Senate Bill sb1506
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SM 1506
By Senator Peaden
1 Senate Memorial
2 A memorial to the Congress of the United
3 States, urging Congress to timely reauthorize
4 the State Children Health Insurance Program to
5 assure federal funding for the Florida KidCare
6 Program.
8 WHEREAS, the Senate of the State of Florida recognizes
9 the health of the state's children to be of paramount
10 importance to families in this state, and
11 WHEREAS, the Senate of the State of Florida regards
12 poor child health as a threat to the educational achievement
13 and the social and psychological well-being of the children of
14 this state, and
15 WHEREAS, the Senate of the State of Florida considers
16 protecting the health of its children to be essential to the
17 well-being of the youngest citizens and the quality of life in
18 this state, and
19 WHEREAS, the Senate considers the Florida KidCare
20 Program, which was created in 1998 and currently has 202,214
21 children enrolled, to be an integral part of the arrangements
22 for health benefits for the children of the State of Florida,
23 and
24 WHEREAS, the Senate recognizes the value of the Florida
25 KidCare Program in preserving child wellness, preventing and
26 treating childhood disease, improving health outcomes, and
27 reducing overall health costs, and
28 WHEREAS, the Senate of the State of Florida considers
29 the federal funding available for the Florida KidCare Program
30 to be indispensable to providing health benefits for children
31 of modest means, NOW, THEREFORE,
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SM 1506
1 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
3 That the Florida Senate urges the United States
4 Congress to timely reauthorize the State Children Health
5 Insurance Program (SCHIP) to ensure federal funding for the
6 Florida KidCare Program.
7 That the Florida Senate urges the Governor to use his
8 best efforts to work with the Florida delegation to the United
9 States Congress to ensure that SCHIP is reauthorized in a
10 timely manner.
11 That the Florida Senate recognize's that all components
12 of state government should work together with educators,
13 health care providers, social workers, and parents to ensure
14 that all available public and private assistance for providing
15 health benefits to uninsured children in this state is used to
16 the maximum extent possible.
17 That the Florida Senate urges the Governor to use his
18 best efforts to provide meaningful assistance to help identify
19 and enroll children who qualify for Medicaid or the Florida
20 KidCare Program.
21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be
22 dispatched to the President of the United States, to the
23 President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the
24 United States House of Representatives, and to each member of
25 the Florida delegation to the United States Congress.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.