Bill No. 1375
Amendment No. 225681
Senate House

1Representative M. Davis offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 521 and 522, insert:
5     Section 9.  Sections 197.307, 197.3071, 197.3072, 197.3073,
6197.3074, 197.3075, 197.3076, 197.3077, 197.3078, and 197.3079,
7Florida Statutes, are created to read:
8     197.307  Deferrals for ad valorem taxes and non-ad valorem
9assessments on affordable rental housing property.--
10     (1)  A board of county commissioners or the governing
11authority of a municipality may adopt an ordinance to allow for
12ad valorem tax deferrals on affordable rental housing if the
13owners are engaging in the operation, rehabilitation, or
14renovation of such properties in accordance with the guidelines
15provided in part VI of chapter 420.
16     (2)  The board of county commissioners or the governing
17authority of a municipality may also, by ordinance, authorize
18the deferral of non-ad valorem assessments, as defined in s.
19197.3632, on affordable rental housing.
20     (3)  The ordinance must designate the percentage or amount
21of the deferral and the type and location of affordable rental
22housing property for which a deferral may be granted. The
23ordinance may also require the property to be located within a
24particular geographic area or areas of the county or
26     (4)  The ordinance must specify that the deferral applies
27only to taxes and assessments levied by the unit of government
28granting the deferral. However, a deferral may not be granted
29for taxes or non-ad valorem assessments levied for the payment
30of bonds or for taxes authorized by a vote of the electors
31pursuant to s. 9(b) or s. 12, Art. VII of the State
33     (5)  The ordinance must specify that any deferral granted
34remains in effect for the period for which it is granted
35regardless of any change in the authority of the county or
36municipality to grant the deferral. In order to retain the
37deferral, however, the use and ownership of the property as
38affordable rental housing must be maintained over the period for
39which the deferral is granted.
40     (6)  If an application for tax deferral is granted on
41property that is located in a community redevelopment area as
42defined in s. 163.340:
43     (a)  The amount of taxes eligible for deferral must be
44reduced, as provided for in paragraph (b), if:
45     1.  The community redevelopment agency has previously
46issued instruments of indebtedness which are secured by
47increment revenues on deposit in the community redevelopment
48trust fund; and
49     2.  The instruments of indebtedness are associated with the
50real property applying for the deferral.
51     (b)  The tax deferral does not apply to an amount of taxes
52equal to the amount that must be deposited into the community
53redevelopment trust fund by the entity granting the deferral
54based upon the taxable value of the property upon which the
55deferral is being granted. Once all instruments of indebtedness
56that existed at the time the deferral was originally granted are
57no longer outstanding or have otherwise been defeased, this
58paragraph no longer applies.
59     (c)  If a portion of the taxes on a property are not
60eligible for deferral as provided under paragraph (b), the
61community redevelopment agency shall notify the property owner
62and the tax collector 1 year before the debt instruments that
63prevented such taxes from being deferred are no longer
64outstanding or otherwise defeased.
65     (d)  The tax collector shall notify a community
66redevelopment agency of any tax deferral that has been granted
67on property located within the agency's community redevelopment
69     (e)  Issuance of debt obligation after the date a deferral
70has been granted does not reduce the amount of taxes eligible
71for deferral.
72     (7)  The tax collector shall notify:
73     (a)  The taxpayer of each parcel appearing on the real
74property assessment roll of the law allowing the deferral of
75taxes, non-ad valorem assessments, and interest under ss.
76197.307-197.3079. Such notice shall be printed on the back of
77envelopes used to mail the notice of taxes as provided under s.
78197.322(3). Such notice shall read:
84If your property meets certain conditions you may qualify for a
85deferred tax payment plan on your affordable rental housing
86property.  An application to determine your eligibility is
87available in the county tax collector's office.
88     (b)  On or before November 1 of each year, each taxpayer
89for whom a tax deferral has been previously granted of the
90accumulated sum of deferred taxes, non-ad valorem assessments,
91and interest outstanding.
92     197.3071  Eligibility for tax deferral.--The tax deferral
93authorized by this section is applicable only on a prorata basis
94to the ad valorem taxes levied on residential units within a
95property which meet the following conditions:
96     (1)  Units for which the monthly rent along with taxes,
97insurance, and utilities does not exceed 30 percent of the
98median adjusted gross annual income as defined in s. 420.0004
99for the households described in subsection (2).
100     (2)  Units that are occupied by extremely-low-income
101persons, very-low-income persons, low-income persons, or
102moderate-income persons as these terms are defined in s.
104     197.3072  Deferral for affordable rental housing
106     (1)  Any property owner in a jurisdiction that has adopted
107an ad valorem tax-deferral ordinance or a deferral of non-ad
108valorem assessments ordinance pursuant to s. 197.307 and who
109owns an eligible affordable rental housing property as described
110in s. 197.3071 may apply for a deferral of payment by filing an
111annual application for deferral with the county tax collector on
112or before January 31 following the year in which the taxes and
113non-ad valorem assessments are assessed. The property owner has
114the burden to affirmatively demonstrate compliance with the
115requirements of this section.
116     (2)  Approval by the tax collector defers that portion of
117the combined total of ad valorem taxes and any non-ad valorem
118assessments plus interest that are authorized to be deferred by
119an ordinance enacted pursuant to s. 197.307.
120     (3)  Deferral may not be granted if:
121     (a)  The total amount of deferred taxes, non-ad valorem
122assessments, and interest plus the total amount of all other
123unsatisfied liens on the property exceeds 85 percent of the
124assessed value of the property; or
125     (b)  The primary financing on the affordable rental housing
126property is for an amount that exceeds 70 percent of the
127assessed value of the property.
128     (4)  The amount of taxes deferred, non-ad valorem
129assessments, and interest shall accrue interest at a rate equal
130to the annually compounded rate of 3 percent plus the Consumer
131Price Index for All Urban Consumers; however, the interest rate
132may not exceed 9.5 percent.
133     (5)  The deferred taxes, non-ad valorem assessments, and
134interest constitute a prior lien on the affordable rental
135housing property and shall attach as of the date and in the same
136manner and be collected as other liens for taxes as provided for
137under this chapter, but such deferred taxes, non-ad valorem
138assessments, and interest are due, payable, and delinquent as
139provided in ss. 197.307-197.3079.
140     197.3073  Deferral application.--
141     (1)  The application for a deferral of ad valorem taxes and
142non-ad valorem assessments must be made annually upon a form
143prescribed by the department and furnished by the county tax
144collector. The application form must be signed under oath by the
145property owner applying for the deferral before an officer
146authorized by the state to administer oaths. The application
147form must provide notice to the property owner of the manner in
148which interest is computed. The application form must contain an
149explanation of the conditions to be met for approval of the
150deferral and the conditions under which deferred taxes, non-ad
151valorem assessments, and interest become due, payable, and
152delinquent. Each application must clearly state that all
153deferrals pursuant to this section constitute a lien on the
154property for which the deferral is granted. The tax collector
155may require the property owner to submit any other evidence and
156documentation considered necessary by the tax collector in
157reviewing the application.
158     (2)  The tax collector shall consider and render his or her
159findings, determinations, and decision on each annual
160application for a deferral for affordable rental housing within
16145 days after the date the application is filed. The tax
162collector shall exercise reasonable discretion based upon
163applicable information available under this section. The
164determinations and findings of the tax collector are not quasi
165judicial and are subject exclusively to review by the value
166adjustment board as provided by this section. A tax collector
167who finds that a property owner is entitled to the deferral
168shall approve the application and file the application in the
169permanent records.
170     (a)  A tax collector who finds that a property owner is not
171entitled to the deferral shall send a notice of disapproval
172within 45 days after the date the application is filed, giving
173reasons for the disapproval. The notice must be sent by personal
174delivery or registered mail to the mailing address given by the
175property owner in the manner in which the original notice was
176served upon the property owner and must be filed among the
177permanent records of the tax collector's office. The original
178notice of disapproval sent to the property owner shall advise
179the property owner of the right to appeal the decision of the
180tax collector to the value adjustment board and provide the
181procedures for filing an appeal.
182     (b)  An appeal by the property owner of the decision of the
183tax collector to deny the deferral must be submitted to the
184value adjustment board on a form prescribed by the department
185and furnished by the tax collector. The appeal must be filed
186with the value adjustment board within 20 days after the
187applicant's receipt of the notice of disapproval, and the board
188must approve or disapprove the appeal within 30 days after
189receipt of the appeal. The value adjustment board shall review
190the application and the evidence presented to the tax collector
191upon which the property owner based a claim for deferral and, at
192the election of the property owner, shall hear the property
193owner in person, or by agent on the property owner's behalf,
194concerning his or her right to the deferral. The value
195adjustment board shall reverse the decision of the tax collector
196and grant a deferral to the property owner if, in its judgment,
197the property owner is entitled to the deferral or shall affirm
198the decision of the tax collector. Action by the value
199adjustment board is final unless the property owner or tax
200collector or other lienholder, within 15 days after the date of
201disapproval of the application by the board, files for a de novo
202proceeding for a declaratory judgment or other appropriate
203proceeding in the circuit court of the county in which the
204property is located.
205     (3)  Each application for deferral must contain a list of,
206and the current value of, all outstanding liens on the property
207for which a deferral is requested.
208     (4)  For approved applications, the date the deferral
209application is received by the tax collector shall be the date
210used in calculating taxes due and payable at the expiration of
211the tax deferral net of discounts for early payment.
212     (5)  If proof has not been furnished with a prior
213application, each property owner shall furnish proof of fire and
214extended coverage insurance in an amount that is in excess of
215the sum of all outstanding liens including a lien for the
216deferred taxes, non-ad valorem assessments, and interest with a
217loss payable clause to the county tax collector.
218     (6)  The tax collector shall notify the property appraiser
219in writing of those parcels for which taxes or assessments have
220been deferred.
221     (7)  The property appraiser shall promptly notify the tax
222collector of changes in ownership or use of properties that have
223been granted a deferral.
224     (8)  The property owner shall promptly notify the tax
225collector of changes in ownership or use of properties that have
226been granted tax deferrals.
227     197.3074  Deferred payment tax certificates.--
228     (1)  The tax collector shall notify each local governing
229body of the amount of taxes and non-ad valorem assessments
230deferred which would otherwise have been collected for the
231governing body. The tax collector shall, at the time of the tax
232certificate sale held under s. 197.432 strike each certificate
233off to the county. Certificates issued under this section are
234exempt from the public sale of tax certificates held pursuant to
235s. 197.432.
236     (2)  The certificates held by the county shall bear
237interest at a rate equal to the annually compounded rate of 3
238percent plus the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers;
239however, the interest rate may not exceed 9.5 percent.
240     197.3075  Change in use or ownership of property.--
241     (1)  If there is a change in use or ownership of the
242property that has been granted an ad valorem tax or non-ad
243valorem assessment deferral such that the property owner is no
244longer entitled to claim the property as an affordable rental
245housing property, or if there is a change in the legal or
246beneficial ownership of the property, or if the owner fails to
247maintain the required fire and extended insurance coverage, the
248total amount of deferred taxes, non-ad valorem assessments, and
249interest for all previous years becomes due and payable November
2501 of the year in which the change in use or ownership occurs or
251on the date failure to maintain insurance occurs, and is
252delinquent on April 1 of the year following the year in which
253the change in use or ownership or failure to maintain insurance
255     (2)  Whenever the property appraiser discovers that there
256has been a change in the use or ownership of the property that
257has been granted a deferral, the property appraiser shall notify
258the tax collector in writing of the date such change occurs, and
259the tax collector shall collect any taxes, non-ad valorem
260assessments, and interest due or delinquent.
261     (3)  During any year in which the total amount of deferred
262taxes, non-ad valorem assessments, interest, and all other
263unsatisfied liens on the property exceeds 85 percent of the
264assessed value of the property, the tax collector shall
265immediately notify the property owner that the portion of taxes,
266non-ad valorem assessments, and interest which exceeds 85
267percent of the assessed value of the property is due and payable
268within 30 days after receipt of the notice. Failure to pay the
269amount due shall cause the total amount of deferred taxes, non-
270ad valorem assessments, and interest to become delinquent.
271     (4)  If on or before June 1 following the date the taxes
272deferred under this subsection become delinquent, the tax
273collector shall sell a tax certificate for the delinquent taxes
274and interest in the manner provided by s. 197.432.
275     197.3076  Prepayment of deferred taxes and non-ad valorem
277     (1)  All or part of the deferred taxes, non-ad valorem
278assessments, and accrued interest may at any time be paid to the
279tax collector by:
280     (a)  The property owner; or
281     (b)  The property owner's next of kin, heir, child, or any
282person having or claiming a legal or equitable interest in the
283property, if an objection is not made by the owner within 30
284days after the tax collector notifies the property owner of the
285fact that such payment has been tendered.
286     (2)  Any partial payment made pursuant to this section
287shall be applied first to accrued interest.
288     197.3077  Distribution of payments.--When any deferred tax,
289non-ad valorem assessment, or interest is collected, the tax
290collector shall maintain a record of the payment, setting forth
291a description of the property and the amount of taxes or
292interest collected for the property. The tax collector shall
293distribute payments received in accordance with the procedures
294for distributing ad valorem taxes, non-ad valorem assessments,
295or redemption moneys as prescribed in this chapter.
296     197.3078  Construction.--This section does not prevent the
297collection of personal property taxes that become a lien against
298tax-deferred property, or defer payment of special assessments
299to benefited property other than those specifically allowed to
300be deferred, or affect any provision of any mortgage or other
301instrument relating to property requiring a person to pay ad
302valorem taxes or non-ad valorem assessments.
303     197.3079  Penalties.--
304     (1)  The following penalties shall be imposed on any person
305who willfully files information required under this section
306which is incorrect:
307     (a)  The person shall pay the total amount of deferred
308taxes, non-ad valorem assessments, and interest which shall
309immediately become due;
310     (b)  The person shall be disqualified from filing a tax-
311deferral application for the next 3 years; and
312     (c)  The person shall pay a penalty of 25 percent of the
313total amount of taxes, non-ad valorem assessments, and interest
315     (2)  Any person against whom penalties have been imposed
316may appeal to the value adjustment board within 30 days after
317the date the penalties were imposed.
319======= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =======
320     Between lines 35 and 36, insert:
321creating ss. 197.307, 197.3071, 197.3072, 197.3073, 197.3074,
322197.3075, 197.3076, 197.3077, 197.3078, and 197.3079, F.S.;
323authorizing a county commission or municipality to adopt an
324ordinance providing for the deferral of ad valorem taxes and
325non-ad valorem assessments for affordable rental housing
326property under certain conditions; requiring the tax collector
327to provide certain notices to taxpayers about deferrals;
328providing specifications for such ordinances; providing
329eligibility requirements; authorizing a property owner to defer
330payment of ad valorem taxes and certain assessments; providing
331circumstances in which taxes and assessments may not be
332deferred; specifying the rate for deferment; providing that the
333taxes, assessments, and interest deferred constitute a prior
334lien on the property; providing an application process;
335providing notice requirements for applications that are not
336approved for deferment; providing an appeals process; requiring
337applications for deferral to contain a list of outstanding
338liens; providing the date for calculating taxes due and payable;
339requiring that a property owner furnish proof of certain
340insurance coverage under certain conditions; requiring the tax
341collector and the property owner to notify the property
342appraiser of parcels for which taxes and assessments have been
343deferred; requiring the property appraiser to notify the tax
344collector of changes in ownership or use of tax-deferred
345properties; providing requirements for tax certificates for
346deferred payment; providing the rate of interest; providing
347circumstances in which deferrals cease; requiring the property
348appraiser to notify the tax collector of deferrals that have
349ceased; requiring the tax collector to collect taxes,
350assessments and interest due; requiring the tax collector to
351notify the property owner of due taxes on tax-deferred property
352under certain conditions; requiring the tax collector to sell a
353tax certificate under certain circumstances; specifying persons
354who may pay deferred taxes, assessments and accrued interest;
355requiring the tax collector to maintain a record of payment and
356to distribute payments; providing for construction of provisions
357authorizing the deferments; providing penalties;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.