Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1124
Barcode 653062
Senate House
1 Comm: RS .
03/28/2007 11:47 AM .
2 .
3 .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 The Committee on Health and Human Services Appropriations
12 (Peaden) recommended the following amendment:
14 Senate Amendment
15 On page 3, lines 12 through 16, delete those lines
17 and insert: medically necessary, but may not exceed 8 hours
18 per day. Personal care assistance services shall be limited to
19 the number of hours medically necessary, but may not exceed
20 150 hours per calendar month. Total annual expenditures under
21 this waiver shall be capped at $30,000 per client. Clients
22 served through tier two include, but need not be limited to,
23 clients requiring residential placements. All clients
24 receiving services through the home and community-based waiver
25 on March 1, 2007, shall be moved to tier two, with the
26 exception of clients who have service needs that exceed
27 $30,000 and that are essential for avoiding
28 institutionalization or clients who possess behavioral
29 concerns that are exceptional in intensity, duration, or
30 frequency and present a substantial risk of harm to themselves
31 or others.
4:15 PM 03/26/07 s1124.ha02.001