HB 1605

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Central County Water Control
3District, Hendry County; amending chapter 2000-415, Laws
4of Florida; revising election provisions for members of
5the board of supervisors; providing membership
6requirements, qualifications, and terms; providing
7election procedures; providing an effective date.
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  Section 9 of section 3 of chapter 2000-415,
12Laws of Florida, is amended to read:
13     Section 9.  Board of supervisors; membership and
14qualifications; terms; election procedures.--
15     (1)  Membership; qualifications.--There shall be five
16members of the district board. Three board members shall be
17elected by district landowners pursuant to chapter 298, Florida
18Statutes, on a one-acre, one-vote basis. Two board members shall
19be elected by qualified electors, as defined in section 97.041,
20Florida Statutes, who are residents of the district. Board
21member seats shall be numbered 1, 3, and 5 for board members
22elected pursuant to chapter 298, Florida Statutes, by
23landowners, and numbered 2 and 4 for members elected by
24qualified electors.
25     (2)  Terms.--Board members 1 and 2 shall be elected at the
26annual landowners' meeting to be held in April 2007 and shall
27hold office until the general election in November 2010. Board
28members 3 and 4 shall be elected at the general election held in
29November 2008. Board member 5, who would have been elected in
302009, shall hold office until 2010. Board member 5 shall be
31elected at the district landowners' meeting to be held in
32October 2010. Thereafter, all board members shall serve terms of
334 years from the date of election, which term shall expire 10
34days following the election of a successor supervisor.
35     (3)  Election procedures.--Following the effective date of
36this act, all landowners' meetings shall be held annually in
37October. Landowners' meetings held in October of even-numbered
38years shall elect supervisors pursuant to chapter 298, Florida
39Statutes, as specified by this act. Supervisors to be elected by
40qualified electors shall qualify and run as nonpartisan
41candidates pursuant to general law. Elections shall be conducted
42by the Hendry County Supervisor of Elections and held on the
43general election day in November of even-numbered years.
44Candidates elected by qualified electors shall be elected by a
45plurality of the vote. The number of members of the district
46board of supervisors shall be five. At each annual meeting of
47the district, two supervisors will be elected for 3-year terms,
48except that in elections held at the annual meetings in 2000 and
49every third year thereafter one supervisor will be elected for a
503-year term.
51     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.