1 | Representative Attkisson offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Between lines 402 and 403, insert: |
5 | Section 6. Section 166.498, Florida Statutes, is created |
6 | to read: |
7 | 166.498 Elimination of taxation or assessment of an |
8 | existing downtown development district; procedures.--Whenever |
9 | the boundaries of a downtown development authority are contained |
10 | within or overlap a community redevelopment agency as defined in |
11 | s. 163.356, those properties that are subject to taxation or |
12 | assessment by the downtown development authority and are also |
13 | included within the community redevelopment agency's boundaries |
14 | shall be exempt from any taxes or assessments payable to the |
15 | downtown development authority. |
16 |
17 | ======= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ======= |
18 | Remove line 21 and insert: |
19 | adopted more than twice a year; creating s. 166.498, F.S.; |
20 | providing an exemption from certain taxes and assessments |
21 | payable to the downtown development authority for certain |
22 | properties located within the community redevelopment agency's |
23 | boundaries; creating s. 193.018, F.S.; |