HB 1383

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to health care clinics; directing the
3Department of Health to conduct a study relating to
4availability of health care to uninsured and indigent
5persons in the state; requiring a report to the Governor
6and Legislature; specifying contents of the report;
7providing an effective date.
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  The Department of Health is directed to conduct
12a comprehensive study of health care options available in the
13state to uninsured persons and persons who are eligible for
14indigent care programs. The purpose of the study is to provide a
15more efficient and effective system that enhances the quality of
16health care and health care outcomes for recipients.
17     (1)  The study shall examine:
18     (a)  The existing health care providers for uninsured and
19indigent persons in each county in the state, such as free
20clinics, county health departments, federally qualified health
21clinics, rural clinics, and Medicaid and Medicare providers.
22     (b)  The demographics and needs of the uninsured or
23indigent populations.
24     (c)  The population served by each provider.
25     (d)  The accessibility of each provider to the uninsured or
26indigent populations in their respective counties.
27     (e)  The limitations of each provider with regard to whom
28they can, or do, deliver services.
29     (f)  The current capacity of each provider.
30     (g)  The method of funding for each provider.
31     (h)  The resources and needs of each provider.
32     (i)  Other providers in the county that may be available to
33serve this population.
34     (2)  The agency shall identify and make recommendations to
35eliminate the gaps in coverage and to promote collaboration
36between health care providers to improve the quality of health
37care delivered to the uninsured and indigent populations. The
38agency shall submit a report containing those recommendations to
39the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of
40the House of Representatives by January 31, 2008.
41     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.