CS/HB 123

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the investigations of law enforcement
3and correctional officers; amending s. 112.532, F.S.;
4requiring that all identifiable witnesses to a complaint
5against a law enforcement or correctional officer be
6interviewed, whenever possible, prior to the investigative
7interview of the accused officer; requires that the
8accused officer be furnished with the complaint and
9witness statements prior to any investigative interview of
10that officer; providing for waiver of the right to review
11witness statements by an officer; providing for tolling of
12the limitations period during emergencies or natural
13disasters; providing an effective date.
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) and paragraph
18(a) of subsection (6) of section 112.532, Florida Statutes, are
19amended to read:
20     112.532  Law enforcement officers' and correctional
21officers' rights.--All law enforcement officers and correctional
22officers employed by or appointed to a law enforcement agency or
23a correctional agency shall have the following rights and
26OFFICERS WHILE UNDER INVESTIGATION.--Whenever a law enforcement
27officer or correctional officer is under investigation and
28subject to interrogation by members of his or her agency for any
29reason which could lead to disciplinary action, demotion, or
30dismissal, such interrogation shall be conducted under the
31following conditions:
32     (d)  The law enforcement officer or correctional officer
33under investigation shall be informed of the nature of the
34investigation prior to any interrogation, and he or she shall be
35informed of the names name of all complainants. All identifiable
36witnesses shall be interviewed, whenever possible, prior to the
37beginning of the investigative interview of the accused officer.
38The complaint and all witness statements shall be provided to
39the officer who is the subject of the complaint prior to the
40beginning of any investigative interview of that officer. An
41officer, after being informed of the right to review witness
42statements, may voluntarily waive the provisions of this
43paragraph and provide a voluntary statement at any time.
45     (a)  Except as provided in this subsection, no disciplinary
46action, demotion, or dismissal shall be undertaken by an agency
47against a law enforcement officer or correctional officer for
48any act, omission, or other allegation of misconduct if the
49investigation of such allegation is not completed within 180
50days after the date the agency receives notice of the allegation
51by a person authorized by the agency to initiate an
52investigation of the misconduct. In the event that the agency
53determines that disciplinary action is appropriate, it shall
54complete its investigation and give notice in writing to the law
55enforcement officer or correctional officer of its intent to
56proceed with disciplinary action, along with a proposal of the
57action sought. Such notice to the officer shall be provided
58within 180 days after the date the agency received notice of the
59alleged misconduct, except as follows:
60     1.  The running of the limitations period may be tolled for
61a period specified in a written waiver of the limitation by the
62law enforcement officer or correctional officer.
63     2.  The running of the limitations period shall be tolled
64during the time that any criminal investigation or prosecution
65is pending in connection with the act, omission, or other
66allegation of misconduct.
67     3.  If the investigation involves an officer who is
68incapacitated or otherwise unavailable, the running of the
69limitations period shall be tolled during the period of
70incapacitation or unavailability.
71     4.  In a multijurisdictional investigation, the limitations
72period may be extended for a period of time reasonably necessary
73to facilitate the coordination of the agencies involved.
74     5.  The running of the limitations period may be tolled for
75emergencies or natural disasters during the time period wherein
76the Governor has declared a state of emergency within the
77jurisdictional boundaries of the concerned agency.
78     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.