, that portion of the Palm Beach
1235County Fire Rescue Municipal Service Taxing Unit, a special
1236taxing district created by the Palm Beach County Commission that
1237lies within the boundaries of the Town of Loxahatchee Groves, is
1238authorized to continue in existence until the town adopts an
1239ordinance to the contrary. However, the town shall not establish
1240a town fire department without a referendum.
1241     (2)  LAW ENFORCEMENT.--Law enforcement services will be
1242provided by contract with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's
1243Office, or contracted with other law enforcement agencies, until
1244the town adopts an ordinance to the contrary, provided that the
1245town shall not establish a town police department without a
1248CONTINUATION.--Notwithstanding the incorporation of the Town of
1249Loxahatchee Groves, that portion of the Palm Beach County
1250Library District, a dependent district of Palm Beach County
1251created by chapter 2000-405, Laws of Florida, that lies within
1252the boundaries of the Town of Loxahatchee Groves, is authorized
1253but not required to continue in existence, provided that in
1254order to be excluded from the library district the town shall
1255establish a municipal-funded library.
1257B.--That portion of Palm Beach County Municipal Service Taxing
1258Unit B, a dependent district of Palm Beach County created by the
1259Palm Beach Commission that lies within the boundaries of the
1260Town of Loxahatchee Groves, shall cease to exist within the
1261municipal boundaries of the Town of Loxahatchee Groves on
1262October 10, 2006.
1264F.--That portion of Palm Beach County Municipal Service Taxing
1265Unit F, a dependent district of Palm Beach County created by the
1266Palm Beach County Commission that lies within the boundaries of
1267the Town of Loxahatchee Groves, shall cease to exist within the
1268municipal boundaries of the Town of Loxahatchee Groves on
1269October 10, 2006.
1271CONTINUATION.--Notwithstanding the incorporation of the Town of
1272Loxahatchee Groves, the Loxahatchee Groves Water Control
1273District, an independent special district created pursuant to
1274the laws of the state, is authorized to continue in existence.
1276CONTINUATION.--Notwithstanding the incorporation of the Town of
1277Loxahatchee Groves, the Loxahatchee Groves Park will continue to
1278be operated by the Palm Beach County Department of Parks and
1279Recreation, in accordance with existing Palm Beach County
1280standards. All planned improvements to the park shall be subject
1281to approval of the Town of Loxahatchee Groves but are the
1282responsibility of Palm Beach County. Nothing contained herein
1283shall prevent Palm Beach County and the Town of Loxahatchee
1284Groves from entering into an interlocal agreement related to
1285maintenance, planned improvements, sale, or transfer of the
1287     Section 12.  Repeal.--Section 6 of section 2 of chapter 99-
128899-425, Laws of Florida, is repealed.
1289     Section 13.  Waivers.--The thresholds established by
1290section 165.061, Florida Statutes, for incorporation have been
1291met with the following exceptions:
1292     (1)  A waiver is granted to provisions of section
1293165.061(1)(b), Florida Statutes, relating to minimum population
1294requirements of 5,000, due to the rural character of the Town of
1295Loxahatchee Groves.
1296     (2)  A waiver is granted to provisions of section
1297165.061(1)(c), Florida Statutes, relating to the minimum density
1298of population of 1.5 persons per acre, to protect the historic,
1299rural, and agricultural character of the town from surrounding
1300development pressure.
1301     (3)  A waiver is granted to provisions of section
1302165.061(1)(d), Florida Statutes, relating to the minimum
1303distance of 2 miles from the town to an existing municipality
1304due to the marked difference in character between the town, a
1305historic and rural community, and surrounding communities with
1306significantly greater density and urban characteristics.
1307     Section 14.  This act shall only take effect upon approval
1308by a majority of those qualified electors residing within the
1309proposed corporate limits of the proposed Town of Loxahatchee
1310Groves as described in section 1, voting in a referendum
1311election to be called by the Board of County Commissioners of
1312Palm Beach County and to be held on October 10, 2006, in
1313accordance with the provisions relating to elections currently
1314in force, except that section 10(1) and this section shall take
1315effect upon this act becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.