Senate Bill sb1134e1

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    CS for SB 1134                                 First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to transportation; amending s.

  3         215.615, F.S.; revising the Department of

  4         Transportation's requirement to share certain

  5         costs of fixed-guideway system projects;

  6         revising criteria for an interlocal agreement

  7         to establish bond financing for fixed-guideway

  8         system projects; revising provisions for

  9         sources of funds for the payment of bonds;

10         amending s. 334.351, F.S.; requiring nonprofit

11         youth organizations that contract with the

12         Department of Transportation for the purpose of

13         operating youth work experience programs to

14         certify that the program participants are

15         residents of the state and possess valid

16         identification; specifying criteria for the

17         department to consider in awarding contracts to

18         such organizations; requiring that the

19         nonprofit youth organizations submit certain

20         reports and audits to the department and

21         demonstrate participation in a peer assessment

22         or review process; amending s. 337.11, F.S.;

23         providing that certain construction projects be

24         advertised for bids in local newspapers;

25         amending s. 337.14, F.S.; authorizing the

26         department to waive specified prequalification

27         requirements for certain transportation

28         projects under certain conditions; amending s.

29         337.18, F.S.; revising surety bond requirements

30         for construction or maintenance contracts;

31         providing for incremental annual surety bonds


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 1         for multiyear maintenance contracts under

 2         certain conditions; revising the threshold for

 3         transportation projects eligible for a waiver

 4         of surety bond requirements; authorizing the

 5         department to provide for phased surety bond

 6         coverage or an alternate means of security for

 7         a portion of the contract amount in lieu of the

 8         surety bond; amending s. 338.2275, F.S.;

 9         raising the limit on outstanding bonds to fund

10         turnpike projects; amending s. 479.07, F.S.;

11         establishing a pilot program in specified

12         counties authorizing a reduction in the

13         distance between permitted signs on the same

14         side of an interstate highway; providing

15         requirements for the local government and the

16         sign owner with respect to participating in the

17         pilot program; requiring that the department

18         maintain statistics concerning the program;

19         requiring the Department of Highway Safety and

20         Motor Vehicles to implement by a certain date a

21         system whereby department-authorized issuers of

22         temporary license plates may issue

23         print-on-demand electronic temporary license

24         plates; specifying requirements for the

25         material used for the temporary plates;

26         authorizing the department to adopt rules and

27         provide exemptions as required; providing an

28         effective date.


30  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:



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    CS for SB 1134                                 First Engrossed

 1         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 215.615, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         215.615  Fixed-guideway transportation systems

 4  funding.--

 5         (1)  The issuance of revenue bonds by the Division of

 6  Bond Finance, on behalf of the Department of Transportation,

 7  pursuant to s. 11, Art. VII of the State Constitution, is

 8  authorized, pursuant to the State Bond Act, to finance or

 9  refinance fixed capital expenditures for fixed-guideway

10  transportation systems, as defined in s. 341.031, including

11  facilities appurtenant thereto, costs of issuance, and other

12  amounts relating to such financing or refinancing. Such

13  revenue bonds shall be matched on a 50-50 basis with funds

14  from sources other than revenues of the Department of

15  Transportation, in a manner acceptable to the Department of

16  Transportation. The Division of Bond Finance is authorized to

17  consider innovative financing techniques that technologies

18  which may include, but are not limited to, innovative bidding

19  and structures of potential financings findings that may

20  result in negotiated transactions.

21         (a)  The department and any participating commuter rail

22  authority or regional transportation authority established

23  under chapter 343, local governments, or local governments

24  collectively by interlocal agreement having jurisdiction of a

25  fixed-guideway transportation system may enter into an

26  interlocal agreement to promote the efficient and

27  cost-effective financing or refinancing of fixed-guideway

28  transportation system projects by revenue bonds issued

29  pursuant to this subsection. The terms of such interlocal

30  agreements shall include provisions for the Department of

31  Transportation to request the issuance of the bonds on behalf


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    CS for SB 1134                                 First Engrossed

 1  of the parties; shall provide that the department's share may

 2  be up to 50 percent of the eligible project cost, which may

 3  include a share of the annual each party to the agreement is

 4  contractually liable for an equal share of funding an amount

 5  equal to the debt service requirements of such bonds; and

 6  shall include any other terms, provisions, or covenants

 7  necessary to the making of and full performance under such

 8  interlocal agreement. Repayments made to the department under

 9  any interlocal agreement are not pledged to the repayment of

10  bonds issued hereunder, and failure of the local governmental

11  authority to make such payment shall not affect the obligation

12  of the department to pay debt service on the bonds.

13         (b)  Revenue bonds issued pursuant to this subsection

14  shall not constitute a general obligation of, or a pledge of

15  the full faith and credit of, the State of Florida. Bonds

16  issued pursuant to this section shall be payable from funds

17  available pursuant to s. 206.46(3), or other funds available

18  to the project, subject to annual appropriation. The amount of

19  revenues available for debt service shall never exceed a

20  maximum of 2 percent of all state revenues deposited into the

21  State Transportation Trust Fund.

22         (c)  The projects to be financed or refinanced with the

23  proceeds of the revenue bonds issued hereunder are designated

24  as state fixed capital outlay projects for purposes of s.

25  11(d), Art. VII of the State Constitution, and the specific

26  projects to be financed or refinanced shall be determined by

27  the Department of Transportation in accordance with state law

28  and appropriations from the State Transportation Trust Fund.

29  Each project to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds

30  issued pursuant to this subsection must first be approved by

31  the Legislature by an act of general law.


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 1         (d)  Any complaint for validation of bonds issued

 2  pursuant to this section shall be filed in the circuit court

 3  of the county where the seat of state government is situated,

 4  the notice required to be published by s. 75.06 shall be

 5  published only in the county where the complaint is filed, and

 6  the complaint and order of the circuit court shall be served

 7  only on the state attorney of the circuit in which the action

 8  is pending.

 9         (e)  The state does hereby covenant with holders of

10  such revenue bonds or other instruments of indebtedness issued

11  hereunder, that it will not repeal or impair or amend these

12  provisions in any manner that will materially and adversely

13  affect the rights of such holders as long as bonds authorized

14  by this subsection are outstanding.

15         (f)  This subsection supersedes any inconsistent

16  provisions in existing law.


18  Notwithstanding this subsection, the lien of revenue bonds

19  issued pursuant to this subsection on moneys deposited into

20  the State Transportation Trust Fund shall be subordinate to

21  the lien on such moneys of bonds issued under ss. 215.605,

22  320.20, and 215.616, and any pledge of such moneys to pay

23  operating and maintenance expenses under s. 206.46(5) and

24  chapter 348, as may be amended.

25         Section 2.  Section 334.351, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         334.351  Youth work experience program; findings and

28  intent; authority to contract; limitation.--

29         (1)  The Legislature finds and declares that young men

30  and women of the state should be given an opportunity to

31  obtain public service work and training experience that


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    CS for SB 1134                                 First Engrossed

 1  protects and conserves the valuable resources of the state and

 2  promotes participation in other community enhancement

 3  projects. Notwithstanding the requirements of chapters 287 and

 4  337, the Department of Transportation is authorized to

 5  contract with public agencies and nonprofit organizations for

 6  the performance of work related to the construction and

 7  maintenance of transportation-related facilities by youths

 8  enrolled in youth work experience programs. The total amount

 9  of contracts entered into by the department under this section

10  in any fiscal year may not exceed the amount specifically

11  appropriated by the Legislature for this program.

12         (2)  Each nonprofit youth organization that provides

13  services under a contract with the department must certify

14  that each young person enrolled in its work experience program

15  is a resident of this state and possesses a valid Florida

16  driver's license or identification card.

17         (3)  When selecting a nonprofit youth organization to

18  perform work on transportation-related facilities and before

19  awarding a contract under this section, the department must

20  consider the following criteria:

21         (a)  The number of participants receiving

22  life-management skills training;

23         (b)  The number of participants receiving high school

24  diplomas or GEDs;

25         (c)  The number of participants receiving scholarships;

26         (d)  The number of participants receiving bonuses;

27         (e)  The number of participants who have secured

28  full-time jobs; and

29         (f)  The other programs or services that support the

30  development of disadvantaged youths.



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    CS for SB 1134                                 First Engrossed

 1         (4)  Each nonprofit youth organization under contract

 2  with the department must:

 3         (a)  Submit an annual report to the department by

 4  January 1 of each year. The report must include, but need not

 5  be limited to, the applicable performance of the organization

 6  when measured by the criteria in subsection (3) for the

 7  organization's most recently completed fiscal year.

 8         (b)  Submit an independent audit of the organization's

 9  financial records to the department each year. The

10  organization's contract with the department must allow the

11  department the right to inspect the organization's financial

12  and program records.

13         (c)  Demonstrate participation in a peer assessment or

14  review process, such as the Excellence in Corps Operations of

15  the National Association of Service and Conservation Corps.

16         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

17  337.11, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         337.11  Contracting authority of department; bids;

19  emergency repairs, supplemental agreements, and change orders;

20  combined design and construction contracts; progress payments;

21  records; requirements of vehicle registration.--

22         (3)(a)  On all construction contracts of $250,000 or

23  less, as well as any construction contract of less than

24  $500,000 for which the department has waived prequalification

25  pursuant to s. 337.14, the department shall advertise for bids

26  in a newspaper having general circulation in the county where

27  the proposed work is located. Publication shall be at least

28  once a week for no less than 2 consecutive weeks, and the

29  first publication shall be no less than 14 days prior to the

30  date on which bids are to be received.



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 1         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 337.14, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         337.14  Application for qualification; certificate of

 4  qualification; restrictions; request for hearing.--

 5         (1)  Any person desiring to bid for the performance of

 6  any construction contract in excess of $250,000 which the

 7  department proposes to let must first be certified by the

 8  department as qualified pursuant to this section and rules of

 9  the department. The rules of the department shall address the

10  qualification of persons to bid on construction contracts in

11  excess of $250,000 and shall include requirements with respect

12  to the equipment, past record, experience, financial

13  resources, and organizational personnel of the applicant

14  necessary to perform the specific class of work for which the

15  person seeks certification. The department is authorized to

16  limit the dollar amount of any contract upon which a person is

17  qualified to bid or the aggregate total dollar volume of

18  contracts such person is allowed to have under contract at any

19  one time. Each applicant seeking qualification to bid on

20  construction contracts in excess of $250,000 shall furnish the

21  department a statement under oath, on such forms as the

22  department may prescribe, setting forth detailed information

23  as required on the application. Each application for

24  certification shall be accompanied by the latest annual

25  financial statement of the applicant completed within the last

26  12 months. If the annual financial statement shows the

27  financial condition of the applicant more than 4 months prior

28  to the date on which the application is received by the

29  department, then an interim financial statement must also be

30  submitted. The interim financial statement must cover the

31  period from the end date of the annual statement and must show


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    CS for SB 1134                                 First Engrossed

 1  the financial condition of the applicant no more than 4 months

 2  prior to the date on which the application is received by the

 3  department. Each required annual or interim financial

 4  statement must be audited and accompanied by the opinion of a

 5  certified public accountant or a public accountant approved by

 6  the department. The information required by this subsection is

 7  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1).

 8  The department shall act upon the application for

 9  qualification within 30 days after the department determines

10  that the application is complete. The department may waive the

11  requirements of this subsection for projects having a contract

12  price of $500,000 or less if the department determines that

13  the project is of a noncritical nature and noncompliance with

14  the subsection will not endanger public health, safety, or

15  property.

16         Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

17  337.18, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         337.18  Surety bonds for construction or maintenance

19  contracts; requirement with respect to contract award; bond

20  requirements; defaults; damage assessments.--

21         (1)(a)  A surety bond shall be required of the

22  successful bidder in an amount equal to the awarded contract

23  price. However, the department may choose, in its discretion

24  and applicable only to multiyear maintenance contracts, to

25  allow for incremental annual contract bonds that cumulatively

26  total the full, awarded multiyear contract price. For a

27  project for which the contract price is $250,000 $150,000 or

28  less, the department may waive the requirement for all or a

29  portion of a surety bond if it determines the project is of a

30  noncritical nature and nonperformance will not endanger public

31  health, safety, or property. If the Secretary of


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    CS for SB 1134                                 First Engrossed

 1  Transportation or the secretary's designee determines that it

 2  is in the best interests of the department to do so and that a

 3  reduced bonding requirement for a project will not endanger

 4  public health, safety, or property, the department may waive

 5  the requirement of a surety bond in an amount equal to the

 6  awarded contract price for a project having a contract price

 7  of $250 million or more, and, in its place, may set a surety

 8  bond amount that is a portion of the total contract price and

 9  provide an alternate means of security for the balance of the

10  contract amount which is not covered by the surety bond or

11  provide for incremental surety bonding and provide an

12  alternate means of security for the balance of the contract

13  amount which is not covered by the surety bond. Such alternate

14  means of security may include letters of credit, United States

15  bonds and notes, parent company guarantees, and cash

16  collateral. The department may require alternate means of

17  security if a surety bond is waived. The surety on such bond

18  shall be a surety company authorized to do business in the

19  state. All bonds shall be payable to the department and

20  conditioned for the prompt, faithful, and efficient

21  performance of the contract according to plans and

22  specifications and within the time period specified, and for

23  the prompt payment of all persons defined in s. 713.01

24  furnishing labor, material, equipment, and supplies for work

25  provided in the contract; however, whenever an improvement,

26  demolition, or removal contract price is $25,000 or less, the

27  security may, in the discretion of the bidder, be in the form

28  of a cashier's check, bank money order of any state or

29  national bank, certified check, or postal money order. The

30  department shall adopt rules to implement this subsection.

31  Such rules shall include provisions under which the department


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    CS for SB 1134                                 First Engrossed

 1  shall refuse to accept bonds on contracts when a surety

 2  wrongfully fails or refuses to settle or provide a defense for

 3  claims or actions arising under a contract for which the

 4  surety previously furnished a bond.

 5         Section 6.  Subsection (1) of section 338.2275, Florida

 6  Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         338.2275  Approved turnpike projects.--

 8         (1)  Legislative approval of the department's tentative

 9  work program that contains the turnpike project constitutes

10  approval to issue bonds as required by s. 11(f), Art. VII of

11  the State Constitution. No more than $10 Turnpike projects

12  approved to be included in future tentative work programs

13  include, but are not limited to, projects contained in the

14  2003-2004 tentative work program. A maximum of $4.5 billion of

15  bonds may be outstanding issued to fund approved turnpike

16  projects.

17         Section 7.  Subsection (9) of section 479.07, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         479.07  Sign permits.--

20         (9)(a)  A permit shall not be granted for any sign for

21  which a permit had not been granted by the effective date of

22  this act unless such sign is located at least:

23         1.  One thousand five hundred feet from any other

24  permitted sign on the same side of the highway, if on an

25  interstate highway.

26         2.  One thousand feet from any other permitted sign on

27  the same side of the highway, if on a federal-aid primary

28  highway.





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 1  The minimum spacing provided in this paragraph does not

 2  preclude the permitting of V-type, back-to-back, side-to-side,

 3  stacked, or double-faced signs at the permitted sign site.

 4         (b)  A permit shall not be granted for a sign pursuant

 5  to this chapter to locate such sign on any portion of the

 6  interstate or federal-aid primary highway system, which sign:

 7         1.  Exceeds 50 feet in sign structure height above the

 8  crown of the main-traveled way, if outside an incorporated

 9  area;

10         2.  Exceeds 65 feet in sign structure height above the

11  crown of the main-traveled way, if inside an incorporated

12  area; or

13         3.  Exceeds 950 square feet of sign facing including

14  all embellishments.

15         (c)  Notwithstanding subparagraph (a)1., there is

16  established a pilot program in Orange and Osceola Counties

17  under which the distance between permitted signs on the same

18  side of an interstate highway may be reduced to 1,000 feet if

19  all other requirements of this chapter are met and if:

20         1.  The local government has adopted a plan, program,

21  resolution, ordinance, or other policy encouraging the

22  voluntary removal of signs in a downtown, historic,

23  redevelopment, infill, or other designated area which also

24  provides for a new or replacement sign to be erected on an

25  interstate highway within that jurisdiction if a sign in the

26  designated area is removed;

27         2.  The sign owner and the local government mutually

28  agree to the terms of the removal and replacement; and

29         3.  The local government notifies the department of its

30  intention to allow such removal and replacement as agreed upon

31  pursuant to subparagraph 2.


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 2  The department shall maintain statistics tracking the use of

 3  the provisions of this pilot program based on the

 4  notifications received by the department from local

 5  governments under this paragraph.

 6         (d)(c)  Nothing in this subsection shall be construed

 7  so as to cause a sign which was conforming on October 1, 1984,

 8  to become nonconforming.

 9         Section 8.  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

10  Vehicles shall implement a secure print-on-demand electronic

11  temporary license plate registration, record retention, and

12  issue system for use by every department-authorized issuer of

13  temporary license plates by the end of the 2007-2008 fiscal

14  year. Secure print-on-demand for this purpose means validating

15  state registration data using higher levels of commercially

16  accepted data encryption methods from the point of department

17  connectivity to the license plate printer. The temporary

18  license plate media used for this purpose shall be a

19  nonpermeable material that maintains its structural integrity,

20  including graphic and data adhesion, in all weather conditions

21  after being placed on a vehicle. For public safety in general

22  and for the safety of law enforcement officers, placement of

23  temporary license plates on the outside of the vehicle and in

24  the provided license plate mount when available is encouraged.

25  The department may adopt rules as necessary to implement this

26  program in the 2007-2008 fiscal year. The department may

27  provide such exemptions as may be feasibly required.

28         Section 9.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.





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