(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 1375
Amendment No. 023633
Senate House

1Representative Taylor offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 1686 and 1687, insert:
5     Section 22.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
6420.9072, Florida Statutes, to read:
7     420.9072  State Housing Initiatives Partnership
8Program.--The State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program is
9created for the purpose of providing funds to counties and
10eligible municipalities as an incentive for the creation of
11local housing partnerships, to expand production of and preserve
12affordable housing, to further the housing element of the local
13government comprehensive plan specific to affordable housing,
14and to increase housing-related employment.
15     (2)(a)  To be eligible to receive funds under the program,
16a county or eligible municipality must:
17     1.  Submit to the corporation its local housing assistance
18plan describing the local housing assistance strategies
19established pursuant to s. 420.9075;
20     2.  Within 12 months after adopting the local housing
21assistance plan, amend the plan to incorporate the local housing
22incentive strategies defined in s. 420.9071(16) and described in
23s. 420.9076; and
24     3.  Within 24 months after adopting the amended local
25housing assistance plan to incorporate the local housing
26incentive strategies, amend its land development regulations or
27establish local policies and procedures, as necessary, to
28implement the local housing incentive strategies adopted by the
29local governing body. A county or an eligible municipality that
30has adopted a housing incentive strategy pursuant to s. 420.9076
31before the effective date of this act shall review the status of
32implementation of the plan according to its adopted schedule for
33implementation and report its findings in the annual report
34required by s. 420.9075(10). If, as a result of the review, a
35county or an eligible municipality determines that the
36implementation is complete and in accordance with its schedule,
37no further action is necessary. If a county or an eligible
38municipality determines that implementation according to its
39schedule is not complete, it must amend its land development
40regulations or establish local policies and procedures, as
41necessary, to implement the housing incentive plan within 12
42months after the effective date of this act, or if extenuating
43circumstances prevent implementation within 12 months, pursuant
44to s. 420.9075(13), enter into an extension agreement with the
45corporation; and
46     4.  Institute financial literacy education and mandatory
47first-time homebuyer programs for eligible persons.
49======= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =======
50     Remove line 139 and insert:
51assistance program; amending s. 420.9072, F.S.; requiring
52counties and eligible municipalities to institute financial
53literacy education and mandatory first-time homebuyer programs
54to be eligible to receive funds under the State Housing
55Initiatives Partnership Program; amending s. 420.9076, F.S.;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.