CS/HB 1577

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to Brevard County; authorizing Brevard
3County to cap, through a provision in its charter, the
4annual growth in ad valorem tax revenue; providing for
5exceptions to the limitation; requiring a referendum;
6providing a ballot statement; providing a definition;
7providing an effective date.
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  Brevard County may cap, through a provision in
12its charter, the annual growth in ad valorem tax revenues. Any
13such cap may not restrict the annual growth at a rate below the
14lesser of 3 percent or the percentage change in the Consumer
15Price Index as provided in section 193.155(1)(b), Florida
16Statutes. Any such cap specified in a county charter must allow
17for the cap to be overcome by a finding of necessity due to
18emergency or critical need by a super majority vote of the
19county commission. In applying the increase or growth cap, the
20county shall compute a millage rate that, exclusive of new
21construction, additions to structures, deletions, increases in
22the value of improvements that have undergone a substantial
23rehabilitation which increased the assessed value of such
24improvements by at least 100 percent, and property added due to
25geographic boundary changes, will provide the same ad valorem
26tax revenue for each taxing authority as was levied during the
27prior year. It is the rate that shall be subject to any cap in
28growth or increase in ad valorem revenues established by county
30Section 2.  (1)  In conjunction with the next countywide
31election held in Brevard County, and in accordance with the
32general laws governing elections, the Brevard County Supervisor
33of Elections shall conduct a referendum of qualified electors of
34the county for the purpose of posing the following question:
36Shall Brevard County be authorized to cap, through a provision
37in its charter, the annual growth in ad valorem tax revenue?
38     ___Yes
39     ___No
40     (2)  "Qualified elector" means a person who is registered
41to vote in a general election held in Brevard County.
42     Section 3.  This act shall take effect only upon its
43approval by a majority vote of those qualified electors of
44Brevard County voting in a referendum held in accordance with
45section 2, except that this section and section 2 shall take
46effect upon this act becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.