HB 1607

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the South Walton Fire District, Walton
3County; amending chapter 2000-491, Laws of Florida;
4specifying territorial boundaries for each area of the
5district in which a commissioner elected to the board of
6fire commissioners must reside; providing an effective
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  Section 4 of chapter 2000-491, Laws of Florida,
12is amended to read:
13     Section 4.  Board of fire commissioners.--The business and
14affairs of the district shall be conducted and administered by a
15board of seven commissioners.
16     (1)  The commissioners elected for seat 1 and seat 2 must
17reside within the following described area:
19Commencing at the point of intersection of the
20Intracoastal Waterway and the East Walton County line
21for a point of beginning; thence South along the East
22lines of Sections 13, 24, 25, and 36 Township 3 South,
23Range 18 West, to the Gulf of Mexico; thence meander
24Westerly along the Gulf of Mexico to the point of
25intersection of the West line of Section 8, Township 3
26South, Range 19 West and the Gulf of Mexico; thence
27North along the West section lines of Sections 8 and
285, Township 3 South, Range 19 West and the West
29section lines of Section 32 and 29, Township 2 South,
30Range 19 West to the Choctawhatchee Bay; thence
31meander Easterly along Choctawhatchee Bay to the
32Intracoastal Waterway; thence meander Easterly along
33the Intracoastal Waterway to the Point of Beginning.
35     (2)  The commissioners elected for seat 3 and seat 4 must
36reside within the following described area:
38Commencing at the point of intersection of the West
39section line of Section 31, Township 2 South, Range 20
40West and the Gulf of Mexico; thence North along the
41West section lines of Sections 31, 30 and 19, Township
422 South, Range 20 West to Choctawhatchee Bay; thence
43meander Easterly along the Choctawhatchee Bay to the
44point of intersection with the East section line of
45Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 19 West; thence
46run South along the East section lines of Section 19,
4730 and 31, Township 2 South, Range 19 West and the
48East section lines of Section 6 and 7, Township 3
49South, Range 19 West to the point of intersection with
50the Gulf of Mexico; thence meander westerly along the
51Gulf of Mexico to the Point of Beginning.
53     (3)  The commissioners elected for seat 5 and seat 6 must
54reside within the following described area:
56Commencing at the point of intersection of the East
57line of Section 36, Township 2 South, Range 21 West
58and the Gulf of Mexico; thence North along the east
59section lines of Section 36, 25, and 24, Township 2
60South, Range 21 West to the Choctawhatchee Bay; thence
61meander Westerly along the Choctawhatchee Bay to the
62point of intersection of the West line of Walton
63County; thence run South along the West lines of
64Sections 19 and 30, Township 2 South, Range 21 West to
65the point of intersection with the Gulf of Mexico;
66thence meander Easterly along the Gulf of Mexico to
67the point of beginning.
69     (4)  The commissioner elected for seat 7 shall be elected
70at large and must reside within the district boundaries.
72Two commissioners shall be elected from each precinct in the
73district, and one commissioner shall be elected at large. Each
74member of the board must, at the time of qualifying for, and
75during the term of, office, be an elector of Walton County, a
76resident of the district, and, if elected for a specified seat
77from a precinct, a resident of the geographical boundary
78designated for that seat precinct. The board shall elect from
79its number a chairman, vice chairman, and secretary-treasurer
80annually in October. Such officers shall have the duties usually
81pertaining to like officers. Members of the board shall receive
82no compensation for their service, but they are entitled to
83reimbursement for expenses incurred in the conduct of their
84official duties. Each member of the board, before entering upon
85the duties of that office, shall execute to the Governor for the
86benefit of the district a good and sufficient bond in the sum of
87$1,000, conditioned to faithfully perform the duties of that
88office and to account for all funds of the district which come
89into his or her hands. The premium of the bond shall be paid
90from funds of the district.
91     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.