Senate Bill sb1474

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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 1474

    By Senator Saunders

    37-1168-07                                          See HB 535

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Lake Okeechobee

  3         Protection Program; amending s. 373.4595, F.S.;

  4         expanding the program to include protection of

  5         the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers and

  6         their estuaries; revising legislative findings

  7         and intent; providing definitions; providing

  8         for the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie River

  9         Estuary Protection Program, including an

10         Estuary Protection Plan, Estuary Construction

11         Project, Estuary Watershed Pollutant Control

12         Program, and Estuary Research, Water Quality,

13         and Habitat Monitoring Program; providing for

14         Estuary Protection Plan implementation and

15         evaluation; providing for estuary protection

16         permits; revising requirements relating to the

17         annual progress report of the South Florida

18         Water Management District; amending s. 373.036,

19         F.S.; conforming a cross-reference to changes

20         made by the act; providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Section 373.4595, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         373.4595  Lake Okeechobee and Caloosahatchee and St.

27  Lucie River and Estuary Protection Program.--

28         (1)  FINDINGS AND INTENT.--

29         (a)  The Legislature finds that Lake Okeechobee is one

30  of the most important water resources of the state, providing

31  many functions benefiting the public interest, including


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 1  agricultural, public, and environmental water supply; flood

 2  control; fishing; navigation and recreation; and habitat to

 3  endangered and threatened species and other flora and fauna.

 4         (b)  The Legislature finds that the Caloosahatchee and

 5  St. Lucie Rivers and their estuaries provide significant

 6  economic value and natural habitat and biodiversity and are

 7  critical water resources of the state.

 8         (c)  The Legislature finds that the volume, timing, and

 9  water quality of discharges to the estuaries of the

10  Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers are the primary causes of

11  adverse impacts and that excess flows affect seagrasses,

12  oysters, and other living resources, including fisheries, in

13  both systems.

14         (d)(b)  The Legislature finds that land uses in the

15  Lake Okeechobee watershed and the construction of the Central

16  and Southern Florida Project have resulted in adverse changes

17  to the hydrology and water quality of Lake Okeechobee and the

18  Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers and their estuaries. These

19  hydrology and water quality changes have resulted in algal

20  blooms and other adverse impacts to water quality both in Lake

21  Okeechobee and in downstream receiving waters.

22         (e)(c)  The Legislature finds that improvement to the

23  hydrology and water quality of Lake Okeechobee and the

24  Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers and their estuaries is

25  essential to the protection of the Everglades.

26         (f)(d)  The Legislature also finds that it is

27  imperative for the state, local governments, and agricultural

28  and environmental communities to commit to restoring and

29  protecting Lake Okeechobee and downstream receiving waters,

30  and that a watershed-based approach to address these issues

31  must be developed and implemented immediately.


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 1         (g)(e)  The Legislature finds that phosphorus loads

 2  from the Lake Okeechobee watershed have contributed to

 3  excessive phosphorus levels in Lake Okeechobee and downstream

 4  receiving waters and that a reduction in levels of phosphorus

 5  will benefit the ecology of these systems. The excessive

 6  levels of phosphorus have also resulted in an accumulation of

 7  phosphorus in the sediments of Lake Okeechobee. If not

 8  removed, internal phosphorus loads from the sediments are

 9  expected to delay responses of the lake to external phosphorus

10  reductions.

11         (h)(f)  The Legislature finds that the Lake Okeechobee

12  phosphorus loads set forth in the South Florida Water

13  Management District's Technical Publication 81-2 represent an

14  appropriate basis for the initial phase of phosphorus load

15  reductions to Lake Okeechobee and that subsequent phases of

16  phosphorus load reductions shall be determined by the total

17  maximum daily loads established in accordance with s. 403.067.

18         (i)(g)  The Legislature finds that this section, in

19  conjunction with s. 403.067, provides a reasonable means of

20  achieving and maintaining compliance with state water quality

21  standards.

22         (j)(h)  The Legislature finds that the implementation

23  of the programs contained in this section is for the benefit

24  of the public health, safety, and welfare and is in the public

25  interest.

26         (k)(i)  The Legislature finds that sufficient research

27  has been conducted and sufficient plans developed to

28  immediately initiate the first phase of a program to address

29  the hydrology and water quality problems in Lake Okeechobee

30  and the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers and their

31  estuaries downstream receiving waters.


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 1         (l)  The Legislature finds that the tidal

 2  Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers and their estuaries are

 3  affected by the quality of waters discharged from Lake

 4  Okeechobee and the estuaries' respective watersheds.

 5         (m)  The Legislature finds that an Estuary Protection

 6  Program must be developed to identify the adverse hydrologic

 7  and water quality impacts within, and upstream of, the

 8  Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers and their estuaries and

 9  that solutions to address those impacts be developed and

10  funded.

11         (n)(j)  The Legislature finds that in order to achieve

12  the goals and objectives of this section and to effectively

13  implement the Lake Okeechobee Watershed Phosphorus Control

14  Program pursuant to paragraph (3)(c), the state must

15  expeditiously implement the Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan

16  developed pursuant to paragraph (3)(a).

17         (o)(k)  The Legislature finds that a continuing source

18  of funding is needed to effectively implement a phosphorus

19  control program that initially targets the most significant

20  sources contributing to phosphorus loads within the watershed

21  and continues to address other sources as needed to achieve

22  the phased phosphorus load reductions required under this

23  section.

24         (p)(l)  It is the intent of the Legislature to achieve

25  and maintain compliance with water quality standards in Lake

26  Okeechobee and downstream receiving waters through a phased,

27  comprehensive, and innovative protection program to reduce

28  both internal and external phosphorus loads to Lake Okeechobee

29  through immediate actions to achieve the phosphorus load

30  reductions set forth in Technical Publication 81-2 and

31  long-term solutions based upon the total maximum daily loads


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    37-1168-07                                          See HB 535

 1  established in accordance with s. 403.067. This program shall

 2  be watershed-based, shall provide for consideration of all

 3  potential phosphorus sources, and shall include research and

 4  monitoring, development and implementation of best management

 5  practices, refinement of existing regulations, and structural

 6  and nonstructural projects, including public works.

 7         (q)(m)  It is the intent of the Legislature that this

 8  section the Lake Okeechobee Protection Program be developed

 9  and implemented in coordination with and, to the greatest

10  extent practicable, through the implementation of Restudy

11  project components and other federal programs in order to

12  maximize opportunities for the most efficient and timely

13  expenditures of public funds.

14         (r)(n)  It is the intent of the Legislature that the

15  coordinating agencies encourage and support the development of

16  creative public-private partnerships and programs, including

17  opportunities for pollutant trading and credits, to facilitate

18  or further the restoration of Lake Okeechobee and the

19  Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers and their estuaries,

20  consistent with s. 403.067.

21         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:

22         (a)  "Best management practice" means a practice or

23  combination of practices determined by the coordinating

24  agencies, based on research, field-testing, and expert review,

25  to be the most effective and practicable on-location means,

26  including economic and technological considerations, for

27  improving water quality in agricultural and urban discharges.

28  Best management practices for agricultural discharges shall

29  reflect a balance between water quality improvements and

30  agricultural productivity.



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 1         (b)  "Coordinating agencies" means the Department of

 2  Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Department of

 3  Environmental Protection, and the South Florida Water

 4  Management District.

 5         (c)  "Corps of Engineers" means the United States Army

 6  Corps of Engineers.

 7         (d)  "Department" means the Department of Environmental

 8  Protection.

 9         (e)  "District" means the South Florida Water

10  Management District.

11         (f)  "District's WOD program" means the program

12  implemented pursuant to rules adopted as authorized by this

13  section and ss. 373.016, 373.044, 373.085, 373.086, 373.109,

14  373.113, 373.118, 373.451, and 373.453, entitled "Works of the

15  District Basin."

16         (g)  "Estuary" or "estuaries" means the St. Lucie River

17  and its tributaries and estuary or the Caloosahatchee River

18  and its tributaries and estuary or both rivers and their

19  tributaries and estuaries.

20         (h)(g)  "Lake Okeechobee Construction Project" means

21  the construction project developed pursuant to paragraph

22  (3)(b).

23         (i)(h)  "Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan" means the

24  plan developed pursuant to this section and ss.

25  373.451-373.459.

26         (j)(i)  "Lake Okeechobee watershed" means Lake

27  Okeechobee and the area surrounding and tributary to Lake

28  Okeechobee, composed of the surrounding hydrologic basins, as

29  defined by the Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan dated January

30  1, 2004.



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 1         (k)(j)  "Lake Okeechobee Watershed Phosphorus Control

 2  Program" means the program developed pursuant to paragraph

 3  (3)(c).

 4         (l)  "Pollutants" means pollution as defined in s.

 5  403.031.

 6         (m)(k)  "Project component" means any structural or

 7  operational change, resulting from the Restudy, to the Central

 8  and Southern Florida Project as it existed and was operated as

 9  of January 1, 1999.

10         (n)(l)  "Restudy" means the Comprehensive Review Study

11  of the Central and Southern Florida Project, for which federal

12  participation was authorized by the Federal Water Resources

13  Development Acts of 1992 and 1996 together with related

14  Congressional resolutions and for which participation by the

15  South Florida Water Management District is authorized by s.

16  373.1501. The term includes all actions undertaken pursuant to

17  the aforementioned authorizations which will result in

18  recommendations for modifications or additions to the Central

19  and Southern Florida Project.

20         (o)(m)  "Total maximum daily load" means the sum of the

21  individual wasteload allocations for point sources and the

22  load allocations for nonpoint sources and natural background.

23  Prior to determining individual wasteload allocations and load

24  allocations, the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water

25  body or water segment can assimilate from all sources without

26  exceeding water quality standards must first be calculated.

27         (3)  LAKE OKEECHOBEE PROTECTION PROGRAM.--A protection

28  program for Lake Okeechobee that achieves phosphorus load

29  reductions for Lake Okeechobee shall be immediately

30  implemented as specified in this subsection. The program shall

31  address the reduction of phosphorus loading to the lake from


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    37-1168-07                                          See HB 535

 1  both internal and external sources. Phosphorus load reductions

 2  shall be achieved through a phased program of implementation.

 3  Initial implementation actions shall be technology-based,

 4  based upon a consideration of both the availability of

 5  appropriate technology and the cost of such technology, and

 6  shall include phosphorus reduction measures at both the source

 7  and the regional level. The initial phase of phosphorus load

 8  reductions shall be based upon the district's Technical

 9  Publication 81-2 and the district's WOD program, with

10  subsequent phases of phosphorus load reductions based upon the

11  total maximum daily loads established in accordance with s.

12  403.067. In the development and administration of the Lake

13  Okeechobee Protection Program, the coordinating agencies shall

14  maximize opportunities provided by federal cost-sharing

15  programs and opportunities for partnerships with the private

16  sector.

17         (a)  Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan.--The district, in

18  cooperation with the other coordinating agencies, shall

19  complete a Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan in accordance with

20  this section and ss. 373.451-373.459. The plan shall contain

21  an implementation schedule for subsequent phases of phosphorus

22  load reduction consistent with the total maximum daily loads

23  established in accordance with s. 403.067. The plan shall

24  consider and build upon a review and analysis of the

25  following:

26         1.  The performance of projects constructed during

27  Phase I of the Lake Okeechobee Construction Project, pursuant

28  to paragraph (b).

29         2.  Relevant information resulting from the Lake

30  Okeechobee Watershed Phosphorus Control Program, pursuant to

31  paragraph (c).


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 1         3.  Relevant information resulting from the Lake

 2  Okeechobee Research and Water Quality Monitoring Program,

 3  pursuant to paragraph (d).

 4         4.  Relevant information resulting from the Lake

 5  Okeechobee Exotic Species Control Program, pursuant to

 6  paragraph (e).

 7         5.  Relevant information resulting from the Lake

 8  Okeechobee Internal Phosphorus Management Program, pursuant to

 9  paragraph (f).

10         (b)  Lake Okeechobee Construction Project.--To improve

11  the hydrology and water quality of Lake Okeechobee and

12  downstream receiving waters, the district shall design and

13  construct the Lake Okeechobee Construction Project.

14         1.  Phase I.--Phase I of the Lake Okeechobee

15  Construction Project shall consist of a series of project

16  features consistent with the recommendations of the South

17  Florida Ecosystem Restoration Working Group's Lake Okeechobee

18  Action Plan. Priority basins for such projects include S-191,

19  S-154, and Pools D and E in the Lower Kissimmee River. In

20  order to obtain phosphorus load reductions to Lake Okeechobee

21  as soon as possible, the following actions shall be

22  implemented:

23         a.  The district shall serve as a full partner with the

24  Corps of Engineers in the design and construction of the

25  Grassy Island Ranch and New Palm Dairy stormwater treatment

26  facilities as components of the Lake Okeechobee Water

27  Retention/Phosphorus Removal Critical Project. The Corps of

28  Engineers shall have the lead in design and construction of

29  these facilities. Should delays be encountered in the

30  implementation of either of these facilities, the district

31  shall notify the department and recommend corrective actions.


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 1         b.  The district shall obtain permits and complete

 2  construction of two of the isolated wetland restoration

 3  projects that are part of the Lake Okeechobee Water

 4  Retention/Phosphorus Removal Critical Project. The additional

 5  isolated wetland projects included in this critical project

 6  shall further reduce phosphorus loading to Lake Okeechobee.

 7         c.  The district shall work with the Corps of Engineers

 8  to expedite initiation of the design process for the Taylor

 9  Creek/Nubbins Slough Reservoir Assisted Stormwater Treatment

10  Area, a project component of the Restudy. The district shall

11  propose to the Corps of Engineers that the district take the

12  lead in the design and construction of the Reservoir Assisted

13  Stormwater Treatment Area and receive credit towards the local

14  share of the total cost of the Restudy.

15         2.  Phase II.--The district, in cooperation with the

16  other coordinating agencies and the Corps of Engineers, shall

17  develop an implementation plan for Phase II of the Lake

18  Okeechobee Construction Project. Phase II shall include

19  construction of additional facilities in the priority basins

20  identified in subparagraph (b)1., as well as facilities for

21  other basins in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. The

22  implementation plan shall:

23         a.  Identify Lake Okeechobee Construction Project

24  facilities to be constructed to achieve a design objective of

25  40 parts per billion (ppb) for phosphorus measured as a

26  long-term flow weighted average concentration, unless an

27  allocation has been established pursuant to s. 403.067 for the

28  Lake Okeechobee total maximum daily load.

29         b.  Identify the size and location of all such Lake

30  Okeechobee Construction Project facilities.



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 1         c.  Provide a construction schedule for all such Lake

 2  Okeechobee Construction Project facilities, including the

 3  sequencing and specific timeframe for construction of each

 4  Lake Okeechobee Construction Project facility.

 5         d.  Provide a land acquisition schedule for lands

 6  necessary to achieve the construction schedule.

 7         e.  Provide a detailed schedule of costs associated

 8  with the construction schedule.

 9         f.  Identify, to the maximum extent practicable,

10  impacts on wetlands and state-listed species expected to be

11  associated with construction of such facilities, including

12  potential alternatives to minimize and mitigate such impacts,

13  as appropriate.

14         3.  Evaluation.--By January 1, 2004, and every 3 years

15  thereafter, the district, in cooperation with the coordinating

16  agencies, shall conduct an evaluation of any further

17  phosphorus load reductions necessary to achieve compliance

18  with the Lake Okeechobee total maximum daily load established

19  pursuant to s. 403.067. Additionally, the district shall

20  identify modifications to facilities of the Lake Okeechobee

21  Construction Project as appropriate if the design objective of

22  40 parts per billion (ppb) or the allocation established

23  pursuant to s. 403.067 for the Lake Okeechobee total maximum

24  daily load established pursuant to s. 403.067 is not being

25  met. The evaluation shall be included in the applicable annual

26  progress report submitted pursuant to paragraph (h).

27         4.  Coordination and review.--To ensure the timely

28  implementation of the Lake Okeechobee Construction Project,

29  the design of project facilities shall be coordinated with the

30  department and other interested parties to the maximum extent

31  practicable. Lake Okeechobee Construction Project facilities


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 1  shall be reviewed and commented upon by the department prior

 2  to the execution of a construction contract by the district

 3  for that facility.

 4         (c)  Lake Okeechobee Watershed Phosphorus Control

 5  Program.--The Lake Okeechobee Watershed Phosphorus Control

 6  Program is designed to be a multifaceted approach to reducing

 7  phosphorus loads by improving the management of phosphorus

 8  sources within the Lake Okeechobee watershed through continued

 9  implementation of existing regulations and best management

10  practices, development and implementation of improved best

11  management practices, improvement and restoration of the

12  hydrologic function of natural and managed systems, and

13  utilization of alternative technologies for nutrient

14  reduction. The coordinating agencies shall facilitate the

15  application of federal programs that offer opportunities for

16  water quality treatment, including preservation, restoration,

17  or creation of wetlands on agricultural lands.

18         1.  Agricultural nonpoint source best management

19  practices, developed in accordance with s. 403.067 and

20  designed to achieve the objectives of the Lake Okeechobee

21  Protection Program, shall be implemented on an expedited

22  basis. The coordinating agencies shall develop an interagency

23  agreement pursuant to ss. 373.046 and 373.406(5) that assures

24  the development of best management practices that complement

25  existing regulatory programs and specifies how those best

26  management practices are implemented and verified. The

27  interagency agreement shall address measures to be taken by

28  the coordinating agencies during any best management practice

29  reevaluation performed pursuant to sub-subparagraph d. The

30  department shall use best professional judgment in making the



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    37-1168-07                                          See HB 535

 1  initial determination of best management practice

 2  effectiveness.

 3         a.  As provided in s. 403.067(7)(c), the Department of

 4  Agriculture and Consumer Services, in consultation with the

 5  department, the district, and affected parties, shall initiate

 6  rule development for interim measures, best management

 7  practices, conservation plans, nutrient management plans, or

 8  other measures necessary for Lake Okeechobee phosphorus load

 9  reduction. The rule shall include thresholds for requiring

10  conservation and nutrient management plans and criteria for

11  the contents of such plans. Development of agricultural

12  nonpoint source best management practices shall initially

13  focus on those priority basins listed in subparagraph (b)1.

14  The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, in

15  consultation with the department, the district, and affected

16  parties, shall conduct an ongoing program for improvement of

17  existing and development of new interim measures or best

18  management practices for the purpose of adoption of such

19  practices by rule.

20         b.  Where agricultural nonpoint source best management

21  practices or interim measures have been adopted by rule of the

22  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the owner or

23  operator of an agricultural nonpoint source addressed by such

24  rule shall either implement interim measures or best

25  management practices or demonstrate compliance with the

26  district's WOD program by conducting monitoring prescribed by

27  the department or the district. Owners or operators of

28  agricultural nonpoint sources who implement interim measures

29  or best management practices adopted by rule of the Department

30  of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall be subject to the

31  provisions of s. 403.067(7). The Department of Agriculture and


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 1  Consumer Services, in cooperation with the department and the

 2  district, shall provide technical and financial assistance for

 3  implementation of agricultural best management practices,

 4  subject to the availability of funds.

 5         c.  The district or department shall conduct monitoring

 6  at representative sites to verify the effectiveness of

 7  agricultural nonpoint source best management practices.

 8         d.  Where water quality problems are detected for

 9  agricultural nonpoint sources despite the appropriate

10  implementation of adopted best management practices, the

11  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, in

12  consultation with the other coordinating agencies and affected

13  parties, shall institute a reevaluation of the best management

14  practices and make appropriate changes to the rule adopting

15  best management practices.

16         2.  Nonagricultural nonpoint source best management

17  practices, developed in accordance with s. 403.067 and

18  designed to achieve the objectives of the Lake Okeechobee

19  Protection Program, shall be implemented on an expedited

20  basis. The department and the district shall develop an

21  interagency agreement pursuant to ss. 373.046 and 373.406(5)

22  that assures the development of best management practices that

23  complement existing regulatory programs and specifies how

24  those best management practices are implemented and verified.

25  The interagency agreement shall address measures to be taken

26  by the department and the district during any best management

27  practice reevaluation performed pursuant to sub-subparagraph

28  d.

29         a.  The department and the district are directed to

30  work with the University of Florida's Institute of Food and

31  Agricultural Sciences to develop appropriate nutrient


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 1  application rates for all nonagricultural soil amendments in

 2  the watershed. As provided in s. 403.067(7)(c), the

 3  department, in consultation with the district and affected

 4  parties, shall develop interim measures, best management

 5  practices, or other measures necessary for Lake Okeechobee

 6  phosphorus load reduction. Development of nonagricultural

 7  nonpoint source best management practices shall initially

 8  focus on those priority basins listed in subparagraph (b)1.

 9  The department, the district, and affected parties shall

10  conduct an ongoing program for improvement of existing and

11  development of new interim measures or best management

12  practices. The district shall adopt technology-based standards

13  under the district's WOD program for nonagricultural nonpoint

14  sources of phosphorus.

15         b.  Where nonagricultural nonpoint source best

16  management practices or interim measures have been developed

17  by the department and adopted by the district, the owner or

18  operator of a nonagricultural nonpoint source shall implement

19  interim measures or best management practices and be subject

20  to the provisions of s. 403.067(7). The department and

21  district shall provide technical and financial assistance for

22  implementation of nonagricultural nonpoint source best

23  management practices, subject to the availability of funds.

24         c.  The district or the department shall conduct

25  monitoring at representative sites to verify the effectiveness

26  of nonagricultural nonpoint source best management practices.

27         d.  Where water quality problems are detected for

28  nonagricultural nonpoint sources despite the appropriate

29  implementation of adopted best management practices, the

30  department and the district shall institute a reevaluation of

31  the best management practices.


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 1         3.  The provisions of subparagraphs 1. and 2. shall not

 2  preclude the department or the district from requiring

 3  compliance with water quality standards or with current best

 4  management practices requirements set forth in any applicable

 5  regulatory program authorized by law for the purpose of

 6  protecting water quality. Additionally, subparagraphs 1. and

 7  2. are applicable only to the extent that they do not conflict

 8  with any rules promulgated by the department that are

 9  necessary to maintain a federally delegated or approved

10  program.

11         4.  Projects which reduce the phosphorus load

12  originating from domestic wastewater systems within the Lake

13  Okeechobee watershed shall be given funding priority in the

14  department's revolving loan program under s. 403.1835. The

15  department shall coordinate and provide assistance to those

16  local governments seeking financial assistance for such

17  priority projects.

18         5.  Projects that make use of private lands, or lands

19  held in trust for Indian tribes, to reduce nutrient loadings

20  or concentrations within a basin by one or more of the

21  following methods: restoring the natural hydrology of the

22  basin, restoring wildlife habitat or impacted wetlands,

23  reducing peak flows after storm events, increasing aquifer

24  recharge, or protecting range and timberland from conversion

25  to development, are eligible for grants available under this

26  section from the coordinating agencies. For projects of

27  otherwise equal priority, special funding priority will be

28  given to those projects that make best use of the methods

29  outlined above that involve public-private partnerships or

30  that obtain federal match money. Preference ranking above the

31  special funding priority will be given to projects located in


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 1  a rural area of critical economic concern designated by the

 2  Governor. Grant applications may be submitted by any person or

 3  tribal entity, and eligible projects may include, but are not

 4  limited to, the purchase of conservation and flowage

 5  easements, hydrologic restoration of wetlands, creating

 6  treatment wetlands, development of a management plan for

 7  natural resources, and financial support to implement a

 8  management plan.

 9         6.a.  The department shall require all entities

10  disposing of domestic wastewater residuals within the Lake

11  Okeechobee watershed and the remaining areas of Okeechobee,

12  Glades, and Hendry Counties to develop and submit to the

13  department an agricultural use plan that limits applications

14  based upon phosphorus loading. By July 1, 2005, phosphorus

15  concentrations originating from these application sites shall

16  not exceed the limits established in the district's WOD

17  program.

18         b.  Private and government-owned utilities within

19  Monroe, Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian

20  River, Okeechobee, Highlands, Hendry, and Glades Counties that

21  dispose of wastewater residual sludge from utility operations

22  and septic removal by land spreading in the Lake Okeechobee

23  watershed may use a line item on local sewer rates to cover

24  wastewater residual treatment and disposal if such disposal

25  and treatment is done by approved alternative treatment

26  methodology at a facility located within the areas designated

27  by the Governor as rural areas of critical economic concern

28  pursuant to s. 288.0656. This additional line item is an

29  environmental protection disposal fee above the present sewer

30  rate and shall not be considered a part of the present sewer

31  rate to customers, notwithstanding provisions to the contrary


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 1  in chapter 367. The fee shall be established by the county

 2  commission or its designated assignee in the county in which

 3  the alternative method treatment facility is located. The fee

 4  shall be calculated to be no higher than that necessary to

 5  recover the facility's prudent cost of providing the service.

 6  Upon request by an affected county commission, the Florida

 7  Public Service Commission will provide assistance in

 8  establishing the fee. Further, for utilities and utility

 9  authorities that use the additional line item environmental

10  protection disposal fee, such fee shall not be considered a

11  rate increase under the rules of the Public Service Commission

12  and shall be exempt from such rules. Utilities using the

13  provisions of this section may immediately include in their

14  sewer invoicing the new environmental protection disposal fee.

15  Proceeds from this environmental protection disposal fee shall

16  be used for treatment and disposal of wastewater residuals,

17  including any treatment technology that helps reduce the

18  volume of residuals that require final disposal, but such

19  proceeds shall not be used for transportation or shipment

20  costs for disposal or any costs relating to the land

21  application of residuals in the Lake Okeechobee watershed.

22         c.  No less frequently than once every 3 years, the

23  Florida Public Service Commission or the county commission

24  through the services of an independent auditor shall perform a

25  financial audit of all facilities receiving compensation from

26  an environmental protection disposal fee. The Florida Public

27  Service Commission or the county commission through the

28  services of an independent auditor shall also perform an audit

29  of the methodology used in establishing the environmental

30  protection disposal fee. The Florida Public Service Commission

31  or the county commission shall, within 120 days after


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 1  completion of an audit, file the audit report with the

 2  President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

 3  Representatives and shall provide copies to the county

 4  commissions of the counties set forth in sub-subparagraph b.

 5  The books and records of any facilities receiving compensation

 6  from an environmental protection disposal fee shall be open to

 7  the Florida Public Service Commission and the Auditor General

 8  for review upon request.

 9         7.  The Department of Health shall require all entities

10  disposing of septage within the Lake Okeechobee watershed and

11  the remaining areas of Okeechobee, Glades, and Hendry Counties

12  to develop and submit to that agency an agricultural use plan

13  that limits applications based upon phosphorus loading. By

14  July 1, 2005, phosphorus concentrations originating from these

15  application sites shall not exceed the limits established in

16  the district's WOD program.

17         8.  The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

18  shall initiate rulemaking requiring entities within the Lake

19  Okeechobee watershed and the remaining areas of Okeechobee,

20  Glades, and Hendry Counties which land-apply animal manure to

21  develop conservation or nutrient management plans that limit

22  application, based upon phosphorus loading. Such rules may

23  include criteria and thresholds for the requirement to develop

24  a conservation or nutrient management plan, requirements for

25  plan approval, and recordkeeping requirements.

26         9.  Prior to authorizing a discharge into works of the

27  district, the district shall require responsible parties to

28  demonstrate that proposed changes in land use will not result

29  in increased phosphorus loading over that of existing land

30  uses.



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 1         10.  The district, the department, or the Department of

 2  Agriculture and Consumer Services, as appropriate, shall

 3  implement those alternative nutrient reduction technologies

 4  determined to be feasible pursuant to subparagraph (d)6.

 5         (d)  Lake Okeechobee Research and Water Quality

 6  Monitoring Program.--The district, in cooperation with the

 7  other coordinating agencies, shall establish a Lake Okeechobee

 8  Research and Water Quality Monitoring Program that builds upon

 9  the district's existing Lake Okeechobee research program. The

10  program shall:

11         1.  Evaluate all available existing water quality data

12  concerning total phosphorus in the Lake Okeechobee watershed,

13  develop a water quality baseline to represent existing

14  conditions for total phosphorus, monitor long-term ecological

15  changes, including water quality for total phosphorus, and

16  measure compliance with water quality standards for total

17  phosphorus, including the total maximum daily load for Lake

18  Okeechobee as established pursuant to s. 403.067. The district

19  shall also implement a total phosphorus monitoring program at

20  all inflow structures to Lake Okeechobee.

21         2.  Develop a Lake Okeechobee water quality model that

22  reasonably represents phosphorus dynamics of the lake and

23  incorporates an uncertainty analysis associated with model

24  predictions.

25         3.  Determine the relative contribution of phosphorus

26  from all identifiable sources and all primary and secondary

27  land uses.

28         4.  Conduct an assessment of the sources of phosphorus

29  from the Upper Kissimmee chain-of-lakes and Lake Istokpoga,

30  and their relative contribution to the water quality of Lake

31  Okeechobee. The results of this assessment shall be used by


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 1  the coordinating agencies to develop interim measures, best

 2  management practices, or regulation, as applicable.

 3         5.  Assess current water management practices within

 4  the Lake Okeechobee watershed and develop recommendations for

 5  structural and operational improvements. Such recommendations

 6  shall balance water supply, flood control, estuarine salinity,

 7  maintenance of a healthy lake littoral zone, and water quality

 8  considerations.

 9         6.  Evaluate the feasibility of alternative nutrient

10  reduction technologies, including sediment traps, canal and

11  ditch maintenance, fish production or other aquaculture,

12  bioenergy conversion processes, and algal or other biological

13  treatment technologies.

14         (e)  Lake Okeechobee Exotic Species Control

15  Program.--The coordinating agencies shall identify the exotic

16  species that threaten the native flora and fauna within the

17  Lake Okeechobee watershed and develop and implement measures

18  to protect the native flora and fauna.

19         (f)  Lake Okeechobee Internal Phosphorus Management

20  Program.--The district, in cooperation with the other

21  coordinating agencies and interested parties, shall complete a

22  Lake Okeechobee internal phosphorus load removal feasibility

23  study. The feasibility study shall be based on technical

24  feasibility, as well as economic considerations, and address

25  all reasonable methods of phosphorus removal. If methods are

26  found to be feasible, the district shall immediately pursue

27  the design, funding, and permitting for implementing such

28  methods.

29         (g)  Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan

30  implementation.--The coordinating agencies shall be jointly

31  responsible for implementing the Lake Okeechobee Protection


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 1  Plan, consistent with the statutory authority and

 2  responsibility of each agency. Annual funding priorities shall

 3  be jointly established, and the highest priority shall be

 4  assigned to programs and projects that address phosphorus

 5  sources that have the highest relative contribution to

 6  phosphorus loading and the greatest potential for phosphorus

 7  reduction. In determining funding priorities, the coordinating

 8  agencies shall also consider the need for regulatory

 9  compliance, the extent to which the program or project is

10  ready to proceed, and the availability of federal matching

11  funds or other nonstate funding, including public-private

12  partnerships. Federal and other nonstate funding shall be

13  maximized to the greatest extent practicable.

14         (h)  Annual progress report.--Each March 1, beginning

15  in 2006, the district shall report on implementation of this

16  section as part of the consolidated annual report required in

17  s. 373.036(7). The annual report shall include a summary of

18  water quality and habitat conditions in Lake Okeechobee and

19  the Lake Okeechobee watershed and the status of the Lake

20  Okeechobee Construction Project. The district shall prepare

21  the report in cooperation with the other coordinating

22  agencies.


24         (a)  The Legislature finds that the Lake Okeechobee

25  Protection Program will benefit Lake Okeechobee and downstream

26  receiving waters and is consistent with the public interest.

27  The Lake Okeechobee Construction Project and structures

28  discharging into or from Lake Okeechobee shall be constructed,

29  operated, and maintained in accordance with this section.

30         (b)  Permits obtained pursuant to this section are in

31  lieu of all other permits under this chapter or chapter 403,


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 1  except those issued under s. 403.0885, if applicable. No

 2  additional permits are required for the Lake Okeechobee

 3  Construction Project or structures discharging into or from

 4  Lake Okeechobee, if permitted under this section. Construction

 5  activities related to implementation of the Lake Okeechobee

 6  Construction Project may be initiated prior to final agency

 7  action, or notice of intended agency action, on any permit

 8  from the department under this section.

 9         (c)  Within 90 days of completion of the diversion

10  plans set forth in Department Consent Orders 91-0694, 91-0707,

11  91-0706, 91-0705, and RT50-205564, owners or operators of

12  existing structures which discharge into or from Lake

13  Okeechobee that are subject to the provisions of s.

14  373.4592(4)(a) shall apply for a permit from the department to

15  operate and maintain such structures. By September 1, 2000,

16  owners or operators of all other existing structures which

17  discharge into or from Lake Okeechobee shall apply for a

18  permit from the department to operate and maintain such

19  structures. The department shall issue one or more such

20  permits for a term of 5 years upon the demonstration of

21  reasonable assurance that schedules and strategies to achieve

22  and maintain compliance with water quality standards have been

23  provided for, to the maximum extent practicable, and that

24  operation of the structures otherwise complies with provisions

25  of ss. 373.413 and 373.416.

26         1.  Permits issued under this paragraph shall also

27  contain reasonable conditions to ensure that discharges of

28  waters through structures:

29         a.  Are adequately and accurately monitored;

30         b.  Will not degrade existing Lake Okeechobee water

31  quality and will result in an overall reduction of phosphorus


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 1  input into Lake Okeechobee, as set forth in the district's

 2  Technical Publication 81-2 and the total maximum daily load

 3  established in accordance with s. 403.067, to the maximum

 4  extent practicable; and

 5         c.  Do not pose a serious danger to public health,

 6  safety, or welfare.

 7         2.  For the purposes of this paragraph, owners and

 8  operators of existing structures which are subject to the

 9  provisions of s. 373.4592(4)(a) and which discharge into or

10  from Lake Okeechobee shall be deemed in compliance with the

11  term "maximum extent practicable" if they are in full

12  compliance with the conditions of permits under chapters

13  40E-61 and 40E-63, Florida Administrative Code.

14         3.  By January 1, 2004, the district shall submit to

15  the department a permit modification to the Lake Okeechobee

16  structure permits to incorporate proposed changes necessary to

17  ensure that discharges through the structures covered by this

18  permit achieve state water quality standards, including the

19  total maximum daily load established in accordance with s.

20  403.067. These changes shall be designed to achieve such

21  compliance with state water quality standards no later than

22  January 1, 2015.

23         (d)  The department shall require permits for Lake

24  Okeechobee Construction Project facilities. However, projects

25  identified in sub-subparagraph (3)(b)1.b. that qualify as

26  exempt pursuant to s. 373.406 shall not need permits under

27  this section. Such permits shall be issued for a term of 5

28  years upon the demonstration of reasonable assurances that:

29         1.  The Lake Okeechobee Construction Project facility,

30  based upon the conceptual design documents and any subsequent

31  detailed design documents developed by the district, will


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 1  achieve the design objectives for phosphorus required in

 2  paragraph (3)(b);

 3         2.  For water quality standards other than phosphorus,

 4  the quality of water discharged from the facility is of equal

 5  or better quality than the inflows;

 6         3.  Discharges from the facility do not pose a serious

 7  danger to public health, safety, or welfare; and

 8         4.  Any impacts on wetlands or state-listed species

 9  resulting from implementation of that facility of the Lake

10  Okeechobee Construction Project are minimized and mitigated,

11  as appropriate.

12         (e)  At least 60 days prior to the expiration of any

13  permit issued under this section, the permittee may apply for

14  a renewal thereof for a period of 5 years.

15         (f)  Permits issued under this section may include any

16  standard conditions provided by department rule which are

17  appropriate and consistent with this section.

18         (g)  Permits issued pursuant to this section may be

19  modified, as appropriate, upon review and approval by the

20  department.


22  PROTECTION PROGRAM.--A protection program for the estuaries

23  shall be developed and implemented as specified in this

24  subsection. The program shall address the reduction of

25  pollutant loadings to the estuaries, restoration of natural

26  hydrology, and compliance with applicable state water quality

27  standards. The program shall be achieved through a phased

28  program of implementation. In addition, pollutant load

29  reductions based upon adopted total maximum daily loads

30  established in accordance with s. 403.067 shall serve as a

31  program objective. In the development and administration of


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 1  the program, the coordinating agencies shall maximize

 2  opportunities provided by federal and local government

 3  cost-sharing programs and opportunities for partnerships with

 4  the private sector and local government. The department is

 5  directed to develop and adopt total maximum daily loads for

 6  the estuaries. The department is further directed to develop

 7  and adopt numeric standards for those state water quality

 8  parameters that contribute to degradation of estuarine water

 9  quality and habitat.

10         (a)  Estuary Protection Plan.--No later than January, 1

11  2009, the district, in cooperation with the other coordinating

12  agencies, Martin and Lee Counties, and other affected local

13  governments, shall complete an Estuary Protection Plan in

14  accordance with this subsection. The plan shall contain an

15  implementation schedule for pollutant load reductions

16  consistent with any adopted total maximum daily loads and

17  compliance with applicable state water quality standards. The

18  plan shall develop, consider, and build upon a review and

19  analysis of the following:

20         1.  Relevant information resulting from the Estuary

21  Watershed Pollutant Control Program developed pursuant to this

22  subsection.

23         2.  Relevant information resulting from the Estuary

24  Research, Water Quality, and Habitat Monitoring Program

25  developed pursuant to this subsection.


27  Data analysis shall include the creation of appropriate

28  hydraulic and water quality models that shall be updated as

29  new information is collected. These models shall be used to

30  develop design objectives for the Estuary Construction Project

31  and improvement of estuarine water quality and habitat.


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 1         (b)  Estuary Construction Project.--To improve the

 2  hydrology, water quality, and habitats within the estuaries,

 3  the district shall, no later than January 1, 2012, plan,

 4  design, and construct the initial phase of estuary

 5  construction projects. In doing so, the district shall:

 6         1.  Develop and designate the Estuary Construction

 7  Project facilities to be constructed to achieve stated goals

 8  and objectives of the Estuary Protection Plan.

 9         2.  Identify the size and location of all such Estuary

10  Construction Project facilities.

11         3.  Provide a construction schedule for all such

12  Estuary Construction Project facilities, including the

13  sequencing and specific timeframe for construction of each

14  Estuary Construction Project facility.

15         4.  Provide a schedule for the acquisition of lands or

16  sufficient interests necessary to achieve the construction

17  schedule.

18         5.  Provide a schedule of costs and benefits associated

19  with each construction project and identify funding sources.


21  To ensure the timely implementation to the Estuary

22  Construction Project, the design of project facilities shall

23  be coordinated with the department, Lee and Martin Counties,

24  other interested parties, and other affected local

25  governments.

26         (c)  Estuary Watershed Pollutant Control Program.--The

27  Estuary Watershed Pollutant Control Program is designed to be

28  a multifaceted approach to reducing pollutant loads by

29  improving the management of pollutant sources within the

30  estuary watersheds through continued implementation of

31  existing regulations and best management practices,


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 1  development and implementation of improved best management

 2  practices, improvement and restoration of the hydrologic

 3  function of natural and managed systems, and utilization of

 4  alternative technologies for pollutant reduction. The

 5  coordinating agencies shall facilitate the utilization of

 6  federal programs that offer opportunities for water quality

 7  treatment, including preservation, restoration, or creation of

 8  wetlands on agricultural lands.

 9         1.  Nonpoint source best management practices, designed

10  to achieve the objectives of the Estuary Protection Program,

11  shall be implemented on an expedited basis. The coordinating

12  agencies shall develop an intergovernmental agreement that

13  ensures the development of best management practices that

14  complement existing regulatory programs and specifies how such

15  best management practices are implemented and verified. The

16  coordinating agencies may enter into intergovernmental

17  agreements with local governments. The coordinating agencies

18  shall develop an intergovernmental agreement with Lee County

19  or Martin County or both counties to implement this subsection

20  within their respective geographic boundaries.

21         2.  The district or department shall conduct monitoring

22  at representative sites as selected by scientific and

23  statistical methods to verify the effectiveness of nonpoint

24  source best management practices.

25         3.  Where water quality problems are detected for

26  nonpoint sources, despite the appropriate implementation of

27  adopted best management practices, the department or

28  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, as

29  appropriate, pursuant to s.403.067, in consultation with the

30  other coordinating agencies and affected parties, shall



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 1  institute a reevaluation of the best management practices and

 2  adopt by rule more effective best management practices.

 3         4.  Nothing in this subsection precludes the department

 4  or the district from requiring compliance with water quality

 5  standards, adopted total maximum daily loads, or current best

 6  management practices requirements set forth in any applicable

 7  regulatory program authorized by law for the purpose of

 8  protecting water quality. This subsection is applicable only

 9  to the extent that it does do not conflict with any rules

10  promulgated by the department or district that are necessary

11  to maintain a federally delegated or approved program.

12         5.  Projects that make use of private lands, or lands

13  held in trust for Indian tribes, to reduce pollutant loadings

14  or concentrations within a basin, or that reduce the volume of

15  harmful discharges from Lake Okeechobee or the estuary

16  watersheds, by one or more of the following methods: restoring

17  the natural hydrology of the basin, restoring wildlife habitat

18  or impacted wetlands, reducing peak flows after storm events,

19  or increasing aquifer recharge, are eligible for grants

20  available under this section from the coordinating agencies.

21  In addition, special funding priority will be given to

22  projects that obtain federal or local government match money.

23  Preference ranking above the special funding priority shall be

24  given to projects located in a rural area of critical economic

25  concern designated by the Governor. Grant applications may be

26  submitted by any person or tribal entity, and eligible

27  projects may include, but are not limited to, the purchase of

28  conservation and flowage easements, hydrologic restoration of

29  wetlands, creation of treatment wetlands, development of a

30  management plan for natural resources, and financial support

31  to implement the management plan.


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 1         6.  Prior to authorizing a discharge into the

 2  estuaries, the district shall require responsible parties to

 3  demonstrate that proposed changes in land use will not result

 4  in increased pollutant loading and increased runoff volume

 5  over that of existing land uses.

 6         (d)  Estuary Research, Water Quality, and Habitat

 7  Monitoring Program.--The district, in cooperation with the

 8  other coordinating agencies and other local governments, shall

 9  establish an Estuary Research, Water Quality, and Habitat

10  Monitoring Program that builds upon the district's existing

11  research program. The program shall:

12         1.  Evaluate all available existing water quality data

13  concerning total pollutants in the estuaries' watersheds,

14  develop a water quality baseline to represent existing

15  conditions, and measure compliance with water quality

16  standards, achievement of salinity targets, and total maximum

17  daily loads for the estuaries. The district shall also

18  implement pollutant monitoring programs at representative

19  sites as selected by scientific and statistical methods to

20  quantify inflows to the estuaries.

21         2.  Develop and improve estuary water quality models

22  that reasonably represent the dynamics of the estuaries and

23  incorporate an uncertainty analysis associated with model

24  predictions.

25         3.  Determine the relative contribution of pollutants

26  and runoff from all major sources.

27         4.  Evaluate all available estuarine research, habitat

28  monitoring data, and restoration data, develop a habitat

29  baseline to represent existing and desired future conditions,

30  and measure success in enhancing habitat values.



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 1         5.  Conduct an assessment of the water volumes and

 2  timing from the upstream Lake Okeechobee watershed, including

 3  the Kissimmee chain-of-lakes and Lake Istokpoga and its

 4  watershed and the lower portion of the Lake Okeechobee

 5  watershed, and their relative contribution to the water level

 6  changes in Lake Okeechobee. The results of this assessment

 7  shall be used by the coordinating agencies to develop

 8  operational and structural measures or regulations, as

 9  applicable, to benefit the estuaries.

10         6.  Assess current water management practices within

11  the estuary watersheds and develop recommendations for

12  structural, nonstructural, and operational improvements. Such

13  recommendations shall consider and balance water supply, flood

14  control, estuarine salinity, estuarine habitat, and water

15  quality considerations.

16         (e)  Estuary Protection Plan implementation.--The

17  coordinating agencies shall be jointly responsible for

18  implementing the Estuary Protection Plan, consistent with the

19  statutory authority and responsibility of each agency. Annual

20  funding priorities shall be jointly established, and the

21  highest priority shall be assigned to programs and projects

22  that have the greatest potential for achieving the goals and

23  objectives of the plan. In determining funding priorities, the

24  coordinating agencies shall also consider the need for

25  regulatory compliance, the extent to which the program or

26  project is ready to proceed, and the availability of federal

27  or local government matching funds. Federal and other nonstate

28  funding shall be maximized to the greatest extent practicable.

29         (f)  Evaluation.--By March 1, 2012, and every 3 years

30  thereafter, the district, in cooperation with the coordinating

31  agencies, shall conduct an evaluation of any pollutant load


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 1  reduction goals, or other goals, as stated in the Estuary

 2  Protection Plan. Additionally, the district shall identify

 3  modifications to facilities of the Estuary Construction

 4  Project, as appropriate, or any other elements of the Estuary

 5  Protection Plan. The evaluation shall be included in the

 6  annual progress report submitted pursuant to subsection (7).

 7         (g)  Estuary protection permits.--

 8         1.  The Legislature finds that the Estuary Protection

 9  Program will benefit the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie

10  estuaries and is consistent with the public interest.

11         2.  Permits obtained pursuant to this subsection are in

12  lieu of all other permits under this chapter or chapter 403,

13  except those issued under s. 403.0885, if applicable. No

14  additional permits are required for the Estuary Construction

15  Project, if permitted under this subsection.

16         3.  The department shall issue one or more such permits

17  for a term of 5 years upon the demonstration of reasonable

18  assurance that schedules and strategies to achieve and

19  maintain stated goals of the Estuary Protection Plan have been

20  provided for, to the maximum extent practicable, and that

21  operation of the projects otherwise complies with provisions

22  of ss. 373.413 and 373.416.

23         4.  Permits issued under this paragraph shall also

24  contain reasonable conditions to ensure that discharges of

25  waters through structures:

26         a.  Are adequately and accurately monitored;

27         b.  Will not degrade existing estuary water quality and

28  will result in an overall reduction of pollutant inputs into

29  the estuary and the total maximum daily load established in

30  accordance with s. 403.067, to the maximum extent practicable;

31  and


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 1         c.  Do not pose a serious danger to public health,

 2  safety, or welfare.

 3         5.  The district shall submit to the department a

 4  permit modification to the Estuary Construction Plan permits

 5  to incorporate proposed changes necessary to ensure that

 6  discharges from the projects covered by this permit achieve

 7  state water quality standards, including the total maximum

 8  daily loads established in accordance with s. 403.067.

 9         6.  Such permits shall be issued for a term of 5 years

10  upon the demonstration of reasonable assurances that:

11         a.  The Estuary Construction Project facility, based

12  upon the conceptual design documents and any subsequent

13  detailed design documents developed by the district, will

14  achieve the design objectives establish pursuant to this

15  subsection;

16         b.  For water quality standards, the quality of water

17  discharged from the facility is of equal or better quality

18  than the inflows;

19         c.  Discharges from the facility do not pose a serious

20  danger to public health, safety, or welfare; and

21         d.  Any impacts on wetlands or state-listed species

22  resulting from implementation of that facility of the Estuary

23  Construction Project are minimized and mitigated, as

24  appropriate.

25         7.  At least 60 days prior to the expiration of any

26  permit issued under this subsection, the permittee may apply

27  for renewal of the permit for a period of 5 years.

28         8.  Permits issued under this subsection may include

29  any standard conditions provided by department rule which are

30  appropriate and consistent with this subsection.



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 1         9.  Permits issued pursuant to this subsection may be

 2  modified, as appropriate, upon review and approval by the

 3  department.

 4         (6)(5)  RESTRICTIONS ON WATER DIVERSIONS.--The South

 5  Florida Water Management District shall not divert waters to

 6  the St. Lucie River, the Indian River estuary, the

 7  Caloosahatchee River or its estuary, or the Everglades

 8  National Park, in such a way that the state water quality

 9  standards are violated, that the nutrients in such diverted

10  waters adversely affect indigenous vegetation communities or

11  wildlife, or that fresh waters diverted to the St. Lucie River

12  or the Caloosahatchee or Indian River estuaries adversely

13  affect the estuarine vegetation or wildlife, unless the

14  receiving waters will biologically benefit by the diversion.

15  However, diversion is permitted when an emergency is declared

16  by the water management district, if the Secretary of

17  Environmental Protection concurs.

18         (7)  ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT.--The district shall report

19  on implementation of this section as part of the consolidated

20  annual report required in s. 373.036(7). The annual report

21  shall include:

22         (a)  A summary of water quality and habitat conditions

23  in Lake Okeechobee, the Lake Okeechobee watershed, and the

24  status of the Lake Okeechobee Construction Project.

25         (b)  A summary of water quality and habitat conditions

26  in the estuaries and the estuary watersheds and the status of

27  the Estuary Construction Project.


29  The district shall prepare the report in cooperation with the

30  other coordinating agencies as well as affected local

31  governments.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 1474
    37-1168-07                                          See HB 535


 2  EVERGLADES.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to

 3  modify any provision of s. 373.4592.

 4         (9)(7)  RIGHTS OF SEMINOLE TRIBE OF FLORIDA.--Nothing

 5  in this section is intended to diminish or alter the

 6  governmental authority and powers of the Seminole Tribe of

 7  Florida, or diminish or alter the rights of that tribe,

 8  including, but not limited to, rights under the water rights

 9  compact among the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the state, and

10  the South Florida Water Management District as enacted by Pub.

11  L. No. 100-228, 101 Stat. 1556, and chapter 87-292, Laws of

12  Florida, and codified in s. 285.165, and rights under any

13  other agreement between the Seminole Tribe of Florida and the

14  state or its agencies. No land of the Seminole Tribe of

15  Florida shall be used for water storage or stormwater

16  treatment without the consent of the tribe.


18  STANDARDS.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to

19  modify any existing state water quality standard.

20         (11)(9)  PRESERVATION OF AUTHORITY.--Nothing in this

21  section shall be construed to restrict the authority otherwise

22  granted to agencies pursuant to chapters 373 and 403, and

23  provisions of this section shall be deemed supplemental to the

24  authority granted to agencies pursuant to chapters 373 and

25  403.

26         Section 2.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (7) of section

27  373.036, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         373.036  Florida water plan; district water management

29  plans.--


31  REPORT.--


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 1474
    37-1168-07                                          See HB 535

 1         (e)  In addition to the elements specified in paragraph

 2  (b), the South Florida Water Management District shall include

 3  in the consolidated annual report the following elements:

 4         1.  The Lake Okeechobee Protection Program annual

 5  progress report required by s. 373.4595(7)(3)(g).

 6         2.  The Everglades annual progress reports specified in

 7  s. 373.4592(4)(d)5., (13), and (14).

 8         3.  The Everglades restoration annual report required

 9  by s. 373.470(7).

10         4.  The Everglades Forever Act annual implementation

11  report required by s. 11.80(4).

12         5.  The Everglades Trust Fund annual expenditure report

13  required by s. 373.45926(3).

14         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.



















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.