HB 1459

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the employment of former offenders;
3providing for issuing tax credit vouchers to businesses in
4this state that employ former offenders; providing the
5amount of the tax credit; requiring that the business
6document the employment; excluding certain offenders;
7requiring the Department of Corrections to cooperate with
8employers in identifying former offenders who have job
9skills and who are employable; requiring the Department of
10Revenue to develop forms and procedures for applying for
11the tax credit; providing an effective date.
13Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15     Section 1.  Employment incentive for former offenders.--
16     (1)  In order to encourage the creation of jobs in this
17state for former offenders, each business, as defined in s.
18212.02, Florida Statutes, shall be issued a tax credit voucher
19of $1,500 for use against any tax liability created under
20chapter 212 or chapter 220, Florida Statutes, for each former
21offender who is employed full time by the business after July 1,
222007. The business must document that the position is
23continuously filled for at least 12 full consecutive months by a
24former offender, that the salary for the position is at least $9
25per hour, and that the former offender performs duties in
26connection with the operations of the business on a regular
27full-time basis for an average of at least 36 hours per week
28each month throughout the year. This section does not apply to
29employment of a former offender who has committed a capital
30felony or an offense ranked within offense level 10.
31     (2)  To assist in this program, the Department of
32Corrections shall cooperate with employers in identifying former
33offenders who have job skills and who are employable.
34     (3)  A business may begin applying the credit against such
35taxes after the former offender has continuously filled the
36position for at least 12 consecutive months. If an eligible
37business has a credit larger than the amount owed the state on
38the tax return for the time period for which the credit is
39claimed, the amount of the credit for that time period is
40limited to the amount owed the state on that tax return.
41     (4)  A business may apply for the tax credit by submitting
42an application to the Department of Revenue, accompanied by an
43affidavit verifying the creation and filling of a position as
44described in subsection (1) and the salary for the position. The
45department shall provide forms and a procedure for applying for,
46processing, and issuing the credit.
47     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.