CS/HB 1177

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to funeral and cemetery industry
3regulation; amending s. 497.101, F.S.; conforming a
4reference; amending s. 497.141, F.S.; prohibiting certain
5persons from conducting, maintaining, managing, owning, or
6operating licensees under ch. 479; providing an exception;
7amending s. 497.143, F.S.; revising regulation and
8practice of limited licensees; amending s. 497.162, F.S.;
9providing for study courses using the Internet to fulfill
10continuing education requirements; amending s. 497.260,
11F.S.; requiring that a provision relating to the
12installation of monuments applies to all cemeteries in the
13state; amending s. 497.271, F.S.; revising a reference to
14a building code in which standards for newly constructed
15and significantly altered or renovated mausoleums and
16columbaria may be included; requiring that certain
17mausoleums contain pressure relief ventilation; amending
18s. 497.273, F.S.; providing for interment or entombment of
19a decedent with the remains of the decedent's pet;
20amending s. 497.367, F.S.; revising the frequency with
21which licensed funeral directors and embalmers are
22required to complete a continuing education course on HIV
23and AIDS; amending s. 497.374, F.S.; revising
24qualifications for licensure by endorsement for funeral
25directors; amending s. 497.550, F.S.; replacing the term
26"monument dealer" with "monument retailer"; creating s.
27497.609, F.S.; providing freedom from liability for direct
28disposers, direct disposal establishments, funeral
29directors, funeral establishments, and cinerator
30facilities performing cremation under certain
31circumstances; amending s. 553.36, F.S.; providing
32definitions; amending ss. 316.515 and 627.702, F.S.;
33conforming cross-references; providing an effective date.
35Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
37     Section 1.  Subsection (3) of section 497.101, Florida
38Statutes, is amended to read:
39     497.101  Board of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services;
40membership; appointment; terms.--
41     (3)  Board members shall be appointed for terms of 4 years,
42and the State Health Officer shall serve as long as that person
43holds that office. The designee of the State Health Officer
44shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. When the terms of
45the initial board members expire, the Chief Financial Officer
46shall stagger the terms of the successor members as follows: one
47funeral director, one cemetery representative, the monument
48builder dealer, and one consumer member shall be appointed for
49terms of 2 years, and the remaining members shall be appointed
50for terms of 4 years. All subsequent terms shall be for 4 years.
51     Section 2.  Paragraphs (e), (f), and (g) of subsection (12)
52of section 497.141, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
53paragraphs (f), (g), and (h), respectively, and a new paragraph
54(e) is added to that subsection, to read:
55     497.141  Licensing; general application procedures.--
56     (12)
57     (e)1.  It is unlawful for any person regulated under
58chapter 395, chapter 400, or chapter 429, or any officer,
59administrator, or board member of such entity if the entity is a
60firm, corporation, partnership, or association, or any person
61owning 5 percent or more of such entity to conduct, maintain,
62manage, own, or operate a licensee under this chapter.
63     2.  This paragraph does not apply to a board member of a
64corporation or organization regulated under chapter 395, chapter
65400, or chapter 429, if the board member serves solely in a
66voluntary capacity, does not regularly take part in the day-to-
67day operational decisions of the corporation or organization,
68receives no remuneration for his or her services, and has no
69financial interest and has no family members with a financial
70interest in the corporation or organization.
71     Section 3.  Section 497.143, Florida Statutes, is amended
72to read:
73     497.143  Licensing; limited licenses for retired
75     (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that, absent a
76threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the public, the use
77of retired professionals in good standing to serve the indigent,
78underserved, or critical need populations of this state during
79times of critical need should be encouraged. To that end, rules
80may be adopted to permit practice by retired professionals as
81limited licensees under this section.
82     (2)  For purposes of this section, the term "critical need"
83means an executive order from the Governor or a federal order
84declaring a state of emergency in an area.
85     (3)(2)  Any person desiring to obtain a limited license,
86when permitted by rule, shall submit to the department an
87application and fee, not to exceed $300, and an affidavit
88stating that the applicant has been licensed to practice in any
89jurisdiction in the United States for at least 10 years in the
90profession for which the applicant seeks a limited license. The
91affidavit shall also state that the applicant has retired or
92intends to retire from the practice of that profession and
93intends to practice only pursuant to the restrictions of the
94limited license granted pursuant to this section. If the
95applicant for a limited license submits a notarized statement
96from the employer stating that the applicant will not receive
97monetary compensation for any service involving the practice of
98her or his profession, the application and all licensure fees
99shall be waived. In no event may a person holding a limited
100license under this section engage in preneed sales under such
101limited license.
102     (4)(3)  Limited licensure may be denied to an applicant who
103has committed, or is under investigation or prosecution for, any
104act which would constitute the basis for discipline under this
106     (5)(4)  The recipient of a limited license may practice
107only in the employ of public agencies or institutions or
108nonprofit agencies or institutions which meet the requirements
109of 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and which
110provide professional liability coverage for acts or omissions of
111the limited licensee. A limited licensee may provide services
112only during times of to the indigent, underserved, or critical
113need populations within the state. The standard for determining
114indigency shall be that recognized by the Federal Poverty Income
115Guidelines produced by the United States Department of Health
116and Human Services. Rules may be adopted to define underserved
117and critical need areas and to ensure implementation of this
119     (6)(5)  The department may provide by rule for supervision
120of limited licensees to protect the health, safety, and welfare
121of the public.
122     (7)(6)  Each applicant granted a limited license is subject
123to all the provisions of this chapter under which the limited
124license is issued which are not in conflict with this section.
125     (8)  All limited licensees shall work for an entity
126licensed under this chapter.
127     Section 4.  Section 497.162, Florida Statutes, is amended
128to read:
129     497.162  Health and safety education.--All individuals not
130licensed under this chapter who intend to be employed as
131operational personnel affiliated with a direct disposal
132establishment, cinerator facility, removal service,
133refrigeration facility, or centralized embalming facility, as
134well as all nonlicensed individuals who intend to be involved in
135the removal or transportation of human remains on behalf of a
136funeral establishment, direct disposal establishment, or
137cinerator facility shall complete one course approved by the
138licensing authority on communicable diseases, within 10 days
139after the date that they begin functioning as operational
140personnel on behalf of any entity that is regulated by this
141chapter. The course shall not exceed 3 hours and shall be
142offered at approved locations throughout the state. Such
143locations may include establishments that are licensed under
144this chapter. The licensing authority shall adopt rules to
145implement and enforce this provision, which rules shall include
146provisions that provide for the use of approved videocassette
147courses and other types of audio, video, Internet, or home study
148courses to fulfill the continuing education requirements of this
150     Section 5.  Subsection (2) of section 497.260, Florida
151Statutes, is amended to read:
152     497.260  Cemeteries; exemption; investigation and
154     (2)  Section 497.276(1) as to burial records, and ss.
155497.152(1)(d), 497.164, 497.2765, 497.278, 497.280, and 497.284
156apply to all cemeteries in this state.
157     Section 6.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
158497.271, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
159     497.271  Standards for construction and significant
160alteration or renovation of mausoleums and columbaria.--
161     (2)  The licensing authority shall adopt, by no later than
162July 1, 1999, rules establishing minimum standards for all newly
163constructed and significantly altered or renovated mausoleums
164and columbaria; however, in the case of significant alterations
165or renovations to existing structures, the rules shall apply
166only, when physically feasible, to the newly altered or
167renovated portion of such structures, except as specified in
168subsection (4). In developing and adopting such rules, the
169licensing authority may define different classes of structures
170or construction standards, and may provide for different rules
171to apply to each of said classes, if the designation of classes
172and the application of different rules is in the public interest
173and is supported by findings by the licensing authority based on
174evidence of industry practices, economic and physical
175feasibility, location, or intended uses; provided, that the
176rules shall provide minimum standards applicable to all
177construction. For example, and without limiting the generality
178of the foregoing, the licensing authority may determine that a
179small single-story ground level mausoleum does not require the
180same level of construction standards that a large multistory
181mausoleum might require; or that a mausoleum located in a low-
182lying area subject to frequent flooding or hurricane threats
183might require different standards than one located on high
184ground in an area not subject to frequent severe weather
185threats. The licensing authority shall develop the rules in
186cooperation with, and with technical assistance from, the
187Florida Building Commission of the Department of Community
188Affairs, to ensure that the rules are in the proper form and
189content to be included as part of the Florida Building Code
190State Minimum Building Codes under part IV VII of chapter 553.
191If the Florida Building Commission advises that some of the
192standards proposed by the licensing authority are not
193appropriate for inclusion in such building codes, the licensing
194authority may choose to include those standards in a distinct
195chapter of its rules entitled "Non-Building-Code Standards for
196Mausoleums" or "Additional Standards for Mausoleums," or other
197terminology to that effect. If the licensing authority elects to
198divide the standards into two or more chapters, all such rules
199shall be binding on licensees and others subject to the
200jurisdiction of the licensing authority, but only the chapter
201containing provisions appropriate for building codes shall be
202transmitted to the Florida Building Commission pursuant to
203subsection (3). Such rules may be in the form of standards for
204design and construction; methods, materials, and specifications
205for construction; or other mechanisms. Such rules shall
206encompass, at a minimum, the following standards:
207     (c)  Such structure must contain adequate provision for
208drainage and ventilation. Private or family mausoleums with all
209crypts bordering an exterior wall must contain pressure relief
210ventilation from the crypts to the outside of the mausoleum
211through the exterior wall or roof.
212     Section 7.  Subsection (4) is added to section 497.273,
213Florida Statutes, to read:
214     497.273  Cemetery companies; authorized functions.--
215     (4)  This chapter does not prohibit the interment or
216entombment of the inurned cremated animal remains of the
217decedent's pet or pets with the decedent's human remains or
218cremated human remains if:
219     (a)  The human remains or cremated human remains are not
220commingled with the inurned cremated animal remains; and
221     (b)  The interment or entombment with the inurned cremated
222animal remains is with the authorization of the decedent or
223other legally authorized person.
224     Section 8.  Subsection (1) of section 497.367, Florida
225Statutes, is amended to read:
226     497.367  Instruction on HIV and AIDS, funeral directors and
228     (1)  Each person licensed as a funeral director or embalmer
229under this chapter shall be required to complete an approved
230continuing educational course on human immunodeficiency virus
231and acquired immune deficiency syndrome as a prerequisite for
232every third biennial licensure renewal at least every 2 years.
233The course shall consist of education on the modes of
234transmission, infection control procedures, clinical management,
235and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired
236immune deficiency syndrome. Such course shall include
237information on current Florida law on acquired immune deficiency
238syndrome and its impact on testing, confidentiality of test
239results, and treatment of patients.
240     Section 9.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section
241497.374, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
242     497.374  Funeral directing; licensure as a funeral director
243by endorsement; licensure of a temporary funeral director.--
244     (1)  The licensing authority shall issue a license by
245endorsement to practice funeral directing to an applicant who
246has remitted a fee set by rule of the licensing authority not to
247exceed $200 and who:
248     (b)1.  Holds a valid license to practice funeral directing
249in another state of the United States, provided that, when the
250applicant secured her or his original license, the requirements
251for licensure were substantially equivalent to or more stringent
252than those existing in this state; or
253     2.  Meets the qualifications for licensure in s. 497.373
254and has, within 10 years prior to the date of application,
255successfully completed a state, regional, or national
256examination in mortuary science, which, as determined by rule of
257the licensing authority, is substantially equivalent to or more
258stringent than the examination given by the licensing authority.
259     Section 10.  Subsection (1) of section 497.550, Florida
260Statutes, is amended to read:
261     497.550  Licensure of monument establishments required;
262procedures and criteria.--
263     (1)  LICENSE REQUIRED.--No person shall conduct, maintain,
264manage, or operate a monument establishment in this state unless
265the monument establishment is licensed pursuant to this part.
266     (a)  The two categories of monument establishment licensure
267available in this state are:
268     1.  Monument builder.
269     2.  Monument retailer dealer.
270     (b)  An applicant for licensure as a monument establishment
271shall designate on the application form the category of monument
272establishment licensure for which he or she is applying.
273     (c)  Each monument establishment that is licensed under
274this chapter at 11:59 p.m. on September 30, 2005, is, on and
275after October 1, 2005, licensed as a monument retailer dealer
276subject to the requirements of this chapter. A person who
277becomes licensed as a monument retailer dealer by operation of
278this paragraph may apply to the board for licensure as a
279monument builder and, upon payment of applicable application
280fees and the granting of such application and licensure as a
281monument builder, such person's licensure as a monument retailer
282dealer will expire.
283     (d)  The requirements of this chapter apply to both
284monument retailers dealers and monument builders, except as
285provided in this paragraph. Each monument establishment shall be
286a physical structure that is located at a specific street
287address, in compliance with zoning regulations of the
288appropriate local government, and not located on property that
289is exempt from taxation, but a monument retailer dealer may not
290otherwise be required to comply with s. 497.552 or be subject to
291inspection under this chapter.
292     (e)  A monument establishment that is not licensed under
293the monument-builder category is not eligible for a preneed
294sales license.
295     Section 11.  Section 497.609, Florida Statutes, is created
296to read:
297     497.609  Liability of direct disposers, direct disposal
298establishments, funeral directors, funeral establishments, and
299cinerator facilities regarding cremation.--If a direct disposer,
300direct disposal establishment, funeral director, funeral
301establishment, or cinerator facility is given a copy of the
302deceased's declaration of intent to be cremated that is signed
303by the deceased and the deceased's human remains are
304subsequently cremated, or a court order directing the cremation
305of the deceased's human remains, no person may make a claim
306objecting to the cremation against that direct disposer, direct
307disposal establishment, funeral director, funeral establishment,
308or cinerator facility. If a direct disposer, direct disposal
309establishment, funeral director, funeral establishment, or
310cinerator facility performs a cremation pursuant to the
311authorization of a legally authorized person who represents that
312she or he is not aware of any objection to the cremation of the
313deceased's human remains by others in the same class of the
314person making the representation or of any person in a higher
315priority class, and the deceased's human remains are
316subsequently cremated, no person may make a claim objecting to
317the cremation against that direct disposer, direct disposal
318establishment, funeral director, funeral establishment, or
319cinerator facility.
320     Section 12.  Subsections (5) through (14) of section
321553.36, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (6)
322through (15), respectively, present subsections (15) and (16)
323are renumbered as subsections (17) and (18), respectively, and
324new subsections (5) and (16) are added to that section, to read:
325     553.36  Definitions.--The definitions contained in this
326section govern the construction of this part unless the context
327otherwise requires.
328     (5)  "Columbarium" means a permanent structure consisting
329of niches.
330     (16)  "Private mausoleum" means a structure intended for
331the private use of a family or group of family members.
332     Section 13.  Subsection (14) of section 316.515, Florida
333Statutes, is amended to read:
334     316.515  Maximum width, height, length.--
335     (14)  MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS.--The Department of
336Transportation may, in its discretion and upon application and
337good cause shown therefor that the same is not contrary to the
338public interest, issue a special permit for truck tractor-
339semitrailer combinations where the total number of overwidth
340deliveries of manufactured buildings, as defined in s.
341553.36(13)(12), may be reduced by permitting the use of an
342overlength trailer of no more than 54 feet.
343     Section 14.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and subsection
344(5) of section 627.702, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
345     627.702  Valued policy law.--
346     (1)(a)  In the event of the total loss of any building,
347structure, mobile home as defined in s. 320.01(2), or
348manufactured building as defined in s. 553.36(13)(12), located
349in this state and insured by any insurer as to a covered peril,
350in the absence of any change increasing the risk without the
351insurer's consent and in the absence of fraudulent or criminal
352fault on the part of the insured or one acting in her or his
353behalf, the insurer's liability under the policy for such total
354loss, if caused by a covered peril, shall be in the amount of
355money for which such property was so insured as specified in the
356policy and for which a premium has been charged and paid.
357     (5)  This section does not apply as to personal property or
358any interest therein, except with respect to mobile homes as
359defined in s. 320.01(2) or manufactured buildings as defined in
360s. 553.36(13)(12). Nor does this section apply to coverage of an
361appurtenant structure or other structure or any coverage or
362claim in which the dollar amount of coverage available as to the
363structure involved is not directly stated in the policy as a
364dollar amount specifically applicable to that particular
366     Section 15.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.