1 | Representative Aubuchon offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment to Amendment (875775) (with title amendment) |
4 | Between lines 65 and 66, insert: |
5 | Section 3. Paragraph (c) of subsection (9) of section |
6 | 287.055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
7 | 287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, |
8 | engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping |
9 | services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; |
10 | penalties.-- |
12 | (c) Except as otherwise provided in s. 337.11(7), the |
13 | Department of Management Services shall adopt rules for the |
14 | award of design-build contracts to be followed by state |
15 | agencies. Each other agency must adopt rules or ordinances for |
16 | the award of design-build contracts. Municipalities, political |
17 | subdivisions, school districts, and school boards shall award |
18 | design-build contracts by the use of a competitive proposal |
19 | selection process as described in this subsection, or by the use |
20 | of a qualifications-based selection process pursuant to |
21 | subsections (3), (4), and (5) for entering into a contract |
22 | whereby the selected firm will, subsequent to competitive |
23 | negotiations, subsequently establish a guaranteed maximum price |
24 | and guaranteed completion date. If the procuring agency elects |
25 | the option of qualifications-based selection, during the |
26 | selection of the design-build firm the procuring agency shall |
27 | employ or retain a licensed design professional appropriate to |
28 | the project to serve as the agency's representative. Procedures |
29 | for the use of a competitive proposal selection process must |
30 | include as a minimum the following: |
31 | 1. The preparation of a design criteria package for the |
32 | design and construction of the public construction project. |
33 | 2. The qualification and selection of no fewer than three |
34 | design-build firms as the most qualified, based on the |
35 | qualifications, availability, and past work of the firms, |
36 | including the partners or members thereof. |
37 | 3. The criteria, procedures, and standards for the |
38 | evaluation of design-build contract proposals or bids, based on |
39 | price, technical, and design aspects of the public construction |
40 | project, weighted for the project. |
41 | 4. The solicitation of competitive proposals, pursuant to |
42 | a design criteria package, from those qualified design-build |
43 | firms and the evaluation of the responses or bids submitted by |
44 | those firms based on the evaluation criteria and procedures |
45 | established prior to the solicitation of competitive proposals. |
46 | 5. For consultation with the employed or retained design |
47 | criteria professional concerning the evaluation of the responses |
48 | or bids submitted by the design-build firms, the supervision or |
49 | approval by the agency of the detailed working drawings of the |
50 | project; and for evaluation of the compliance of the project |
51 | construction with the design criteria package by the design |
52 | criteria professional. |
53 | 6. In the case of public emergencies, for the agency head |
54 | to declare an emergency and authorize negotiations with the best |
55 | qualified design-build firm available at that time. |
56 |
57 | ======== T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ======== |
58 | Remove line 73 and insert: |
59 | providing construction; amending s. 287.055, F.S.; requiring |
60 | firms awarded certain design-build contracts to, subsequent to |
61 | competitive negotiations, establish a guaranteed maximum price |
62 | and guaranteed completion date; |