Florida Senate - 2007                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for SB 1604
                        Barcode 443392
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1           Comm: RCS             .                    
       04/10/2007 01:59 PM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on Judiciary (Webster) recommended the following
12  amendment:
14         Senate Amendment 
15         In title, on page 1, line 13, through page 2, line 31,
16  delete those lines
18  and insert:
19         specified period after intake; requiring the
20         sexual predator to register in the county where
21         designated as a sexual predator; deleting
22         provisions allowing certain predators to have
23         predator designation removed after a specified
24         period; revising references to applicable
25         federal law; revising provisions relating to
26         verification of addresses; increasing frequency
27         of a reregistration requirement for a sexual
28         predator; providing specified immunity to the
29         Department of Juvenile Justice; amending s.
30         943.0435, F.S.; revising criteria for sexual
31         offender designation; providing conditions
    8:14 AM   04/10/07                              s1604.ju09.001

Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1604 Barcode 443392 1 under which juveniles are designated as sexual 2 offenders; requiring the court to make certain 3 written findings related to violations of 4 sexual offender qualifying offenses; revising 5 the definition of the term "conviction"; 6 revising reporting requirements; revising 7 references to applicable federal law; revising 8 provisions relating to verification of 9 addresses; providing specified immunity to the 10 Department of Juvenile Justice; revising 11 provisions relating to petitions to allow 12 certain offenders to remove the offender 13 designation after a specified period; 14 increasing frequency of reregistration 15 requirement for certain sexual offenders; 16 creating s. 943.04354, F.S.; allowing certain 17 sexual predators and sexual offenders to 18 petition for the removal of the registration 19 requirement; providing that a court may grant 20 the petition if certain criteria are met and 21 removal of the registration requirement will 22 not conflict with federal law; creating s. 23 943.44353, F.S.; requiring development and 24 maintenance of a system to provide automatic 25 notification of registration information 26 regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders 27 to the public; amending s. 943.0515, F.S.; 28 requiring retention of records of minors 29 adjudicated delinquent of specified sexual 30 offenses; amending s. 944.606, F.S.; revising 31 criteria for designation as a sexual offender; 2 8:14 AM 04/10/07 s1604.ju09.001
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1604 Barcode 443392 1 providing registration and notification duties 2 for a custodian of a local jail regarding 3 sexual offenders; amending s. 944.607, F.S.; 4 revising the definition of a sexual offender 5 for notification purposes; requiring a sexual 6 offender who is supervised by the Department of 7 Corrections but not incarcerated to register 8 within a specified period; providing 9 registration and notification duties for a 10 custodian of a local jail regarding sexual 11 offenders; providing specified immunity to the 12 Department of Juvenile Justice; requiring more 13 frequent reregistration for specified 14 offenders; amending s. 985.04, F.S.; providing 15 that specified sexual predator and offender 16 registration information is a public record; 17 amending s. 985.045, F.S.; conforming a 18 provision; creating s. 985.481, F.S.; providing 19 definitions; providing 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 8:14 AM 04/10/07 s1604.ju09.001