HB 1331

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to student discipline and school safety;
3amending s. 1006.07, F.S.; revising district school board
4duties relating to emergency management and emergency
5preparedness; providing requirements for the number and
6type of emergency drills conducted by each school;
7providing an effective date.
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  Subsection (4) of section 1006.07, Florida
12Statutes, is amended to read:
13     1006.07  District school board duties relating to student
14discipline and school safety.--The district school board shall
15provide for the proper accounting for all students, for the
16attendance and control of students at school, and for proper
17attention to health, safety, and other matters relating to the
18welfare of students, including:
20     (a)  Formulate and prescribe policies and procedures for
21emergency preparation and drill activities drills and for
22response to and management of emergencies, including incidents
23or events resulting from violence, technological malfunction,
24human error, and natural disaster actual emergencies, including,
25but not limited to, fires, natural disasters, and bomb threats,
26for all the public schools of the district which comprise grades
27K-12. District school board policies must shall include commonly
28used alarm system responses for specific types of emergencies
29and verification by each school that drills have been provided
30as required by law and fire protection codes. Each school shall
31conduct and document at least 10 emergency drills per school
32year, at least five of which must be emergency egress drills, at
33least one of which must be an accidental or intentional
34hazardous materials release drill, and at least two of which
35must be tornado drills. The focus of the two remaining emergency
36drills shall be at the discretion of each school.
37     (b)  The district school board shall establish model
38emergency management and emergency preparedness procedures for
39the following life-threatening emergencies:
40     1.  Manmade emergencies, including fires, bomb threats, and
41weapon-use and hostage situations.
42     2.  Technological emergencies, including radiological,
43hazardous materials, and or toxic chemical releases spills.
44     3.  Weather emergencies, including hurricanes, tornadoes,
45and severe storms.
46     4.  Exposure as a result of a manmade emergency.
47     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.