HB 1579

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the North Okaloosa Fire District,
3Okaloosa County; chapter 2001-333, Laws of Florida;
4authorizing the elected board of commissioners to levy and
5assess ad valorem taxes and non-ad valorem assessments on
6all taxable property in the district; providing for
7procedures for the levy and collection of non-ad valorem
8assessments; providing for a referendum; providing an
9effective date.
11Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13     Section 1.  Sections 6 and 7 of section 2 of chapter 2001-
14333, Laws of Florida, are amended to read:
15     Section 6.  Financial matters.--
16     (1)  AD VALOREM TAXES.--The elected board of commissioners
17may levy and assess ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in
18the district to construct, operate, and maintain district
19facilities and services; to pay the principal of, and interest
20on, general obligation bonds of the district; and to provide for
21any sinking or other funds established in connection with such
22bonds. An ad valorem tax levied by the board for operating
23purposes, exclusive of debt service on bonds, may not exceed
243.75 mills. The levy of ad valorem taxes pursuant to this
25section must be approved by referendum called by the board.
26Nothing in this act shall require a referendum on the levy of ad
27valorem taxes in the amount as previously authorized by special
28act, general law of local application, or county ordinance
29approved by referendum. Such tax shall be assessed, levied, and
30collected as provided in chapter 200, Florida Statutes. The levy
31of ad valorem taxes approved by referendum shall be reported
32within 60 days after the vote to the Department of Community
34     (2)  NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS.--The elected board of
35commissioners may levy non-ad valorem assessments to provide
36funds for the purposes of the district. The rate of such
37assessments must be fixed by resolution of the board pursuant to
38the procedures contained herein. Non-ad valorem assessment rates
39set by the board may exceed the maximum rates established by
40this or any prior special act, any county ordinance, the
41previous year's resolution, or a referendum in an amount not to
42exceed the average annual growth rate in Florida personal income
43over the previous 5 years. Non-ad valorem assessment rate
44increases within the personal income threshold are deemed to be
45within the maximum rate authorized by law at the time of initial
46imposition. Proposed non-ad valorem assessment increases that
47exceed the rate set the previous fiscal year or the rate
48previously set by special act or county ordinance, whichever is
49more recent, by more than the average annual growth rate in
50Florida personal income over the last 5 years must be approved
51by referendum of the electors of the district. Non-ad valorem
52assessments shall be imposed, collected, and enforced pursuant
53to section 7. The board may levy a non-ad valorem assessment on
54taxable property within the district. The initial schedule shall
55be as follows: $10 for 5 or less acres of vacant land; an
56additional $2 per acre for each acre or portion thereof up to a
57maximum of $70 for 35 acres or more; $75 for a single-family
58residence; $94 for special commercial property; $188 for all
59other commercial property; and $250 for trailer parks from 2 to
609 units and an additional $200 for each 10 trailers or portion
61thereof. These amounts may be increased as provided by statute
62or by 3 percent per annum, whichever provides greater revenue to
63the district. If the rate increase is to be greater than the
64amount provided in the statute, the increase must be approved by
65a unanimous vote of the board. The non-ad valorem assessment
66authorized by this section shall become a lien on the property
67so assessed until paid. If the assessment lien becomes
68delinquent, it shall be subject to the same penalties, charges,
69and fees for enforcement and collection as county non-ad valorem
70assessments and shall be enforced and collected as provided by
71law, including attorney fees. The district's non-ad valorem
72assessments shall be a first lien superior in dignity to all
73other liens except liens for county ad valorem taxes. The board
74may accept gifts and donations and may carry on community
75projects for fundraising purposes. The fiscal year of the
76district shall run from October 1 until September 30 of the
77following year.
78     Section 7.  Procedures for the levy and collection of non-
79ad valorem assessments.--
80     (1)  The district may provide for the levy of non-ad
81valorem assessments under this act on the lands and real estate
82benefited by the exercise of the powers authorized by this act,
83or any part thereof, for all or any part of the cost thereof. In
84addition to the provisions set forth under this act, the
85district shall also be entitled to exercise all other rights and
86powers regarding the levy and collection of additional non-ad
87valorem assessments as provided for under chapter 191, Florida
89     (2)  The initial non-ad valorem schedule shall be as
90follows: $10.95 for 5 or less acres of vacant land, an
91additional $2.19 per acre for each acre or portion thereof up to
92a maximum of $76.65 for 35 acres or more; $82.13 for a single-
93family residence; $102.93 for special commercial property;
94$205.87 for all other commercial property; and $273.75 for
95trailer parks from 2 to 9 units and an additional $219.00 for
96each 10 trailers or portion thereof. These amounts may be
97increased as provided by general law or by 3 percent per annum,
98whichever provides greater revenue to the district. If the rate
99increase is to be greater than the amount provided in the
100general law, the increase must be approved by a unanimous vote
101of the board. The non-ad valorem assessment authorized by this
102section shall become a lien on the property so assessed until
103paid. If the assessment lien becomes delinquent, it shall be
104subject to the same penalties, charges, and fees for enforcement
105and collection as county non-ad valorem assessments and shall be
106enforced and collected as provided by law, including attorney
107fees. The district's non-ad valorem assessments shall be a first
108lien superior in dignity to all other liens except liens for
109county ad valorem taxes. The board may accept gifts and
110donations and may carry on community projects for fundraising
112     (3)  The rate of assessment shall be fixed by resolution of
113the board of commissioners each year.
114     (4)  The non-ad valorem assessment amounts as established
115under subsection (2) shall be subject to annual increases, as
116may be approved by the board of commissioners as provided for in
117section 6(2).
118     (5)  The board of commissioners may adopt by resolution the
119current tax assessment and collection roll compiled and prepared
120by the tax assessor of Okaloosa County, and may adopt a
121resolution fixing the levy on each lot or parcel of land subject
122to taxation in the district or may, at its discretion, prepare
123or cause to be prepared an assessment and collection roll
124setting forth a description of each lot or parcel of land
125subject to taxation in the district together with the amount of
126assessment fixed by resolution, each year, and deliver the roll
127to the tax assessor for collection. All assessments shall be
128made against the land subject to such assessments and the roll
129shall set forth the names of the respective owners of such
131     (6)  Any property owner in the district shall have the
132right to file a protest against the proposed assessments and the
133amount or rate thereof and to appear before the board in support
134of such protest at an open meeting or meetings that shall be
135held to hear and consider such protests and make adjustments to
136the roll.
137     (7)  Immediately after the adjustment period, the board of
138commissioners shall adopt a resolution fixing the rate of
139special assessment and shall note the amount of the levy against
140each parcel of property described in the tax roll and shall
141transmit the tax roll and a certified copy of the resolution to
142the county tax assessor each year. It shall be the duty of the
143tax collector of Okaloosa County to include in the county tax
144roll the assessments made by the board of commissioners of the
145district and to collect such assessments according to the
146assessment roll and deliver the proceeds of such collection,
147less the statutory fee, monthly to the board of commissioners,
148taking the board's receipts for such funds. The tax collector
149shall, upon delivery of such funds to the board of
150commissioners, furnish the board with a description of the lands
151for which such payments are made.
152     (8)  Such special assessments shall be a lien upon the land
153so assessed along with county taxes until paid and, if the same
154become delinquent, shall be considered a part of the county tax,
155subject to the same penalties, charges, fees, and remedies for
156enforcement and collection, and shall be enforced and collected
157as provided by law.
158     (9)  Such special assessments shall be of equal benefit to
159all property with fire protection being provided by the North
160Okaloosa Fire District pursuant to the provisions of this act.
161     (10)  The fiscal year for the district shall be from
162October 1 to September 30 of each year. Taxes; collection.--The
163Board of Fire Commissioners shall notify the Okaloosa County
164Property Appraiser annually of assessments that the board has
165imposed on each parcel of property within the district, and the
166property appraiser shall include these taxes in the notice of
167proposed property taxes and adopted non-ad valorem assessments
168for the properties within the district.
169     Section 2.  This act shall take effect only upon its
170approval by a majority vote of those qualified electors of the
171district voting in a referendum election to be called by the
172Board of Fire Commissioners of the North Okaloosa Fire District
173and to be held within 2 years after the date this section
174becomes a law, in accordance with the provisions of law relating
175to elections currently in force, except that this section shall
176take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.