HB 1167

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to pilot programs for specialized dispute
3resolution divisions; providing legislative findings
4relating to pilot programs of courts establishing
5specialized divisions for adjudication and resolution of
6complex business, corporate, and commercial disputes;
7providing an appropriation; providing for allocation of
8the appropriation to certain judicial circuits for certain
9purposes; providing an effective date.
11Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13     Section 1.  Pilot programs for adjudication and resolution
14of complex business, corporate, and commercial disputes.--The
15Legislature finds that:
16     (1)  Complex business, corporate, and commercial disputes
17have tended to remain in the court system for extended periods
18of time, which has resulted in substantial costs to the
19litigants and to the court system as a whole and has caused
20delays in the resolution of these and other types of cases.
21     (2)  Pilot programs establishing specialized divisions or
22sections of the circuit courts to process, manage, and
23adjudicate cases involving complex business, corporate, and
24commercial disputes have been established in January 2004 in the
25Ninth Judicial Circuit and in January 2007 in the Eleventh and
26Thirteenth Judicial Circuits through administrative orders
27entered by the chief judges in those circuits. The types of
28cases which have been referred to those courts have included
29non-consumer actions under the Uniform Commercial Code; actions
30relating to internal affairs or governance between or among
31shareholders, partners, or members of business entities;
32purchases and sales of businesses or the assets of businesses;
33franchisor-franchisee relationships; actions relating to trade
34secrets or non-compete agreements; actions relating to business
35torts, intellectual property, antitrust, director and officer
36liability; shareholder derivative actions; and other actions of
37a complex commercial nature.
38     (3)  A high degree of case management is required to
39efficiently and expeditiously handle, process, and resolve these
40types of cases, including the handling of discovery disputes and
41motion practice, which necessitates the use of more court
42resources, including law clerks, case managers, special masters,
43and technological resources.
44     (4)  Requiring the diversion of resources and funds from
45other court programs to these specialized circuit court
46divisions or sections to allow them to efficiently and
47expeditiously handle these types of cases would not serve the
48public interest.
49     Section 2.  The sum of $__________ in nonrecurring funds is
50appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the circuit courts
51in the Ninth, Eleventh, and Thirteenth Judicial Circuits for the
522007-2008 fiscal year to be used to hire law clerks, case
53managers, and special masters and provide technological
54resources to assist in operating the pilot programs as
55established through administrative orders by the chief judges in
56those circuits. The appropriation shall be allocated as follows:
57$     to the Ninth Judicial Circuit; $     to the Eleventh
58Judicial Circuit; and $        to the Thirteenth Judicial
60     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.