Senate Bill sb1642

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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 1642

    By Senator Fasano


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the John M. McKay

  3         Scholarships for Students with Disabilities

  4         Program; amending s. 1002.39, F.S.; authorizing

  5         a John M. McKay Scholarship to fund a

  6         home-based early intervention program for a

  7         child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder;

  8         providing program requirements; specifying uses

  9         for scholarship funds; authorizing a John M.

10         McKay Scholarship to fund certain

11         community-based services for a public school

12         student with an Autism Spectrum Disorder;

13         providing an exemption from an attendance

14         requirement; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Present subsection (13) of section 1002.39,

19  Florida Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (14) and a new

20  subsection (13) is added to that section, to read:

21         1002.39  The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students

22  with Disabilities Program.--There is established a program

23  that is separate and distinct from the Opportunity Scholarship

24  Program and is named the John M. McKay Scholarships for

25  Students with Disabilities Program.


27         (a)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this section,

28  the parent of a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder may

29  receive a John M. McKay Scholarship to fund a home-based Early

30  Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) Program for the

31  child.


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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 1642

 1         (b)  The EIBI Program must be:

 2         1.  Recommended by a physician or the Early Steps

 3  Family Support Team for EIBI as the most effective treatment

 4  option for the child.

 5         2.  Planned and regularly supervised by a person who

 6  is, at minimum, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

 7         3.  Provided in the family home with a weekly schedule

 8  of educational activities.

 9         (c)  A John M. McKay Scholarship may be used to pay for

10  or reimburse the following:

11         1.  Assessment, program planning, staff and parent

12  training, and supervision by the BCBA.

13         2.  Direct intervention with the child by the BCBA.

14         3.  Services of a person who possesses an associate

15  degree or higher and who has completed 15 hours of training in

16  the EIBI Program.

17         4.  Training manuals and books and teaching and

18  learning materials essential for establishing and maintaining

19  the EIBI Program.

20         (d)  A student with an Autism Spectrum Disorder who is

21  at least 14 but not more than 22 years of age and in the

22  public school system is eligible for a John M. McKay

23  Scholarship to pay for services provided by a community-based

24  organization for or related to career or life skills

25  preparation. Such student may not be required to have spent

26  the prior school year in attendance at a Florida public school

27  for receipt of a scholarship.

28         (e)  The term "Autism Spectrum Disorder" means one of

29  the five specific diagnoses enumerated in the DSM-IV for

30  Pervasive Developmental Disorders which are: Autistic

31  Disorder; Asperger's Disorder; Pervasive Developmental


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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 1642

 1  Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDDNOS); Childhood

 2  Disintegrative Disorder; and Rett's Disorder.

 3         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.


 5            *****************************************

 6                          SENATE SUMMARY

 7    Authorizes a John M. McKay Scholarship to fund a
      home-based early intervention program for a child with an
 8    Autism Spectrum Disorder. Provides requirements for the
      Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Program.
 9    Specifies uses for scholarship funds. Authorizes a John
      M. McKay scholarship to fund certain community-based
10    services for a public school student with an Autism
      Spectrum Disorder. Provides an exemption from an
11    attendance requirement. Provides a definition of "Autism
      Spectrum Disorder."





















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.