Senate Bill sb1038c2

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    Florida Senate - 2007            CS for CS for SB's 1038 & 218

    By the Committees on Finance and Tax; Regulated Industries;
    and Senators Jones, Geller, Rich, King, Argenziano and Hill


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to slot machine gaming, as

  3         authorized by Section 23 of Article X of the

  4         State Constitution; amending s. 551.102, F.S.;

  5         defining the term "nonredeemable credits";

  6         redefining the term "slot machine revenues";

  7         amending s. 551.103, F.S.; deleting a

  8         requirement that the Division of Pari-mutuel

  9         Wagering annually adjust the amount of the bond

10         supplied by a slot machine licensee;

11         establishing the annual amount of bond

12         required; providing for procedures for drug

13         testing; amending s. 551.104, F.S.; providing

14         for implementation of a drug-testing program;

15         amending s. 551.1045, F.S.; providing

16         procedures for temporary occupational licenses;

17         deleting provisions for temporary licensees to

18         be adopted within 180 days; amending s.

19         551.106, F.S.; establishing when payment of the

20         annual slot machine license fee must be made by

21         a licensee; amending s. 551.107, F.S.;

22         authorizing the division to adopt rules to

23         create a single occupational license; providing

24         for validity; providing for additional

25         disciplinary actions; amending s. 551.109,

26         F.S.; exempting slot machine manufacturers and

27         distributors, certain educational facilities,

28         the division, and the Department of Law

29         Enforcement from certain prohibitions against

30         possessing slot machines at a place other than

31         the licensee's facility under certain


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 1         circumstances; authorizing agency rulemaking;

 2         amending s. 551.114, F.S.; increasing the

 3         number of slot machines a licensee may make

 4         available for play; amending s. 551.116, F.S.;

 5         increasing the hours that slot machine gaming

 6         areas may be open upon local government

 7         approval; amending s. 551.121, F.S.;

 8         authorizing automatic teller machines in

 9         certain areas of a pari-mutuel facility;

10         excluding check cashing in the designated slot

11         machine gaming areas; amending s. 849.15, F.S.;

12         clarifying the authority to legally ship slot

13         machines into the state under certain

14         circumstances; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Present subsections (6) through (12) of

19  section 551.102, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as

20  subsections (7) through (13), respectively, a new subsection

21  (6) is added to that section, and present subsection (12) of

22  that section is amended, to read:

23         551.102  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the

24  term:

25         (6)  "Nonredeemable credits" means slot machine

26  operating credits that cannot be redeemed for cash or any

27  other thing of value by a slot machine, kiosk, or the slot

28  machine licensee and that are provided free of charge to

29  patrons. Such credits do not constitute "nonredeemable

30  credits" until such time as they are metered as credit into a



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 1  slot machine and recorded in the facility-based monitoring

 2  system.

 3         (13)(12)  "Slot machine revenues" means the total of

 4  all cash and property, except nonredeemable credits, received

 5  by the slot machine licensee from the operation of slot

 6  machines less the amount of cash, cash equivalents, credits,

 7  and prizes paid to winners of slot machine gaming.

 8         Section 2.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section

 9  551.103, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (j) is

10  added to that subsection, to read:

11         551.103  Powers and duties of the division and law

12  enforcement.--

13         (1)  The division shall adopt, pursuant to the

14  provisions of ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54, all rules necessary

15  to implement, administer, and regulate slot machine gaming as

16  authorized in this chapter. Such rules must include:

17         (f)  Procedures for requiring each licensee at his or

18  her own cost and expense to supply the division with a bond

19  having the penal sum of $2 million payable to the Governor and

20  his or her successors in office for each year of the

21  licensee's first year of slot machine operations. Annually

22  thereafter, the licensee shall file a bond having a penal sum

23  that is determined each year by the division pursuant to rules

24  adopted by the division and that approximates the anticipated

25  state revenues from the licensee's slot machine operation;

26  however, the bond may not in any case be less than $2 million.

27  Any bond shall be issued by a surety or sureties approved by

28  the division and the Chief Financial Officer, conditioned to

29  faithfully make the payments to the Chief Financial Officer in

30  his or her capacity as treasurer of the division. The licensee

31  shall be required to keep its books and records and make


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 1  reports as provided in this chapter and to conduct its slot

 2  machine operations in conformity with this chapter and all

 3  other provisions of law. Such bond shall be separate and

 4  distinct from the bond required in s. 550.125.

 5         (j)  Procedures for requiring slot machine licensees to

 6  implement and establish drug-testing programs for all slot

 7  machine occupational licensees.

 8         Section 3.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (4) of section

 9  551.104, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         551.104  License to conduct slot machine gaming.--

11         (4)  As a condition of licensure and to maintain

12  continued authority for the conduct of slot machine gaming,

13  the slot machine licensee shall:

14         (i)  Create and file with the division a written policy

15  for:

16         1.  Creating opportunities to purchase from vendors in

17  this state, including minority vendors.

18         2.  Creating opportunities for employment of residents

19  of this state, including minority residents.

20         3.  Ensuring opportunities for construction services

21  from minority contractors.

22         4.  Ensuring that opportunities for employment are

23  offered on an equal, nondiscriminatory basis.

24         5.  Training for employees on responsible gaming and

25  working with a compulsive or addictive gambling prevention

26  program to further its purposes as provided for in s. 551.118.

27         6.  The implementation of a drug-testing program that

28  includes, but is not limited to, requiring each employee to

29  sign an agreement that he or she understands that the slot

30  machine facility is a drug-free workplace.



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 1  The slot machine licensee shall use the Internet-based

 2  job-listing system of the Agency for Workforce Innovation in

 3  advertising employment opportunities. Beginning in June 2007,

 4  each slot machine licensee shall provide an annual report to

 5  the division containing information indicating compliance with

 6  this paragraph in regard to minority persons.

 7         Section 4.  Section 551.1045, Florida Statutes, is

 8  amended to read:

 9         551.1045  Temporary licenses.--

10         (1)  Notwithstanding any provision of s. 120.60 to the

11  contrary, the division may issue a temporary occupational

12  license upon the receipt of a complete application from the

13  applicant and a determination if the applicant has not been

14  convicted of or had adjudication withheld on any disqualifying

15  criminal offense. The temporary occupational license remains

16  valid until such time as the division grants an occupational

17  license or notifies the applicant of its intended decision to

18  deny the applicant a license pursuant to the provisions of s.

19  120.60. The division shall adopt rules to administer this

20  subsection. However, not more than one temporary license may

21  be issued for any person in any year.

22         (1)(a)  After 180 days following the effective date of

23  this act, if the division has not adopted rules to implement

24  the provisions of this chapter that allow for the issuance of

25  slot machine licenses within such 180 days, the division shall

26  issue a temporary slot machine license to an applicant if the

27  applicant holds a valid pari-mutuel permit in good standing

28  under chapter 550, the applicant's ownership interests have

29  been previously approved as provided in chapter 550, and the

30  applicant has conducted live racing or games during the

31  calendar years 2002 and 2003 and has paid the license fee


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 1  provided in s. 551.106(1). The slot machine license will

 2  permit the licensee to conduct slot machine gaming in the

 3  designated slot machine gaming areas of the eligible facility.

 4         (b)  The temporary license is valid until the division

 5  has adopted rules implementing the provisions of this chapter

 6  and taken final action on the filed application under its

 7  final adopted rules. Once the division has adopted rules

 8  implementing the provisions of this chapter, it shall complete

 9  review of any filed application and shall issue a license

10  under s. 551.104 if the licensee meets the requirements of

11  this chapter and rules adopted by the division.

12         (2)(a)  A manufacturer or distributor of slot machines

13  who has applied for a license under s. 551.107 shall be issued

14  a temporary business occupational license if it holds a valid

15  license to manufacture or distribute slot machines in a state

16  where gaming is lawful.

17         (b)  The temporary license is valid until the division

18  has adopted rules implementing the provisions of this chapter

19  and taken final action on the filed application under its

20  final adopted rules. Once the division has adopted rules

21  implementing the provisions of this chapter, it shall complete

22  review of any filed application and shall issue a license

23  under s. 551.107 if the licensee meets the requirements of

24  this chapter and rules adopted by the division.

25         (2)(3)  A temporary license issued under this section

26  is nontransferable. Any temporary license issued under this

27  section shall be valid during the pendency of any challenge to

28  the rules.

29         Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

30  551.106, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

31         551.106  License fee; tax rate; penalties.--


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 1         (1)  LICENSE FEE.--

 2         (a)  Upon submission of the initial application for a

 3  slot machine license and annually thereafter, upon the

 4  anniversary date of the issuance of the initial license

 5  submission of an application for renewal of the slot machine

 6  license, the licensee must pay to the division a nonrefundable

 7  license fee of $3 million for the succeeding 12 months of

 8  licensure. The license fee shall be deposited into the

 9  Pari-mutuel Wagering Trust Fund of the Department of Business

10  and Professional Regulation to be used by the division and the

11  Department of Law Enforcement for investigations, regulation

12  of slot machine gaming, and enforcement of slot machine gaming

13  provisions under this chapter. These payments shall be

14  accounted for separately from taxes or fees paid pursuant to

15  the provisions of chapter 550.

16         Section 6.  Subsection (2) and paragraph (b) of

17  subsection (4) of section 551.107, Florida Statutes, are

18  amended, and subsections (9), (10), and (11) are added to that

19  section, to read:

20         551.107  Slot machine occupational license; findings;

21  application; fee.--

22         (2)(a)  The following slot machine occupational

23  licenses shall be issued to persons or entities that, by

24  virtue of the positions they hold, might be granted access to

25  slot machine gaming areas or to any other person or entity in

26  one of the following categories:

27         1.  General occupational licenses for general

28  employees, including food service, maintenance, and other

29  similar service and support employees having access to the

30  slot machine gaming area.



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 1         2.  Professional occupational licenses for any person,

 2  proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other entity that

 3  is authorized by a slot machine licensee to manage, oversee,

 4  or otherwise control daily operations as a slot machine

 5  manager, a floor supervisor, security personnel, or any other

 6  similar position of oversight of gaming operations, or any

 7  person who is not an employee of the slot machine licensee and

 8  who provides maintenance, repair, or upgrades or otherwise

 9  services a slot machine or other slot machine equipment.

10         3.  Business occupational licenses for any slot machine

11  management company or company associated with slot machine

12  gaming, any person who manufactures, distributes, or sells

13  slot machines, slot machine paraphernalia, or other associated

14  equipment to slot machine licensees, any company that sells or

15  provides goods or services associated with slot machine gaming

16  to slot machine licensees, or any person not an employee of

17  the slot machine licensee who provides maintenance, repair, or

18  upgrades or otherwise services a slot machine or other slot

19  machine equipment.

20         (b)  The division may issue one license to combine

21  licenses under this section with pari-mutuel occupational

22  licenses and cardroom licenses pursuant to s. 550.105(2)(d).

23  The division shall adopt rules pertaining to occupational

24  licenses under this subsection. Such rules may specify, but

25  need not be limited to, requirements and restrictions for

26  licensed occupations and categories, procedures to apply for

27  any license or combination of licenses, disqualifying criminal

28  offenses for a licensed occupation or categories of

29  occupations, and which types of occupational licenses may be

30  combined into single license under this section. The

31  fingerprinting requirements of subsection (7) apply to any


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 1  combination license that includes slot machine license

 2  privileges under this section. The division may not adopt a

 3  rule allowing the issuance of an occupational license to any

 4  person who does not meet the minimum background qualifications

 5  under this section.

 6         (b)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the

 7  contrary, a pari-mutuel occupational licensee holding a

 8  currently valid pari-mutuel occupational license is eligible

 9  to act as a slot machine occupational licensee upon the

10  effective date of this act until such time as rules have been

11  adopted and such pari-mutuel occupational licensee has been

12  provided a reasonable opportunity to comply with the rules.

13         (c)  Slot machine occupational licenses are not

14  transferable.

15         (4)

16         (b)  A slot machine license or combination license is

17  valid for the same term as a pari-mutuel occupational license

18  issued pursuant to s. 550.105(1). The division shall

19  establish, by rule, a schedule for the annual renewal of slot

20  machine occupational licenses.

21         (9)  The division may deny, revoke, or suspend any

22  occupational license if the applicant or holder of the license

23  accumulates unpaid obligations, defaults in obligations, or

24  issues drafts or checks that are dishonored or for which

25  payment is refused without reasonable cause.

26         (10)  The division may fine or suspend, revoke, or

27  place conditions upon the license of any licensee who provides

28  false information under oath regarding an application for a

29  license or an investigation by the division.

30         (11)  The division may impose a civil fine of up to

31  $5,000 for each violation of this chapter or the rules of the


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 1  division in addition to or in lieu of any other penalty

 2  provided for in this section. The division may adopt a penalty

 3  schedule for violations of this chapter or any rule adopted

 4  pursuant to this chapter for which it would impose a fine in

 5  lieu of a suspension and adopt rules allowing for the issuance

 6  of citations, including procedures to address such citations,

 7  to persons who violate such rules. In addition to any other

 8  penalty provided by law, the division may exclude from all

 9  licensed slot machine facilities in this state, for a period

10  not to exceed the period of suspension, revocation, or

11  ineligibility, any person whose occupational license

12  application has been declared ineligible to hold an

13  occupational license, or whose occupational license has been

14  suspended or revoked by the division.

15         Section 7.  Subsection (2) of section 551.109, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         551.109  Prohibited acts; penalties.--

18         (2)  Except as otherwise provided by law and in

19  addition to any other penalty, any person who possesses a slot

20  machine without the license required by this chapter or who

21  possesses a slot machine at any location other than at the

22  slot machine licensee's facility is subject to an

23  administrative fine or civil penalty of up to $10,000 per

24  machine. The prohibition in this subsection does not apply to:

25         (a)  Slot machine manufacturers or slot machine

26  distributors that hold appropriate licenses issued by the

27  division who are authorized to maintain a slot machine storage

28  and maintenance facility at any location in a county in which

29  slot machine gaming is authorized by this chapter. The

30  division may adopt rules regarding security and access to the

31  storage facility and inspections by the division.


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 1         (b)  Certified educational facilities that are

 2  authorized to maintain slot machines for the sole purpose of

 3  education and licensure, if any, of slot machine technicians,

 4  inspectors or investigators. The division and the Department

 5  of Law Enforcement may possess slot machines for training and

 6  testing purposes. The division may adopt rules regarding the

 7  regulation of any such slot machines used for educational,

 8  training, or testing purposes.

 9         Section 8.  Subsection (1) of section 551.114, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         551.114  Slot machine gaming areas.--

12         (1)  A slot machine licensee may make available for

13  play up to 2,000 1,500 slot machines within the property of

14  the facilities of the slot machine licensee.

15         Section 9.  Section 551.116, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         551.116  Days and hours of operation.--Slot machine

18  gaming areas may be open daily throughout the year. The slot

19  machine gaming areas may be open for a maximum of 16 hours per

20  day, except that the hours of operation may be extended by

21  majority vote of the governing body of the municipality where

22  the slot machine facility is located or the governing body of

23  the county if the slot machine facility is not located in a

24  municipality.

25         Section 10.  Section 551.121, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         551.121  Prohibited activities and devices;

28  exceptions.--

29         (1)  Complimentary or reduced-cost alcoholic beverages

30  may not be served to persons playing a slot machine. Alcoholic

31  beverages served to persons playing a slot machine shall cost


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    Florida Senate - 2007            CS for CS for SB's 1038 & 218

 1  at least the same amount as alcoholic beverages served to the

 2  general public at a bar within the facility.

 3         (2)  A slot machine licensee may not make any loan,

 4  provide credit, or advance cash in order to enable a person to

 5  play a slot machine. This subsection shall not prohibit

 6  automated ticket redemption machines that dispense cash

 7  resulting from the redemption of tickets from being located in

 8  the designated slot machine gaming area of the slot machine

 9  licensee.

10         (3)  A slot machine licensee may not allow any

11  automated teller machine or similar device designed to provide

12  credit or dispense cash to be located within the designated

13  slot machine gaming areas of a facility of a facilities of the

14  slot machine licensee.

15         (4)  A slot machine licensee may not accept or cash any

16  personal, third-party, corporate, business, or

17  government-issued check from any person within the designated

18  slot machine gaming areas of a facility of a slot machine

19  licensee.

20         (5)  A slot machine, or the computer operating system

21  linking the slot machine, may not be linked by any means to

22  any other slot machine or computer operating system of another

23  slot machine licensee. A progressive system may not be used in

24  conjunction with slot machines within or between licensed

25  facilities.

26         (6)  A slot machine located within a licensed facility

27  shall accept only tickets or paper currency or an electronic

28  payment system for wagering and return or deliver payouts to

29  the player in the form of tickets that may be exchanged for

30  cash, merchandise, or other items of value. The use of coins,

31  credit or debit cards, tokens, or similar objects is


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 1  specifically prohibited. However, an electronic credit system

 2  may be used for receiving wagers and making payouts.

 3         Section 11.  Subsection (2) of section 849.15, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         849.15  Manufacture, sale, possession, etc., of

 6  coin-operated devices prohibited.--

 7         (2)  Pursuant to section 2 of that chapter of the

 8  Congress of the United States entitled "An act to prohibit

 9  transportation of gaming devices in interstate and foreign

10  commerce," approved January 2, 1951, being ch. 1194, 64 Stat.

11  1134, and also designated as 15 U.S.C. ss. 1171-1177, the

12  State of Florida, acting by and through the duly elected and

13  qualified members of its Legislature, does hereby in this

14  section, and in accordance with and in compliance with the

15  provisions of section 2 of such chapter of Congress, declare

16  and proclaim that any county of the State of Florida within

17  which slot machine gaming is authorized pursuant to chapter

18  551 is exempt from the provisions of section 2 of that chapter

19  of the Congress of the United States entitled "An act to

20  prohibit transportation of gaming devices in interstate and

21  foreign commerce," designated as 15 U.S.C. ss. 1171-1177,

22  approved January 2, 1951. All shipments of gaming devices,

23  including slot machines, into any county of this state within

24  which slot machine gaming is authorized pursuant to chapter

25  551 and the registering, recording, and labeling of which have

26  been duly performed by the manufacturer or distributor thereof

27  in accordance with sections 3 and 4 of that chapter of the

28  Congress of the United States entitled "An act to prohibit

29  transportation of gaming devices in interstate and foreign

30  commerce," approved January 2, 1951, being ch. 1194, 64 Stat.

31  1134, and also designated as 15 U.S.C. ss. 1171-1177, shall be


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 1  deemed legal shipments thereof into this state any such county

 2  provided the destination of such shipments is an eligible

 3  facility as defined in s. 551.102 or the facility of a slot

 4  machine manufacturer or slot machine distributor as provided

 5  in s. 551.109(2)(a).

 6         Section 12.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

 7  law.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
10                         CS/SB 1038 & 218


12  The Committee Substitute made the following changes to CS/SB
    1038 & 218:
    1)   Provides that the hours of operation may be extended by
14       majority vote of the municipality where the slot machine
         facility is located or the governing body of the county
15       if the slot machine facility is not located in the
    2)   Provides that a slot machine licensee may not accept or
17       cash any check within the designated slot machine gaming
    3)   Allows slot machines or the computer operating system to
19       be linked by any means to any other slot machine or
         computer operating system of another slot machine
20       licensee. It allows a progressive system to be used in
         conjunction with slot machines within or between licensed
21       facilities.












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