1 | Representatives Saunders, Seiler, Gelber, Cusack offered the |
2 | following: |
3 |
4 | Amendment to Amendment (073549) (with title amendment) |
5 | Between lines 108 and 109 insert: |
6 | Section 5. There is appropriated from the General Revenue |
7 | Fund to the Florida Education Finance Program for fiscal year |
8 | 2007-2008 the sum of $545,098,594, or an amount necessary to |
9 | reduce the required local effort to $7,361,867,510, |
10 | notwithstanding the amount appropriated in the 2007-2008 General |
11 | Appropriations Act. |
12 |
13 | ======== T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ======== |
14 | Remove line 125 and insert: |
15 | for a specified program; providing an appropriation; |
16 | providing an effective date. |